Yahtzee Visits Valve


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee, the creator of the amusing
Orange Box
video review, recently made a trip to Valve. You can read all about his trip on his travelogue here.
Is it me or in this day there's about 3-4 news?

EDIT: Sunday, November 18, 2007, 6:48 p.m.
Seattle Airport Departure Lounge Burger King

"Medium," "Large" and "King Size"? What the **** is that? How the **** can "Medium" be the smallest? Do you even know what the word "Medium" means? This is why you're all so fat, you bunch of road sign-shooting Yankee pillocks.


I laughed out loud. In the internet terms (i luld).
"Medium," "Large" and "King Size"? What the **** is that? How the **** can "Medium" be the smallest? Do you even know what the word "Medium" means? This is why you're all so fat, you bunch of road sign-shooting Yankee pillocks.

I wonder what Nintendo was doing at Valve HQ. Portal for Wii?
Thank Christ I'll be in America soon, where people treat each other right.
I laughed so hard when I read that. I consider it a premonition of things to come for that trip. :LOL:
classic stuff from yahtzee :D

loved his 5 minute turn around at the end :LOL:
Yahtzee said:
There was me, Wolpaw, Faliszek, Jerry Holkins (Tycho) from Penny Arcade, Jay Pinkerton of Cracked magazine and latterly Surreal Software, and a bunch of dudes from Nintendo
This is...the best line-up ever. They've got to form a band.
Awesome + post I already made in Games and Gaming.
Yahtzee is awesome, pure genius. Hes done some good rants about games, there is a good one where he sticks it to Halo 3 fanboys :D