Year Later....



Flashing back to 1 week before Sept.30,I remeber i was so excited geting ready for hl2.And then that crushing blow that hl2 was delayed and leaked.I knew some where in the back of my mind that it was gana be delayed but i wanted it so much i didnt care.

But w.e it was delayed,in the following weeks source code and the beta were largly distributed.A lot of people around the irc channels i hang around had it but i resisted.I had dicided i would wait till x-mas.

So then x-mas comes and goes,and agian hl2 is delayed,I knew it wasnt gana make x-mas becuase of all the talk going on so i wasnt so excited.

Then everybody starts throwing around the april date,This time i thought it was for real,but agian it was delayed.But this time i couldnt resist and i ended up downloading the beta,Forbiden fruit always taste best eh?
So i spend about 3 weeks just playing the beta.The hole time trying not to spoil anything by only playing the e3 cant imagine the countless hours just spent just messing around with the physics.

So e3 2004 passes righ by me and agian nothing.Around this time i swear ive seen so many hl2 footage ive spoiled so much.Around this time my desire for hl2 is almost null.And im more focus on doom3.Which turned out to be a great game,one of the best SP ever.

So now it seems hl2 is about to be released,cs:s is being preloaded and soon even hl2.And i guess im sorta excited about it agian not as much as before.1 year ago i would have fought for the last copy,but now i would just wait for the next shipment :|.

So how do you feel?
After all the hype do the words hl2 make you want to gag?
Do you think you saw to much footage?
Or do you think everything went perfect and you are still as excited as ever.
last year I was pissed off when fragmaster said in the delay flash "The original half-life ws delayed a whole year"!! I thought wth? they are not gonna delay hl2 a whole year are they?

I guess they did.

I think I'm still as excited as I was last year.

PS the stupiud flash is right .. just in case some body hasn't heard ..
I am still as excited ! But i think teh delay was better, so now they have made a better game then last september.
one year i go i didnt really care cuz my computer sucked.
I too didnt care too much that it was delayed. I just recently got enough money to even get a computer that would run it. But I'm really excited about the game, and im still resisting the beta leak. Not having a good computer helped me out with that.
It feels like this summer has been a whole year, due to me not doing anything. :(
Another person gave in to the temptation.......Aghhhhhh
I wouldn't want to play the leaked version, no matter how badly i want the game. It just wouldn't seem right to me ...
I guess I am the only person who hasn't downloaded the leaked alpha.

Right now, my feeling about HL2 is "meh." I still am going to buy it the day it is released, but I need a reason to be excited. We are starting to see signs that HL2 is starting to come to its completion, but I want to see more signs (preferably speculative stuff to drive me crazy analyzing it).

An official trailer would be also make me more hyped for the game right now. I think everybody is confused on what HL2 looks like graphical and how detailed the physics are. An official trailer can help clear that up.
This is what I think:

Everyone that was going to buy it, is still going to buy it.

So it won't matter. People may not be as excited, but I think it will still be a revolutionary game, just like Half-Life was. In some cases a delay could hurt a game, but I believe it's only to make it THAT MUCH BETTER than the videos we saw from E3.

And they will have Biozeminades :)
I'm trying my best to hold on. I am still probably as excited but if it gets any more major delays I think I will be pretty mad then and won't be as excited. Lets just hope it really does come out next month in September.
if it gets delayed again then all the hell would break loose on valve lol
still waiting....

still haven't downloaded the beta. :) (Not even the CSS beta, which was eaiser because I don't like CS)
A2597 said:
still waiting....

still haven't downloaded the beta. :) (Not even the CSS beta, which was eaiser because I don't like CS)


w00t, we are up to 4 people in the world who have resisted the HL2 leaked alpha!
Neom said:
So how do you feel?
I feel GREAT! :D

Neom said:
After all the hype do the words hl2 make you want to gag?
Well, I'm still posting here a year later... I don't like to gag that much.

Neom said:
Do you think you saw to much footage?
I've seen nothing...

Neom said:
Or do you think everything went perfect and you are still as excited as ever.
Last year, I was excited. Now... not so much... when it's released, and I can enter my credit card number into Steam to buy it, then I will be excited.
When i FINALLY see the game finish preloading on Steam, i'll suffer a massive aneurysm and die. And then in Heaven, they'll only have copies of Playboy Magazine, UT 2004 but not HL2 :(
blahblahblah said:

w00t, we are up to 4 people in the world who have resisted the HL2 leaked alpha!

Make that 5. :bounce: A dieing breed we are.

Stay steadfast my brothers and sisters. The time is upon us! SOON we will have the just reward promised to us by Gabe! Fear not the evil one! He only wishes to remove the purest joy that is Halflife 2 from our lives.

Be strong and peace be with you.
Neom said:
Flashing back to 1 week before Sept.30,I remeber i was so excited geting ready for hl2.And then that crushing blow that hl2 was delayed and leaked.I knew some where in the back of my mind that it was gana be delayed but i wanted it so much i didnt care.

But w.e it was delayed,in the following weeks source code and the beta were largly distributed.A lot of people around the irc channels i hang around had it but i resisted.I had dicided i would wait till x-mas.

So then x-mas comes and goes,and agian hl2 is delayed,I knew it wasnt gana make x-mas becuase of all the talk going on so i wasnt so excited.

Then everybody starts throwing around the april date,This time i thought it was for real,but agian it was delayed.But this time i couldnt resist and i ended up downloading the beta,Forbiden fruit always taste best eh?
So i spend about 3 weeks just playing the beta.The hole time trying not to spoil anything by only playing the e3 cant imagine the countless hours just spent just messing around with the physics.

So e3 2004 passes righ by me and agian nothing.Around this time i swear ive seen so many hl2 footage ive spoiled so much.Around this time my desire for hl2 is almost null.And im more focus on doom3.Which turned out to be a great game,one of the best SP ever.

So now it seems hl2 is about to be released,cs:s is being preloaded and soon even hl2.And i guess im sorta excited about it agian not as much as before.1 year ago i would have fought for the last copy,but now i would just wait for the next shipment :|.

So how do you feel?
After all the hype do the words hl2 make you want to gag?
Do you think you saw to much footage?
Or do you think everything went perfect and you are still as excited as ever.

I think alot of people have become dissapointed with the massive flow of videos. Though what you see in the videos is a good chunk of visual information on what the game will contain, I think you have no idea just how little of the game your actually seeing. Valve would not blow the entire *fun for the first time* aspect of a game they've been workin on for 4 years. Theres going to be a whole lot of stuff going on in HL2, so trust me. What you've seen isnt even the tip of the iceburg, its a particle of sand on a beach. HL2 will still blow you away. Wait and see.
I haven't downloaded the leak either!

It would be sh*t anyway. I can't wait I spent 1700$ on building a new computer for this.
Karis said:
Make that 5. :bounce: A dieing breed we are.
Make that 6. ;)

Soooooo happy I resisted, the game's going to be awesome.
Im kind of glad they delayed it cause now i can buy a computer to run it, when i thought i was going to be able t run it on m old system (which never had a chance). But after looking into such games as STALKER and battlefeild 2 im not as excited because the new computer im buying is goin to be customized for gaming. Ive never had a gaming rig and now i cant wait to play all the new games. But then again i realize how fun hl2 will be and the mods that will go along with it, but im trying not to think about hl2 so i can get hyped up for the car ride over the EB and buy the game with a creepy grin on my face :)
Same here, although I already have a high-end ( Well, in my opinion :cat: )
computer, Because of the delay I can get a new video card for the game.

PS. I resisted the leak. A friend of mine who has it said that he has a "beta" on his computer and he has now completed the game so he won't buy it. Fool!
well its hard for any game to be so good to be excited for a whole year, and barely knowing anything about the game. I took a brake a while back from researching HL2, now im back and im excited again :thumbs:
Neom said:
So how do you feel?
After all the hype do the words hl2 make you want to gag?
Do you think you saw to much footage?
Or do you think everything went perfect and you are still as excited as ever.

how I honestly feel? (warning my opinion, if you dont like it dont comment)

I counted HL2 out of the race pretty much.. I was just hanging here for the community.
after playing Farcry I knew, there was no way HL2 could touch it....
then Doom3... a bit repetitive and a letdown gameplay wise.. but the graphics were unlike I had ever seen before (when you get to see them heh)

then CS:S came out, a port of a mod I never liked (after the initial alpha/betas).........and wow..
Im totally 100% addicted, and remember Why Im such a HL fan.. why I was waiting all that time for HL2.

I was pissed that the game wasnt out a long time ago, and lost faith in any comment anyone at valve makes (not because of the delay, because of everything after it)

but now the game actually looks to be coming out soon.. I mean preload of HL2 starts soon.. thats gotta mean something right? I mean will they actually meet a date they set on something....?
or is it simply more fluff to keep us hooked, and are we looking at months more?

who knows? all I know is that Im drooling at whats in store again, I want the damn game bad. (moreso the engine really)

heres hoping that this time it does come soon.
I going to pee my pants when I hold the box.

sorry for double post. /edit
I going to pee my pants when I hold the box. :cool: .... *realizes he peed his pants* ;( ....*feels kinda warm* :p ... *crap got cold* :O ....
Well of course the game wont hold as much anticipation for you if you've already PLAYED it with the leak! I'm glad I havent. I want my first experience to be exactly what the game developers wanted, and not an unfinished leak.
people who downloaded the beta are kind of like... well?

like did you ever have those dreams when you wake up laughing and then you look over and find a clown in bed with you?

Then what about those dreams where you wake up crying, and then you look over and theirs a dead clown in the bed next to you?

the beta downloaders are kind of like that
ship said:
Make that 6. ;)

Soooooo happy I resisted, the game's going to be awesome.

7 even ;)

And yeh, me too, I try to get as much official footage as I can, and I still watch it every now and then. Great stuff, Valve :thumbs: , and yeh, I'm looking forward to this game as much as I did last year, and trust me, thats a lot. This game is gonna own and I'm glad to be part of the community. Kudos Valve, VIVA LA HALF-LIFE 2! Ownage :naughty:
I dont if should be in the people who ressist cuz I am downlading the leak now
but for my 52kbp conection will take a long time
so maybe I will download it after play HL2

but the true I dont care about it

but when I see screenshots of the leak I get excited...and spoiled :(
I'm... err... number umpteen.

56k modem = online chastity belt, or at least where multi-gigabyte stolen games are concerned, anyway...
56k modem = online chastity belt, or at least where multi-gigabyte stolen games are concerned, anyway...

thats mean my internet conecction suck right? :p