xsi hotkeys


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score
i recently wrote up the hotkeys for a friend so i thought id post em here. i know theres more but theyre pretty useless so i didnt include them. also maybe someone could post the hotkeys for 3dsmax aswell. that would help me out alot.

o = rotate camera
z = zoom and move camera
x = scale
v = move
c = rotate
u = raycast polygon selection
i = raycast edge selection 
t = point selection 
space = object selection
r and then a = do this if the perspective goes weird 
m = move point tool
alt = while in move point tool mode hold this to weld points
shift+d = subdivide
ctrl+d = extrude
ctrl+shift+a = deselect all
ctrl+alt+a = select all 
w = paint weight mode
r = reset view
y = drag select polygons
p = perspective shift
s = superman mode
d = duplicate
g = toggle grid
h = hide/unhide selected
l = roll camera
n = create polygon tool
\ = create edge tool 
q = render box (drag out)
1 = model mode
2 = animate mode
3 = render mode
4 = simulate mode 
8 = browser
i guess it depends on the person but i dont use s i use z and o
3D Studio Max (as of v.8)

f1 = help
f2 = shade selected faces
   alt+f2 = snap to frozen objects
f3 = wireframe/smooth+highlights
   alt+f3 = snaps use axis constraints
f4 = view edged faces
f5 = restrict to X
   alt+f5 = snap to grid toggle
f6 = restrict to Y
   alt+f6 = snap to pivot toggle
f7 = restrict to Z
   alt+f7 = snap to vertex toggle
f8 = restrict plane cycle
   alt+f8 = snap to end point toggle
f9 = render last
   alt+f9 = snap to midpoint toggle
f10 = render scene dialog
   alt+f10 = snap to edge toggle
f11 = maxscript listener
   alt+f11 = snap to face toggle
f12 = transform type-in dialog (tool dependant)

` = redraw all views
  ctl+` = show floating dialogs
1 = sub-object level 1
2 "
3 "
4 "
   shift+4 = spot-directional light view
5 = sub-object level 5
alt+6 = show main toolbar
7 = polygon counter (in-view)
8 = environment dialog
9 = advanced lighting panel
0 = render to texture dialog
   alt+0 = lock user interface
minus = decrease gizmo size
   ctrl+minus = zoom viewport out
plus = increase gizmo size
   ctrl+plus = zoom viewpoint in

q = smart select
   shift+q = quick render
   alt+q = isolate selection
e = select & rotate
   ctrl+e = scale cycle
   alt+e = extrude face(poly)
w = select & move
   shit+w = hide space warps
   ctrl+w = zoom region mode
   alt+w = maximize viewport
r = smart scale
   cltr+r = arc rotate view mode
t = top view
   shift+t = asset tracking system
u = isometric user view
shift+y = redo viewport operation
ctrl+y = redo scene operation
i = pan viewport
   shift+i = spacing tool
   ctrl+i = select invert
o = adaptive degradation
   ctrl+o = open file
   alt+o = object display culling
[ = zoom viewport in
] = zoom viewport out
p = perspective use view
   shift+p = hide particle systems
   ctrl+p = pan view
   alt+p = cap poly (poly)
\ = sound
' = set key mode
a = angle snap
   shift+a = quick align
   ctrl+a = select all
   alt+a = align
z = zoom extents all selected
   shift+z = undo viewport operation
   ctrl+z under scene operation
   alt+z = zoom mode
s = snaps
   shift+s = hide shapes
   ctrl+s = save file
   alt+s = cycle active snap type
x = toggle transform gizmo
   ctrl+x = expert mode
   alt+x = translucent mode
d = disable viewport
   ctrl+d = select none
   alt+d = snaps use axis constraints
c = camera view
   shift+c = hide camers
   ctrl+x = create camera from view
   alt+c = cut (poly)
f = front view
   shift+f = show safeframes
   ctrl+f = cycle selection method
ctrl+v = clone
g = toggle grid
   shift+g = hide geometry
b = bottom view
   ctrl+b = sub-object selection
   alt+b = viewport background
h = select by name
   shift+h = hide helpers
   ctrl+h - place highlight
n = auto key mode
   ctrl+n = new scene
   alt+n = normal align
j = show selection bracket
m = meterial editor
   ctrl+m = meshsmooth (poly, destructive)
k = set keys
L = left view
   shift+L = hide lights
   ctrl+L = default lighting

, = backup time one unit
. = forward time one unit
/ = play animation
space = selection lock

insert = sub-object level cycle
home = go to start frame
pageup = select ancestor
end = go to end frame
pagedown = select child
   ctrl+pagedown = select children

up/down/left/right arrows = walkthrough view mode

kp/ = virtual viewport
kp- = virtual viewport zoom out
kp+ = virtual viewport zoom in
kp8 = virtual viewport pan up
kp4 = virtual viewport pan left
kp6 = virtual viewport pan right
kp2 = virutal viewport pan down