You have one wish, what is it?


Sep 5, 2003
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Say you have one wish, that will be granted with no hidden catches or anything. What would it be?
and no trying to be a smart-ass by saying you'd wish for more wishes.

Mine would be for everyone to be happy with their lives and their identity (think a lot of problems would be solved if this was the case).

EDIT: to make it more interesting, what if the wish is granted for that instant, but is not perminant if the effect of it could be naturally countered. Would it change your wish?

i.e. If you wished for world peace, it would exist once the wish was made, but may not last because of the nature of humanity.
To be honest right now I would wish for a 10,000 bucks so I can buy this alienware I just customized.

And if not that then 800 bucks so I can buy a nice vid card.

That's fing pathetic isn't it? *sigh*
I was gonna say unlimited wishes but I can't :(

My wish would be for pollution not to kill the Earth
Ohhh, this is one of those questions where the 'right' answer is always: World Peace. Yes... that's what I'd wish for...
Letters said:
Ohhh, this is one of those questions where the 'right' answer is always: World Peace. Yes... that's what I'd wish for...
Read my edit, i tried to avoid that type of answer.
I like the first wish, very well thought out IMO.

If I could have one wish it would be... I wish people could never be afraid. (obviously they would still have common sense, like not just jumping off a cliff cuz they weren't scared.)

If people couldn't be afraid there would be no bullying - people would continue to stand up for them selves, and probably win (from experience bullies suck at fighting).
Fear regimes like Saddams would meet fierce opposition from the start, not allowing them to take root.
Our quest for knowledge would not be stopped. We would not fear what we might learn - knowledge is never a bad thing in the long term.
And... erm... yeah.

It ain't great, it's a flawed wish and quite possibily the world would end up a very weird place... perhaps just "I wish I could live for ever, go anywhere in space/time and never be physically harmed" then. Very selfish but I'd love to see where time takes us, and where we came from.
that my girlfriends mom would stop being such an irrational whore, i have been going out with this girl for a year and a half now and im not even allowed to take her to dinner or see a movie.
Wraith said:
that my girlfriends mom would stop being such an irrational whore, i have been going out with this girl for a year and a half now and im not even allowed to take her to dinner or see a movie.

Wow! You been on the virgin poll yet? (j/k)
SLH said:
and no trying to be a smart-ass by saying you'd wish for more wishes.
Aww damn! I was gonna say that, too.
Well, of course, universal peace. Even though it would never happen even if I wished for it, I would still like to try it. ;)
My wish would be to appear attractive to any female I encounter.

Yeah, I know it's selfish, but I can't deny my impulses :naughty:
No one's got any more wishes?

We must all be very content people. :D
Maybe everyone went to bed...

Anyway, my wish would be for a giant replicator out of startrek that could make anything I want as well as produce its own power.

I wish that i could stand up, open my bedroom door and at the other side of it would be my soul mate, the most beautiful, wonderful, most amazing lady in the world.
Razor said:
I wish that i could stand up, open my bedroom door and at the other side of it would be my soul mate, the most beautiful, wonderful, most amazing lady in the world.

Yeah ...

But I think I would wish for everyone to have love and respect for one another ... Strangers, Friends ... Everyone ... That's what this world needs ... But if i couldnt have that one ... I'd probably wish for a soulmate or something ... Yeah ... and if i couldnt have that then i'd wish for one of those 123520374 dollar compuservers
My wish would be for a lenient and life giving god that wouldntturnitsbackonusortortureusandletusliveourlivesandwhenwediedwegotintothisthingcalledlimbowithamenuwecouldseeandselectfromfromwherewecouldspawnasotherhumanclassesorlifeformsandtraveltheuniverseasitexpandedinfinitebecauseithinkitwouldbefuntomakeyourownplanetsorhaveinfinitetechnologyandalotofotherstuffandwheniwishedthisgodintoperspectiveiwouldimmediatelyhavealotofmoneyandlookgoodbecauseseeiwanttolookgoodiwouldalsohaveabunchofstuffiwantedbutheirwouldexistinfinitepossibilitiesofstufftowantortohaveandtheirwouldbesomuchmoretolifeetc.

...and thats my wish. If the forums put spaces anywhere, just delete them...and you've got my wish.
Seems fair enough to me.

No hidden catches?

I wish I could do anything. Think about it.
I wish i had the combined powers of every marvel comic character.