Yahoo really is racist

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Last One In

Aug 24, 2005
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remember during hurricane katrina when they said white people take and black people loot on those yahoo photos, well I found another racist paragraph that is completly un-necessary.
When an African-American man accidentally saves a mob boss's life, his reward is a job protecting the don's daughter. Complications arise when the two begin to fall in love.
here's a link to the page
i hope i'm not the only one that doesnt find that racist what-so-ever.

edit: and thats a movie review. what the ****?
edit2: thats the production "tag line" of it, most likely the same as you'd see from the back of a dvd case
edit3: what are you on about?
Maybe i'm an idiot (Highly likely) but I cant see the racism here...
gh0st said:
i hope i'm not the only one that doesnt find that racist what-so-ever.

edit: and thats a movie review. what the ****?
edit2: thats the production "tag line" of it, most likely the same as you'd see from the back of a dvd case
edit3: what are you on about?
wtf? this isn't racist
African-American is a perfectly accepted term, now, if it said nig*er I could see it being called racist
I don't see any racism either... :/
Well, normally they would say "When a MAN blah, blah, blah." This just had to put in African-American.. There is no reason to put in African-American.
Well, this thread is officially useless.

Close please

Edit: Perhaps they put African-American because the oh-so-original script demands that the problem stems from the two lovers coming from different ethnic backgrounds? Obviously shallow, but that isn't Yahoo's fault
Shamrock said:
Well, normally they would say "When a MAN blah, blah, blah." This just had to put in African-American.. There is no reason to put in African-American.
myabe it was because they were trying to be more accurate
It is racist because they deliberately mention the guy as being an african american.
oh, would you prefer ****** then?
Didn't think so.
What the hell is wrong with saying African American? Is it somehow DEGRADING? Does an average people called an African American care? Most usually not.
Llama said:
oh, would you prefer ****** then?
Didn't think so.
What the hell is wrong with saying African American? Is it somehow DEGRADING? Does an average people called an African American care? Most usually not.
It is unnecessary to put it in there.
Um, no it isnt.
It is important to the plot, so therefore it would make sense to leave it in. Please, dont try and class this as Racism
Llama said:
Um, no it isnt.
It is important to the plot, so therefore it would make sense to leave it in. Please, dont try and class this as Racism
You tell me: How is this important to the plot?
Wasnt Yahoo created by an Asian? Or should I go sit on my Thumb and Twist?
I'd have to say people making a big deal out of race and the names used to define races are only helping the problem of racism along.
Uriel said:
Wasnt Yahoo created by an Asian? Or should I go sit on my Thumb and Twist?
Maybe the creator didn't like any race but his own and decided to lash out. Or maybe I should go sit on my thumb and twist.
although I dont think it's overtly racist some of you are missing the point:

wouldnt you have thought it odd if the sentence read:

"When a Caucasian man accidentally saves a mob boss's life, his reward is a job protecting the don's daughter. Complications arise when the two begin to fall in love."

....but I think that the sentence implies that the movie has something to do with race or at least that he's not doing his job:

"Complications arise when the two begin to fall in love"

so either it's implying the mob boss has a hard time with the fact that he's supposed to be protecting her or that he's black's too vague to really go either way
Last One In said:
You tell me: How is this important to the plot?
Do I look like I'm the script writer? The movie makers (for lack of a better phrase) didn't just choose people from two Ethnic groups for no reason. It was the fact they were differnet ethnicities that led to the casting, obviously. Basically, what CptStern said
However, Im not saying that's morally right
Not really racist, but they didn't have to say "african-american man" they could have just said man.
Da-Muffin-Man said:
Not really racist, but they didn't have to say "african-american man" they could have just said man.

Exactly. That's what makes it kind of weird.
I think the whole point is that it's Usher :|

He's not bad when it comes to music, but don't go into films!
ComradeBadger said:
I think the whole point is that it's Usher :|

He's not bad when it comes to music, but don't go into films!

Never know, he could be amazing. Or has he already been in a film?
Damn, this whole thread is a waste of ****ing time.

The fact that they called the man 'African American' isn't racist, it's concise. I think we've gotten to a point in society now where everyone is so caught up in this leftie liberal bullshit that no one's quite sure what is racist and what isn't and ultimatley end up fueling the fire.

I can see the point you're trying to get at that if he was a young brother (I'm white), he wouldn't have been described as a "young white man", but young white men make up most of the population, so when somoene is described as a "young man" I think most people would assume he is white, else he's a "young african american", "young asian man", etc.
stop calling all blacks "african american" sounds stupid and there's also a chance the black person might be Jamaican. What a bunch of politically correct BS

I can see black text on
"when a black person comes down my street, I get the gun out of its case" nope see, i'm racist, not yahoo is starting to suck. Offtopic was my last hope, but it's just sad now.
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