XSI Question - Problems with pivot point


Nov 22, 2004
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I cannot figure out for the life of me how to move a pivot point. If I push alt, it kind of works. I say kind of because it snaps to insanely weird and irregular spots. I can't figure out a pattern, although it always at intersections (but the thing is not every one). Can someone help me out with this simple problem?

umm im cant quite understand what you meen by pivot point.
are you talking about welding a point to anouther point?

If so go into move point mode (m) and hold alt to get a point to weld to anouther wile you move it.
Hmm, I mean a pivot point. Point in which the object rotates or scales. I need to move this so I can get my gun on my mech to swivel on the correct spot.

easy, select the vertices where you want the pivot point to be, and under transformation > move object center to selected vertices/points
but if you need the gun to swivel then you need the gun attached to a bone or a "null" and then have it swivel on that. its not going to swivel without a bone attached to it.
Try holding Alt and Ctrl to get it to snap to whatever your snap settings are. You can set your snap to points and it'll work fine then.