Yes, I demand clarity

Do you demand clarity about the shipping date?

  • Yes, I do.

    Votes: 92 85.2%
  • No, I don't.

    Votes: 16 14.8%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
One week from today it'll be tuesday the 30th of september 2003, the day Half-life 2 is supposed to come out. It is safe to assume that the Valve-people are aware of the fact that the game they are currently producing / testing / sitting on, is causing quite a stir in the gaming community. Still they've been mute when asked to be specific about the date Half-life 2 will ship. Any direct questions have been met with a very vague answer ("Will you make it for release by the 30th?" Gabe chuckled and said "We'll see.").

Sign this petition if you, in all kindness and with the utmost respect for Valve of course, demand clarity about the date Half-life 2 will ship. I'll settle for any answer that starts with 'in' and ends with either 'days', 'weeks' or 'months'.

I'd still like to see a progress report, or what they're working on like they do for almost every other game though....

...I guess that'd be clarity wouldn't it?

I just convinced myself to vote yes....
wth? u ppl expect half-life 2 to come out in stores on 9/30/03

i bet u my underwear that hl2 will come out on STEAM. if not, just the benchmark.
Valve will deliver the game to all their Fans on the 30th of September, Period.
Originally posted by mknlb50
wth? u ppl expect half-life 2 to come out in stores on 9/30/03

i bet u my underwear that hl2 will come out on STEAM. if not, just the benchmark.

what type of underwear do you wear? Boxers, Briefs, or Tighty whities
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
what type of underwear do you wear? Boxers, Briefs, or Tighty whities

spongebob squarepants boxers :afro:
I'm not demanding anything as I am in no position to be making demands. That's not to say, however, that I wouldn't appreciate an official statement from Gabe unambiguously stating the release date.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
what type of underwear do you wear? Boxers, Briefs, or Tighty whities

o_O Why do you care? If he loses that bet, you can bet *I* am not going to try to collect. Ewwwwwwww.
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now stop spamming cause thats all speaking in L33t achieves.
There's a leet translator? :O where can i get this?
Just google it, there are several about. Enough off topicness tho, I say nay to demanding clarity;

1) We have no right to demand anything anyway (well, I suppose we can, but Valve have no obligation to fulfill it)
2) Valve are remaining tight-lipped for a reason, just ride with it.
I didn't go to a translator I sat there and did it myself :( If I would have known there was one it could have saved me time...
well true, but still Valve should not just wait till about 9/30/03 and then finally say: "You noticed its not out now, so sorry!" because that would..well that would really make me believe Valve to be a evil company :( ( then again i love their games ) but if its not coming out 9/30/03 they should just say "Ah, its not coming out" instead of leaving us in the dark, because

A. Some people will be trying to take that day off of work ( :cough: maybe even the person who is posting this )
B. It would save more heart-break than having us wait another second
I'm still optimistic for the 30th as no game company would have left it this long if they knew there was a CONSIDERABLE delay. A fortnight would be acceptable without any prior press release. Any more and I think VALVe would be taking the piss. Which I don't think they are in the habit of doing.
I'm optimistic simply because I can not conceive of any possible reason why Valve would spring a delay on us at the last minute, especially if, as the rumors claim, Valve has known about this delay for months.