You are starving, what do you eat?

Which do you do? D:

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Dec 8, 2004
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If you chose the first option, you may now move around the board using only one die.

If you chose the second option you may no longer double team enemies in combat.

But seriously, you are on a desert island and you will be rescued and will survive but only if you eat something. Would you rather be crippled for life, or resort to eating someone else to survive?
A desert island with no sea life around?

Wouldn't water be a bigger problem?

The island has a nice freshwater stream. But dinosaurs live there and eat all the other animals. And you can't eat the dinosaurs because you can't hunt them because they wear armour plating. And you are invisible to them. So they can't hunt you either. They can't even smell you.

Friend, of course. They'd do the same to you.
Depends on how close the friend is and how hairy my legs are.
My own friend definitely. I'm sure he'd do the same, that fork wielding bastard!

May I eat my friends legs?
**** you guys, I found a tree with Coconuts on it.

...Can't get the ****in things open though... Maybe I could use them to...

*Bonks friend on the head*
**** you guys, I found a tree with Coconuts on it.

...Can't get the ****in things open though... Maybe I could use them to...

*Bonks friend on the head*

Good luck getting at his tasty tasty brain if you can't even open a coconut!
Eating your own legs offer no gains.

Your hunger kind goes away, your legs hurt like a m#t*0f359er. What have you gained? Legs chewed = more pain that starvation. My friends dont look delicious enough...
Good luck getting at his tasty tasty brain if you can't even open a coconut!

There aren't any rocks on my island... or trees... Just sand. I figured his head was hard enough to...

Why are his eyes rolled up in the back of his head?
This is one of the qualities in people I look for before I befriend someone. If they look like they're made of quality meat, then they're in as a friend.
Whoever votes eat their own legs deverses to die the slow painful death they'd get.
I would have to hope my friend did something to betray me first then I could get back at them by eating them. Otherwise it wouldn't be justified.
friend, if you're eating to survive, eating yourself isn't going to help much is it?
I'd grind rocks against some of the trees to cut them down, then use the rocks to carve some big plank esque shapes out of the wood which would be thrown into the stream to make a barricade around the fish, I'd use some of the wood to make stakes which I would use to catch the barricaded and eventually tired fish. Eating humans would probably just make me throw up.
my legs are way too hairy to be eaten. youd probably bleed to death
after cutting them off anyway
I'm not sure if I'd be happier knowing I ate my own friend than be crippled.

These poll results surprise me.
I'd find a way to eat the dinasour for sure. Im like inivsible to them!
I'm not sure if I'd be happier knowing I ate my own friend than be crippled.
Just crippled? That's assuming you have some way to safely amputate your own legs, without losing too much blood or getting it massively infected.

On, you know, a desert island.


Edit - Not to mention the possibility of passing out from the pain and being eaten by your friend. Odds being you're not the only one starving.

Edit 2 - Man, screw you guys for making me think this over so much.
Then leave it to a simple choice: would you rather be a paraplegic or eat your friend?

Wait a minute, why not eat his legs?!
You cannot be serious. If some of you were REALLY put into this situation you'd try and eat your own legs?

How do you expect to live through this? And as other posters said do you honestly expect the other person not to eat you?

I don't care how much "best buds" you are- he's going to ****ing eat you if it's down to HIM OR YOU.

It's just like Star Trek LOL. "If we don't fight to the death... theyyyyy WILL kill us both."
The island has a nice freshwater stream. But dinosaurs live there and eat all the other animals. And you can't eat the dinosaurs because you can't hunt them because they wear armour plating. And you are invisible to them. So they can't hunt you either. They can't even smell you.


When all the animals have been eaten by the dinosaurs do the dinosaurs eat each other? Because eventually there will be only one dinosaur left and it will die due to starvation, then you eat it.