You got owned...

Holy crap now that was disturbing...

Especially that clip which shows the "Drive Cam" *shudders*
I ain't watching it till someone describes it in a cruel manner.
A series of "bloody hell, that's gotta hurt!" moments, sewn together by pain and's that? :D
Pretty scary how ive already seen many of those clips /me likes when people get hurt.

and what more to add? Oh yeah... ouchies!
As long as it dosen't involve innocent, helpless people or animals then i'm glad.
Damn! That killer whale.... :O

And I've seen that clip with the snowmobile, the guy died.
That d00d in the car when it crashes is still the most shocking imo :o
So the guy getting hit by the car towards the end doesn't take that?
Nobody commented on the one with the guy who gets sucked into the engine of a jet???
The Dark Elf said:
Nobody commented on the one with the guy who gets sucked into the engine of a jet???

Happens every day. I can't think of one person that I know who hasn't been sucked into a jet engine at some point their life.

Now, the cat that get's scared and runs into the wall? Classic.
Zerimski said:
Happens every day. I can't think of one person that I know who hasn't been sucked into a jet engine at some point their life.

Now, the cat that get's scared and runs into the wall? Classic.

It doesnt even looked like a normal cat, it's kinda thin and...small, IMO :|
Hmm, alot of pain in that clip :p

There were some funny ones though, like the gymnastics one - hehe that was great :D
I saw that one on Australia's funniest home videos years ago.
ROFL at the american football player that gets spun around :laugh:

I'm assuming that guy got killed through the engine....unless it had foam blades.....
He didn't get killed. He didn't have a scratch. And I'm serious.
Yea, he had minor shock and his clothes were a little singed.
Danimal said:
Yea, he had minor shock and his clothes were a little singed.

omfg h4x!!111

VAC 2 will see him wiped off the face of the Earth :D
h00dlum said:
Amazing and fake, its from a Powerade comercial...

Nah it's not fake, it's real as far as I know, I watched it on a program abouyt some extreme accidants or soemthing and as far as I know he lived.

But did all those people live or not, cause that girls that gets trown of off that bike, damn that looks so scarey, her skin must have been toen off when she fell on the road at that speed.
Grey Fox said:
Nah it's not fake, it's real as far as I know, I watched it on a program abouyt some extreme accidants or soemthing and as far as I know he lived.

But did all those people live or not, cause that girls that gets trown of off that bike, damn that looks so scarey, her skin must have been toen off when she fell on the road at that speed.

Go search on for 'How to dump your Girlfriend 2', you'll see what happenend to her! (it's not bad)
Murray_H said:
omfg h4x!!111

VAC 2 will see him wiped off the face of the Earth :D

"Leave! Leave before god bans you!"
"Hackers are not tolerated here.Banned."
- God
"Hi, I am Gabe Newell, and I approve this message"
god, I'm laughing my ass off after that.

some are kind of distasteful but most of them are absolutely hilarious.
The guy who got sucked into a jet engine is extremely lucky as his jacket got caught on a hook or something which saved his life. And watching disturbing images of people dying, almost dying or being very seriously injured and finding them funny or exciting in anyway is absolutely sick and disgusting. If you do find it funny, i'll video tape me battering your family with a baseball bat and post it on the internet with the quote "Owned" underneath it, idiots.
Razor said:
The guy who got sucked into a jet engine is extremely lucky as his jacket got caught on a hook or something which saved his life. And watching disturbing images of people dying, almost dying or being very seriously injured and finding them funny or exciting in anyway is absolutely sick and disgusting. If you do find it funny, i'll video tape me battering your family with a baseball bat and post it on the internet with the quote "Owned" underneath it, idiots.
I see where that's coming from.

But the one with the orca, or whatever? Funny.
Ennui said:
I see where that's coming from.

But the one with the orca, or whatever? Funny.

Don't know, haven't watched the video, but i have seen a lot of them before, from what it sounds like.

A gymnast falling over and doing something funny on the way down, getting up and laughing it off is funny to me. A gymnast falling over, doing something funny on the way down, snapping their spine upon impacted and crippling themselves for life, is not funny.

Yes i know that wasn't in the video, but that is the way i look at it.
ROFL some were pretty funny, like the football player just spinning around in the air rofl. I saw that clip of the guy with the bike flying then hitting the building, ouch..

Watch this one

The idiot leans out to clip a biker and .... well just watch the tape
I think it is funny, and I dare to say that out loud. Some of these people deserved to get "a feel" for trying to do stupid things (such as that biker trying to scale a wall *sigh*)
I just got owned...

*2 warning points*


Anyway, back on topic. I showed my friend that video, he didn't find it that funny :(