You guys should…


May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Ban people who speak like this “so wut u re doing heer?” It’s annoying, it’s hard to read, it makes person look like a complete retard, you will never take him seriously anyway. AOL speak should stay exclusive to AOL messengers.
Mr.Reak said:
Ban people who speak like this “so wut u re doing heer?” It’s annoying, it’s hard to read, it makes person look like a complete retard, you will never take him seriously anyway. AOL speak should stay exclusive to AOL messengers.

Heheh, why dont you guys change the language filter so that it changes common l33t crap into proper English! :D

Sooo t3h = the etc!

Allthough... then we wouldnt be able to take the piss out of those who do use it! :(
The sad thing is, some people have to talk like that.

We'd appreciate it if you ignored the fact that they sound retarded and not hurl abuse at them though :p
Chris_D said:
The sad thing is, some people have to talk like that.

We'd appreciate it if you ignored the fact that they sound retarded and not hurl abuse at them though :p

Actually, I believe they can type normal. The only reason they type like that is because they won’t get in trouble for that. Oh well, while I will ignore their stupidity, to me they will lose any argument by default.
No ban mr reak instead :P, People like that arnt bad they just need some infulence really and they will stop it. We need big idols like me who speak properly and spell words wrong all the time :thumbs:
Let them make themselves look stupid. Its hurting them more than its hurting you (although they probably won't realize it).

Thats how I look at it anyway.
Chris_D said:
The sad thing is, some people have to talk like that.

We'd appreciate it if you ignored the fact that they sound retarded and not hurl abuse at them though :p

Well.... I guess...

But if you have read some of my posts. (too many to avoid really :P)

Then you will know my spelling can be absolutely CRAP at times. But I never try to spell thing wrong... those are the people I hate! :angel:
I use AOL messenger. I am fine. I never use language like that. I think it's utter crap.
ray_MAN said:
I use AOL messenger. I am fine. I never use language like that. I think it's utter crap.
I don't get it
If you're going to punish for that, why wouldn't do the same for incorrect grammer. For example, the half page run on setences are horrible to read. And, maybe people should get punishd for saying owned, pwned, or any other variations of that word. Those are the things that really get to me..

There are to many people out there, who believe it is cool, to fix it.
Spelling and grammar mistakes are one thing, they are not intentional. Its "AOL" speak that is really annoying to people because that is intentional.

But like I said, its hurting themselves more than anyone else.
Be nice to those people, Mr. Reak. They might be autistic, or have Down's Syndrome or something. You don't know.
Who the hell would voluntarily use AOL?
Mattigus said:
Be nice to those people, Mr. Reak. They might be autistic, or have Down's Syndrome or something. You don't know.

Burn them then, ha ha, that’s how we did it in old times :D
if someone dont talk very good english (like me) and write something bad cuz didnt know the word?
<RJMC> said:
if someone dont talk very good english (like me) and write something bad cuz didnt know the word?

He's not referring to people who's primary language isn't English.

He's referring to English speaking people who type like this:

"yo, i liek teh gaem dey call halflief2 cuz its cool!! any1 kno wen itll be out in storez?"
ray_MAN said:
Excuse my French. I use AOL Instant Messenger. Though, sometimes it's not instant. :hmph:

French can not be excused. :hmph:
Mr.Reak said:
Burn them then, ha ha, that’s how we did it in old times :D

I agree with Mr.Reak, we should burn them at the stake instead of banning them. I think we would get much better results.
One thing you could do is treat works like 'teh' as a swear word, and get vB to change it to 'the' automatically. :)
Mattigus said:
Be nice to those people, Mr. Reak. They might be autistic, or have Down's Syndrome or something. You don't know.

Are you joking? People with autism don't know most social cues, facial expressions, and don't look people in the eyes when in a conversation most of the time. They all have the ability to type perfectly.

Someone with Down Syndrome can't form a sentence to type on a forum.
While I agree in entirity that people who decide to abandon the english language in favour of l33t talk is a waste of effort and posting space on the forums, it has become apparent that perhaps these people do not know HOW to communicate in the usual manner, and that they potentially should be excused and quietly ignored.