you guys kick ass


Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanted to say that your site is some real tight shit and I get most if not all of my information off of your forums and bulletins.

Thanks and keep up the good work, the steam powerd stuff is crap. :cheers:
I must admit this site make me FEEL GREAT OOOOOFFFFFFF!
Yeah good work badger and crew... its appreciated.

:D Happy Valentines day to the real love in my life ;)
What are you talking about...
This place sucks.
Wait, it's not Steam powered forums here? [me runs away]
Indeed, this place kicks ass, friendly people and it's rare that I see any flaming occur here, and very active mods for a change.:)
I believe the correct title of this thread should be "Tr0n kicks ass".

Due to how much I kick ass.

Pffft. The only reason this place is so popular, and so good, is due to my presence here. God Samon. Thats right.
somewhere you can always fall back on when you feel low..........uhhh did i just say that?
what? the mods have nice ass?
I agree!
/me checks out munro :naughty:

I dread to think of the direction this thread may go in...
Tr0n said:
I believe the correct title of this thread should be "Tr0n kicks ass".

Due to how much I kick ass.


I wish someone said I kicked ass and made a thread about it :|:(
Fat Tony! said:
what? the mods have nice ass?
I agree!
/me checks out munro :naughty:

I was just appreciating Munro's nice firm tight ass also.

/me pours cement in insane's pit.
Ok this thread is just spam now :P
Spam, spam and yet more spam. /Me munches on spamsandwhich

It's not spam, its people putting across thier views on how much they love, and how it makes them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, and how it -

I'll jsut stop there, actually.
Fat Tony! said:
/me pours cement in insane's pit.
Ok this thread is just spam now :P
/me changes into superhero alias and busts out of the cement while screaming "Nothing is going to keep me away from my!" followed by semi-evil laugh

Mods at we salute you! :cheers:
It's obvious he means I kick ass.

Well I love all the HL2 communites i'm part of, but I have the most post counts here so that must mean something ;)
As a Llama, i firmly beleive in Tight-asses. But maybe a MOD should close this before we are all Perma-banned
TAL has been temp banned - what for :P

Yes, err, this is massivley off topic.
I love this forum, I've never been an active member of any other forum for as long as because it is very well moderated and always brings me the latest hl2 news. There is plenty of great discussion in the lounge (many interesting reads) and the hl2 forums are always on topic. Also flamers and trolls are quickly weeded out thanks to the new warning system. This place rocks!