YAY for big brother!


Aug 6, 2004
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My ID card will expire in a few days.

The law changed since then and only biometric ID cards are allowed now. :borg:

i should start lubing my ass right away. :hmph:
Where are you from?

Also I was completely ignorant to the fact that the government have to keep records of your colon now.
Now, all we need to do is institute a Police State.. and..
put the date back 23 years!
I almost thought this thread was a celebration of the reality tv show, Big brother.

You were in serious danger my friend.
well...technically it's nothing wrong with biometric IDs.

i'm just all excited how they gonna probe me and all that, ya know ;)
Apparently they stretch your anus within an inch of its life and insert a bubble machine. Why they do this is unknown presently. Some have suggested on Prison Planet.net that it is an elaborate tracking device.

Wtf are biometric IDs? I thought the US Govt was bad.
What the heck is wrong with plain old photo id and various other means of identification. I could check my wallet and find a tonne.

Drivers License.
Truck license.
Forklift License.
Bank Card.
Debit Card.
Uni ID.
Health Care Card.
Medicare Card.
Health Insurance card.
Biometric ID cards? Anal probes? Where the hell do you live? You're making me worried :(
why are some of you so surprised, never heard of biometric IDs???

i'm from Slovenia (EU)

as for the anal part...i'm taking yoga, so it might help a bit relax :O
OMG i just found out that biometrics is only for passports not IDs, in other words it never mentioned IDs so i'm just guessing!?

anal rape FTL! till my pass expires :P
by biometrics ID you mean a ID whit your DNA sample to identification

Wtf are biometric IDs? I thought the US Govt was bad.

The reason all of Europe is going Biometric is because the US has demanded it of them, if they want to stay in the Visa waiver programme.

It's all your government's fault! Again!

So any time a European flies to the US, all their biometrics will be downloaded onto the American governments.
I hope it's a reciprocal agreement.

Actually, on reading, looks like biometric for most countries at the minute means you have a chip with a jpeg of your face on it. Although there's enough space to store further information such as fingerprints.
I dunno about DNA I think that's just a joke, for the time being.

Also I think another reason for the UK getting biometric id cards is that they are preparing to join Schengen in the future, when they have the immigration problems ironed out.


It's a ****ing passport. How is this any worse than the previous passport you had? The British government doesn't seem to be able to a ****ing thing at the moment without people over reacting and shouting NANNY-STATE and BIG BROTHER! Of course, they are doing things wrong too, but this is just an new form of ID. Get the hell over it.
When I heard biometrics, I thought maybe there was a chip that was injected into your forehead or wrist or something, and so with a wave of a wand they know who you are.
you guys take it way too seriously...didn't you feel me being sarcastic from the start?!

i don't approve government oversight of personal data, but a biometric ID isn't a big problem for me.

chill out guys...
I still dont know what the flying **** it is. Is it something that is actually put into your body, or is it just something you carry with you? I have never heard of this before, so I have no clue what you're all talking about. I can gather that it has info about you stored on a chip from the name, but beyond that I know **** all about it. Please explain and/or link me.
I'm smoking a pin.

PErsonally I can't be ****ed paying for another form of ID, I refuse to pay for a privisional driving license - so I just use my passport. It may be a terrible ideal but I can't afford owt else so there.

I'm smoking a pin.

PErsonally I can't be ****ed paying for another form of ID, I refuse to pay for a privisional driving license - so I just use my passport. It may be a terrible ideal but I can't afford owt else so there.


Well maybe if you didn't spend all your money on fancy hip clothing!
Passports are about £90 nowadays. Ridiculous, considering they were less than half that a couple of years ago.

If they measured inflation judged on how much the government put prices up, we'd probably be Zimbabwe.