Yeah! Tax returns!


Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
This is the first time I've done my taxes, and I'm proud to say that the US government owes me the exorbinant sum of....


So I'm going to buy a meal. What are you going to do with your tax return?
The British government owes me £370...

I've been trying to get it back for months, pretty soon it'l be near impossible because the end of the year is coming up.
gh0st said:
This is the first time I've done my taxes, and I'm proud to say that the US government owes me the exorbinant sum of....


So I'm going to buy a meal. What are you going to do with your tax return?
I make effing $8.25 an hour and I owe the government so I'm


f*cking government
The received $730 from the Canadian government, and that's only from 5 months of work. <3 good paying job
I got a letter awhile ago saying someone owed me like 70 cents. They probably deducted it from postage anyway...

We bought a widescreen plasma TV with it.
I think my bro got a few hundred dollars for his. Me? I got a measly 90 bucks.
I own stock in Microsoft and the other day I got a check in the mail from Bill Gates for $0.13

I think I want to frame it.
im getting $380 from mine. which im going to spend on........ no idea to tell you the truth.
i filed mine in Jan, already got all my returns, like 400 something i think... Anyway, turbotax decided they'd wait till' yesterday to charge me for filing, so now, I have no money and I hav ea first date with a really great girl tonight but no cash... Damn IT!
This is the first time i've done my taxes and I get a whopping $1.00 back from federal income, and $220 back from the other taxes.

It will probably all be spent on my car payment, and that one dollar...well, I'm gonna frame it! haha