You are all Fools


Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
What a bunch assholes you all turned out be
I hope I get banned.
I think you can count on it. Are you the magazine/clip guy? lawl
Close the door when you leave, you'll let in a draft.
Part of the steady stream of nobodies that seems to flow through

Edit: Jesus, it's because you live in the politics. You even posted this thread in politics. There are places outside of here, you know.
Man I know how you feel about a lot of posters here, but more often than not people make good conversation outside of arguements. That's what keeps me posting here.


Edit: Jesus, it's because you live in the politics. You even posted this thread in politics. There are places outside of here, you know.

This specifically. It's the reason you've had such an unhappy experience here. I know my experience in the politics forum with others is mostly terrible but I love to argue and that's why I post in here.
Dammit nipples I was gonna say that!

Oh well, now I can say clip without getting an earful.
I got banned once.

You can touch me.

Twice man!

Once because they thought I was princess jen (he posted from the same school or ISP or something) and once because Salmon got butthurt that I called him a kid. lol.
Oh my god people, we just lost SO important member. I am crying already.
He's such a character!

I gave him a permanent 12-point infraction yesterday, so that any further infraction he acquired would automatically ban him. Living on the edge, I called it.

He was so pleased, that he sent me the following in a PM:

markiswel said:
Please ban me forever you worthless piece of shit. You are doing a terrible job as MOD. You let assholes 10 times worse than me run free.
This is why I left the 1st time.

Suck a cock in hell.

It's always so nice to know your work is appreciated!
LOL that guy was insane. You know, he reminds me of a another ex-member....

This is the first time I have EVER been to the politics forum, I don't know why I came here, but I have to say, this thread made it worth it.

(Because it isn't about politics)
Even in his last, defiant post, his ability to write coherently was shit.

Lets make this thread a tribute to him and post all the awesome things he has said. You go first.
We should reflect on this man's demise.
Well, that was a refreshing change. An anal jerk on the internet gets himself willingly banned.

How to best enjoy this moment?.....

**** it *moves on with his life and forgets the OPer*.
Rather sad if I do say so m'self.

If you want to go out with a bang, you should write a 10,000 word
manifesto detailing all the "little people" who made this possible.

I love reading those things. They're better than network television.

But, when it happens, it means you have spent too much time here.
So you've not only found the Cause of your UnhHappiness, you have solved it.
So it's a good thing.
he has a fansite. who wants to sign up?

click here

What kind of person sets up a fan site for themself?! He obviously has a huge ego , I mean theres practically nothing he has done to gain himself e-fame and thus no one knows him so what would be the point? Its really quite mega-super-uber-ultra-sad if you ask me.