Yippe Kay Yay Motherfricker


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
A nice long rant by Vern of AICN

Can be easily summed up with - Fox is looking to cut Live Free or Die Hard into a PG-13 movie instead of an R-rated one. Basically, they're money-grubbing pansies. Not that I thought this movie was going to be any good, but this is just disgraceful if it happens.
i remember watching the previews....I think there were more cars in the air than on the ground...
Good read, and im with this guy. PG 13 **** the studio. ****ing bullshit.
Vern makes a good point. The target audience for a PG-13 movie would be too young to see the three R-rated Die Hard movies in the first place. Why would you change the rating?
God, I didn't think they could have ****ed it up any more, and now this? This is Mac Guys doing, I swear!
At least Bruce is on our side...
If they do that, im not seeing this movie. **** you Fox!

I wonder how much they payed Bruce to be in this piece of shit
What the hell? I'm not particulary enthusiastic about the fourth Die Hard movie but I sure as hell assumed an R-rating was given from the very start.
Making it PG-13 is like cutting out all the nasty stuff from an X-rated porn flick.

Damn you all to hell, 20th Cent Fox:sniper:
Hahaha, It's gonna be like the tv edits they did for the others.To this day my favourite ever Die Hard quote is "Yippee kay yay MR. HAWK!"
Die SOFT!!!!


SO ****ING PISSED! ****!
Hahaha, It's gonna be like the tv edits they did for the others.To this day my favourite ever Die Hard quote is "Yippee kay yay MR. HAWK!"

LOL the dubs were always funny as hell...sometimes they didnt even sound like Bruce!!