You have 2 weeks left to live

oh teh noes we're all going to dieeeeeeeeee
short recoil said:
He's a complete crackpot or something?

you tell me:

air traffic guy said:
According to Julien, this is the same year that a crop circle appeared showing the inner solar system with the Earth missing from its orbit. He argues the "Missing Earth" crop circle was a message from higher intelligences warning humanity of the consequences of its destructive nuclear policies. He links this crop circle to May 25, 2006, and identifies the comet Schwassmann-Wachman as the subject of higher intelligence communications.

Julien argues that the kinetic energy of even a 'car sized' fragment will impact the Earth with devastating effect. He concludes the May 25 event is tied in to the Bush administration's policy of preemptive use of nuclear weapons against
Iran, and the effect of nuclear weapons on the realms of higher intelligences.
Hey, go looting and pillaging.

When you're in court, you can explain that you thought that the end was nigh, and print out that page to show the judge.
SHIPPI said:
Damn comets, thinking they can just fragment wherever they want to with absolutely no regard for anything else, in my day comets showed some damned respect and.. *mumbles n grumbles*

In my day there weren't even comets roaming around the universe.
Oh man...this guy makes 9/11 conspiracy theorists look like intelligent people.

This just in...a comet is to strike the earth on May 25 because tom cruise actually believes in scientology. This ties directly into a crop circle that had a missing earth which symbolises earth gone because scientology is so dumb that the alien species figured if anyone would actually believe in something so ridiculous we weren't worth keeping around anymore. Thanks a lot tom cruise.
The end is near!! Yeah right:laugh: ... He's just another nut with a disaster scenario. What an idiot, a car size fragment doesn't have enough force to generate 200 feet waves and even if it did it wouldn't spell the end of humanity. They should probably use the laser sats (that the US doesn't admit to have) to shoot the darn thing:cheese: .(That makes as much sense as his theory:laugh:)
Uh oh. Nintendo better release the Wii now.

EDIT: Seriously, I better go tell all the people I know all the secrets I want to tell them but don't have the heart to. And if the world doesn't end? I'll have to go into hiding because of...stuff.
Reginald said:
Uh oh. Nintendo better release the Wii now.

EDIT: Seriously, I better go tell all the people I know all the secrets I want to tell them but don't have the heart to. And if the world doesn't end? I'll have to go into hiding because of...stuff.

Wii will survive! Wii don't need the damn Wii.
CptStern said:
You have 2 weeks left to live


so how's the weather in your neck of the woods? sunny, warm? well that's nice because we're all about to FREAKING DIE!!!
Hahah, god this made me laugh so much.
I picked a bugger while reading how the end of the world is next week.
*stops revising for exams after that date*

*wasn't doing any anyway*
even if this was true, i doubt a comet size of a car will destroy the humanity... -_-
Crap, the only day I have an exam this year and some ****ing comet decides to ruin my day even more.

The world is not going to end. I am getting so sick of hearing this but still it never fails to amuse me every time I see someone talking about this. And yes I know Cptstern wrote this as an "Joke" I am just saying how I feel.
Nope cuz exactly 6 days and 23 hours ago I was told I had exactly a week to live.

So yea! ur wrong! Hmm what should I wear to the party in a few hours...
Minerel said:
Nope cuz exactly 6 days and 23 hours ago I was told I had exactly a week to live.

So yea! ur wrong! Hmm what should I wear to the party in a few hours...

A monkey costume!
Minerel said:
Nope cuz exactly 6 days and 23 hours ago I was told I had exactly a week to live.

So yea! ur wrong! Hmm what should I wear to the party in a few hours...

definately black
Well if this did happen people would see it a some point days before it got imminently close. Then if one ever did get too close... well we would soon find out if the Russians really do have scalar weapons or not :P
Well, I'm gonna laugh and call him a crackpot.

And if I'm wrong?

Well, according to him nobody's gonna be around to make me feel stupid, so I'm not worried.
I'd like to see all the disaster scenarios coincide on one day. It would be glorious.

Also, I've heard something about a near-miss asteroid coinciding with some Aztec prophecy about the end of the world almost exactly.
What can I do about it even if it is true?

'This looks like a job for Superman.' He could fly into space and push the comet safely away! :D

... alternatively, we could throw all of the terrible Superman video games at the comet, altering its course!
We could launch every single nuclear missle at it, and if it doesn't destroy it, we'll still get to see some huge fireworks.
^ :laugh:

Violent video games caused it to fracture?