yo,darth vader is going to go pimping whit new shoes

Shoe and Pant commercials are always funny in that they sell them to you like you're going to be buying the most god damn awesome thing... it's gonna change your life, make you cool and have awesome fun or get laid.

And then you realize once you've bought the item that they're just shoes or pants. Meh. Big Deal.

Goes for anything really, but I find it particularly amusing when it concerns pants and shoes commercials.
Not going to lie, this is a sweet design-

Wonder why they are advertising this now though.

A few neat shirt designs too, but none of it is worth it for the gigantic "ADIDAS" logo on all of them.
I wonder who coolhunted down good ol' Star Wars... Now it's not just a thing for geeks and fans, it's fashion...H&M, Ecko and Adidas (all of those brands sucks, for me anyway) have it.
I wonder who coolhunted down good ol' Star Wars... Now it's not just a thing for geeks and fans, it's fashion...H&M, Ecko and Adidas (all of those brands sucks, for me anyway) have it.

Pretending to be geek is the new thing.
Hahahaha, that ad was awesome.

I bet Samon is very excited by this, too.
When Samon is excited, his head tilts slightly upwards.

That is all.

Not there first appearance in an advert.

I will never forgive them.

that's not so bad....least it's not drooled over by dumbass retards...that is until Kayne covers their song then the song is just GENIUS!

actually had a guy ask me wut band was playing at a house party i was having when "Harder Better Faster Stronger" was playing...told him Daft Punk..he told me sounds like Kayne..

Oh, would you guys all stop pretending that Daft Punk is good.