You all need 1GB ram


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
THoose who still have stuttering and not 1gb ram please upgrade i went from 512mb and the stutter was horrible by going to 1gb my stutter went away like 95% just like that no console tweaks or anything.
Just because HL2 lets them choose a setting does not mean there system can support it.

Its there own fault.
Well I've noticed since I lost 512mb of ram due to over 300+ errors on 2 sticks that I am indeed losing performance on all games and everything with only 512mb. But I shall be ordering another 1gig ram soon enough because the 512 in there sucks horribly. :x
I've got 1GB PC3200 RAM (two 512 sticks), and I've still got some stuttering.
And mine's not performance related. Tweaking my settings down to their lowest has very little discernable effect.
Upping my memory to 1gb got rid of the stuttering for me as well, but that's not to say it will work for everyone.
azz0r said:
Just because HL2 lets them choose a setting does not mean there system can support it.

Its there own fault.

Or, perhaps the settings do nothing at all?

Should HL2 @ 800 x 600, medium settings on an Athlon 64 3400+ with a GF 6800 GT, on a RAID 0 stripe stutter? I think not.

I have a GB of RAM. I also have the stutter...
So somebody with a GeForce 3 64MB card will have a dramatic performance & no more stuttering by upgrading? Pfft, get real.
Your RAM sticks can be corrupted, thus making the comp almost unuseable, trust me, my old one is...
Fliko said:
Your RAM sticks can be corrupted, thus making the comp almost unuseable, trust me, my old one is...

I'm with you on this. I was checking out some Corsair XMS today, but in a moment of clarity thought I should do a few passes with Memtest before plonking down 2 bills for the new memory.

Two passes, zero errors.

Still stuttering...
I have samsung 768MB of ram and a sapphire radeon 9600pro (499/324OC) running half life 2 at 1024x768 and I never get any type of stuttering. I don't think you really need 1GB of RAM. I'm not an expert or anything but I think something else is going on.


Also, my PC is only 2.4Ghz. (I say only 'cause some have like over 3Ghz)