Yees!! Im Happy!


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Today i got a letter from the army saying that i dont need to serve based on the medical problems i have that my doctor sent them! Yeehaaaw!! now i wont miss HL2, GTA:SA and all the other games!!! WOOHOO!!!!

this may be spam but i im so happY!! :D:D:D:D
Damnit, I was hoping in the fleet ;) :naughty:
Same thing with me... :)

I'm a lazy bastard.
h00dlum said:
Today i got a letter from the army saying that i dont need to serve based on the medical problems i have that my doctor sent them! Yeehaaaw!! now i wont miss HL2, GTA:SA and all the other games!!! WOOHOO!!!!

this may be spam but i im so happY!! :D:D:D:D
Congratulations, but why would you have been forced to go? Are you a reserve, or are you from the UK and you guys over there have something I don't know about...?
Military service is mandatory in Sweden (and many other European nations). Usually it's about 2 years I think.
Here it was the same thing until 1 year ago. Lucky me, they almost got me.
As someone who has served in the military, I'm not a big fan of conscription. An all volunteer military usually is better trained, motivated, and more content with their jobs. The US learned its lesson (hopefully) of the negative effects of a conscripted military from the Vietnam War.

Don't worry - there will never be another draft in the US. The military leadership in the Pentagon simply won't allow it.
h00dlum said:
Today i got a letter from the army saying that i dont need to serve based on the medical problems i have that my doctor sent them! Yeehaaaw!! now i wont miss HL2, GTA:SA and all the other games!!! WOOHOO!!!!

this may be spam but i im so happY!! :D:D:D:D

now that's a good reason to be extremely happy ...does your condition permit you to do cartwheels? I would!!! Congrats I'm happy for you ...btw why didnt you just tell your recruiting sergeant you were gay? I bet that would have worked

"I'd like to join the army because I love a man in uniform" ;)

disclaimer: no disrespect for military people intended ...if you make that choice so be it, it's none of my business what other people do
I don't think homosexuality is much of an issue in most of the European military services - the only one I know of that you can be discharged for being openly homosexual is the UK armed forces. I could be wrong though.
"you look cute in that beret, does it come in pink, gov,na? "
CptStern...Are you coming on to me :o

Anyway, I don't think you can be discharged for being gay in our army.

I think it would do a lot of people good(including myself) if they brought back some kind of national service in this country, however ont he flipside, you get a lot of less motivated troops and the Army generally feels that "conscripted" troops degrade the level of excelence within the army.
Farrowlesparrow said:
CptStern...Are you coming on to me :o

Anyway, I don't think you can be discharged for being gay in our army.

I think it would do a lot of people good(including myself) if they brought back some kind of national service in this country, however ont he flipside, you get a lot of less motivated troops and the Army generally feels that "conscripted" troops degrade the level of excelence within the army.
My view is have some forms of military training mandatory, although it certainly wouldn't be as tough or emotionally devastating as actual training.

However it would just be the training, no actual service would be mandatory since like everyone here says, a conscripted army is not as good as a volunteer one. Plus it seems immoral to me. The training would be a good way of straightening alot of people out.
Its no more immoral than taxes really, or any kind of law that prohibits you from doing something. Of course, if they sent you into a warzone without your consent, then it migh be immoral. Other than that, its just a free fitness camp which teaches you a few things about obedience and respect....oh, and how to fire a gun :naughty:

I just think that a generation of people were so much more better off for doing this service.
Good work. Fight the power with teenage rebelious energy! Even if you not a teenager of course ;)
Farrowlesparrow said:
Its no more immoral than taxes really, or any kind of law that prohibits you from doing something. Of course, if they sent you into a warzone without your consent, then it migh be immoral. Other than that, its just a free fitness camp which teaches you a few things about obedience and respect....oh, and how to fire a gun :naughty:
Oh no I agree, the training is perfectly reasonable I just mean forcing people into actual combat zones is immoral.
have you guys seen Full metal jacket? I sure hope in hell that's the exception not the rule
CptStern said:
have you guys seen Full metal jacket? I sure hope in hell that's the exception not the rule
I don't think reality is as bad as that. Maybe it was during Vietnam but I don't think it would be now.
I dont know you remember the canadian paratroopers hazing videos from the 90's ...they were pretty bad
Well I think its safe to say that even the Army isn' the human ability to mess things up royally.
As far as I consider it; We're in a volunterr military(Here in the US). We know the risk and sacrifices behind joining. Too many people join then want to leave for selfish reasomns. You want to be an abjector? Fine, be a CS, Journalists, etc. But when you have to defend your brtohers/sisters in combat. Or an innocent crowd of civilians. You'd better do it.

I don't think anyone is 'forced' into a combat zone anymore by their own govt., but by those who cause wars. Now, I'm sure the avg 15 yr old gamer would disagree, but me being in the military I think gives me at least an inkling on how things work. The Navy is quite liberal about things. If you feel like your mission is immoral you can choose to be separated or take other venues.
CptStern said:
I dont know you remember the canadian paratroopers hazing videos from the 90's ...they were pretty bad
I never heard about that, was it determined to an isolated problem or was it much bigger than that?
I've noticed that the regular US army seems to be more of career path than a real fighting force. Not that it doesn't serve its purpose, but there are certain things which don't add up. Like the way the ranks work, some of them seem more about a pay rise than anything to do with command.

Also, the adverts go on about "An army of one". Whatever they are trying to say, it seems like in the US Army its all about the individual, where as in contrast, our Army adverts talk about "Part of the machine". In fact I think he Navy advert says something along the lines of "You are just a cog, but every piece is as important as the other."

Just some things I find interesting...
CptStern said:
Mullinator: it was one of the reason they disbanded airborne ..that and the fact some members tortured and killed 2 teens in somalia
Wow. Thats pretty disgusting. :eek:

Well I guess once a regimen gets tainted by doing stuff like that its almost impossible to reverse it. Hopefully that was and still would be if it existed now, the only part of the Canadian military that ever did stuff like that.