XRay Specs


Jun 29, 2003
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How do they work? Do they work? What's the "Deal-i-o" as you kids say?
XRay specs don't work.. but i'm pretty sure there's a camera that can see through clothes.
Ikerous said:
XRay specs don't work.. but i'm pretty sure there's a camera that can see through clothes.

And how can they sell them then?
When I saw this thread, I thought that you had used Flash or something to create a distinctive and witty outlook using an outsider's view of each of these forums with a circular, round hole that one would have to move around to view these musings while the rest of the forums remained normal until so hovered upon on.

I was sadly mistaken.
Shens said:
When I saw this thread, I thought that you had used Flash or something to create a distinctive and witty outlook using an outsider's view of each of these forums with a circular, round hole that one would have to move around to view these musings while the rest of the forums remained normal until so hovered upon on.

I was sadly mistaken.
god bless you shens.
I said that was whack cause who would want to look threw somebodys cloths unless they are perverted. And there is no use for them.
pacerzfan763 said:
I said that was whack cause who would want to look threw somebodys cloths unless they are perverted. And there is no use for them.
I do want to look through somebodys cloths (sic) if somebody is a hot woman.

EDIT: Realizing how this looks, I did not bring up the topic simply because I want to get a pair of xray specs to spy on women. This is not the case. I simply brought it up out of curiosity. That is all. Curiousity. Only curiousity.
spookymooky said:
Realizing how this looks, I did not bring up the topic simply because I want to get a pair of xray specs to spy on women. This is not the case. I simply brought it up out of curiosity. That is all. Curiousity. Only curiousity.
So when you build a pair, you're going to make a tutorial, right?
Ikerous said:
So when you build a pair, you're going to make a tutorial, right?

Should be easy:

Break into hospital, steal xray machine and film, run away.

Break xray machine appart and reassemble into sylish headgear so that the machine lies on your face, while the film lies on the other side of the subject.

Enjoy your sneaky viewing of the opposite gender.


Wow, THAT IS FUNNY!!!! But in a really really stupid way.
spookymooky said:
Should be easy:

Break into hospital, steal xray machine and film, run away.

Break xray machine appart and reassemble into sylish headgear so that the machine lies on your face, while the film lies on the other side of the subject.

Enjoy your sneaky viewing of the opposite gender.

Illustration: [snip]
:laugh: I fell out of my chair in laughter.
Teh seckseh boobages:

On a sobering note, that's tuberculosis. But Seckseh all the same.
Wow, if someone really wants to walk arounf seeing people like that then they must be really, really desperate
spookymooky said:
you say desperate, I say hardcore


yay for img tags!

lmfao Yea hardcore skeleton porn. The new thiing of America!
I can tell this thread is going to be hosting some disgusting pics by the end.
Stop aBUSHSUCKSing the system. Fight the man.
Ugh.. first of all x-ray machines would take a alot of energy.. you have to like bump 120v to like a few thousand just for a msec of energy to produce one lil snapshot picture. So a realtime xray would be expinsive.. I've had one used on me and it was purdy. 'Cept for the tube inside you part. Anways.. If you wanna see just be like: "Bitch, show me your titties" and "I'm Rick James". You'll get some one day. One day...