YEA SO... my computer

Make sure all the connections are secure.
can i get a "wtf!?"

Vegeta897 probably got the best advice - can you give more details? Does it not turn on or crash when its upright?

My headphones are kinda in the same vein - they only work if I bend the cable at the connection to the headphone 90 degrees.
lol thats funny, yes there might be a cable that is loose or something and mabye falls back in with the help of gravity(gravity oo0o0o0o0o0o)
well lately I'v been haveing so problems with my computer ( most are fixed now ) the problem was that it kept dieing and i was thinking for a while it was an over heating problem however it would die doing stupid things like opening photo shop or downloading a song of the net. One of the most retarded incedences was that i couldnt open a custom spray on CS:S that was in the form of a jpeg file... it would just die, then I'd have to turn it off for a while and try to turn it back on and some times it would work and some times it would not... when it did work it would show that my cpu wasnt clocked correctly and was running slower . Id once again have to turn it off and reboot, it would show the correct clock speed and run fine but now my slave drive doesnt show up... i once again have to reboot ( and for this hard drive problem I'd have to repeat this step 3 or 4 times ) finally its working with every thing, I check my mail, look at steam news, etc... try to start a game or watch a movie... dead... back to square one. It was doing this so iradicaly lately i finally decided to stop letting it get its way and fight back. At first ( like i said before ) I though it was a cpu overheating problem however it would rarley die while i was playing CS:S or DOD:S where my cpu temp would be much higher then when while doing simple tasks such as loging on to gmail etc.. So then i thought it might be a problem with my psu, i thought maybe it was not giveing enough power, maybe it was old and is wearing out... I tried it in my brother computer and it worked just fine, i tried his psu ( which mine is a 450 and his is a 380 ) in my pc and it also worked fine. in the end it all ended up being a loose cord.. decided not to use that cord and dicarded it. put it all in there and decided to leave it on its side open to make sure it was all working before i close it all up... wala it works... put the skrew in... tip up right side up... wait wtf!? why the **** did it die!!!!! omg ... the computer overlords hate me... why god why!!!!!!!... tip it back over.. wtf... omg wtf why does it only work on its side.... ****'n walmart!

this isnt the only problem... some times my graphics card doesnt always kick in. i have to shut down, the crude way ( by holding the power switch ) and try again till it does... its all pretty upsetting.
Paragraphs are prettier.

Just get a new pc if this has so many damned problems!
ok.. you forward me some mu-la, I'll start using proper grammar and writing etiquette and I'll be on my way.
I sign that your hard drive isn't working is if your computer only works sideways. I had the EXACT same problem and it was the harddrive. Something to do with the spinning or something i don't know.
but wouldn't a frelled hard drive work better when the computer was upright?

You say you've checked all the cables, the psu and its not a heating problem. Ok. The only things I can think of that could be a problem when the case is upright opposed to on the side is.
PCI cards, RAM and CPU fan - check that they are all in ok, maybe even take them out and put them back in again.

Out of curiosity what happens if you start the PC on its side then put it upright?
Check the CPU heatsink. I would guess that the clip that secures it has come off on one side, so when you stand it upright, the heatsink hangs off. Open the side of the case and try and move the heatsink to see if this is the case. If so, hook it back on, and get some replacement thermal paste asap.
na, the heat sink is fine, if it was haning off I'd totally know... its huge