You know, it feels great being on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Average day. Your sitting on the pot, looking through that cool new Gaming magazine, or serfing the web, or what have you, and you find this cool new game. It looks awesome, great graphics, it's creative, and it looks like the exact type of game you would make yourself. You glance down and see it's for console only. You get pissed. And you beg for a console to PC port.

I don't know about you guys, but this happens to me a lot. A lot a lot. Too often. Halo, Fable, Metal Gear Solid... PC Players are always getting hand-me-down ports. It's always us. Half-Life 2 changed that. Over the past few months, I've been seeing threads like "Will they make a Xbox port?" or PS2 or Gamecube or what have you. And I got to say, it feels great. :p
heheh, PC RULZ (is the responce I would expect to this thread!)

(it really does)
Yeah that pissed me offf. Halo was originally being made for PC, but then Billy Boy comes and steals it exclusively for his new toy, X-Box. Halo was in all the PC gaming magazines, and then we got gipped. KILL CONSOLES. :thumbs:
There are (or were) plenty of games that released on PC first. You just need to look closer :). Think about blizzard games. Regardless of Diablo (and maybe a WC game, which my mind is fuzzy about) and the somewhat recent Starcraft release on the Nintendo64, they never made it to console systems and for that ones that did I'm almost sure (with Diablo and the possible WC that is.. obviously SC was on PC first) that they were on PC first. Blizzard is one of the bigger examples I can think of. Nowadays though there is much less of that. Lots of companies and game designers want to release something that hits the majority of people, so they will try and release it in as many places as they can. Or maybe a game is a big success on one console so they release it on PC (or visa versa).

Not to mention HL being released on PC :)

marksmanHL2 :) said:
PC RULZ (is the responce I would expect to this thread!)

Probably right since most people here are fans on HL and playing PC games. But I'd say consoles and PCs have their own similarities and differences where each one is stronger than the other (present day and game wise that is). PCs are good because there are many games that are online or even MMO. Console games are also taking a turn to be online, but when I play console games I prefer not to play online. The reason I like consoles is that you can have 4 people or so sitting around playing and yelling and talking crap (not sure about swearing here yet :angel: ) and beating the hell outta each other, there is much more physical fun involved in console games IMO. Yeah, you could play on LAN with PCs, and it can be fun to yell back and forth but you're not sitting next to each other looking at the same screen.

My incoherent rambling must come to an end, my pain medication is to blame for the rambling and fuzzy thoughts and ideas :p
2 games were on PC first. Big deal, the ratio is still way out of whack.
Hmm.. if you want me to dig up more I'm more than willing too ^_^. EQ is an obvious one. Just wanted to show that there are games out there.

Not to start an argument, but how many console to PC games can you name? :)
EQ doesn't count. It's a totally differant game. Tripple A titles I could list:

Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance
Tony Hawk 1, 2, 3, 4
Any EA Sports game
Deus Ex 2 Invisible War, I don't care what you say, it's a port. It reeks of portness.
UMm when i first glanced at the thread title, i thought it read "You know, it feels great being on the opposite and of a scrotum"

Sgt.Igneri said:
UMm when i first glanced at the thread title, i thought it read "You know, it feels great being on the opposite and of a scrotum"


i think that's classed as a freudian slip....thinking about coming out of your closet?

on topic, i'd say if you like a console game then buy the console. those types of games are made for consoles for a reason, and that is that the consumers will gobble it up. release the same product on the pc and it won't have the same effect.
Eh ... I have the best of both worlds. I have a good PC that can run the new games and I have a PS2 which gets all the good exclusives :D .
Sgt.Igneri said:
UMm when i first glanced at the thread title, i thought it read "You know, it feels great being on the opposite and of a scrotum"


ROFL! *CoHnFuSeD falls down on the floor laughing and clasping his stomach*
I was afraid Full Spectrum Warrior was only going to be for XBOX because thats the only way they were atvertising it, but I'm relieved once I saw "PCCDROM" and yeah, I hate it when you see a game and you're like "OMG FUX0RING SA-WHEET DAWG!!! I'LL BUY THIS IN 3.2 SECONZ!!!" and then you're all like "Where the fa-zizzle is my FAQ?" and then you find it and it's all like "Willz j00 be portzoring <game> to teh PCizzle?" and it's all like "NEGATIVE N00B LOLOL!FAGHAT!!!" and then you smash a bucket full of gophers through your monitor.
nw909 said:
I was afraid Full Spectrum Warrior was only going to be for XBOX because thats the only way they were atvertising it, but I'm relieved once I saw "PCCDROM" and yeah, I hate it when you see a game and you're like "OMG FUX0RING SA-WHEET DAWG!!! I'LL BUY THIS IN 3.2 SECONZ!!!" and then you're all like "Where the fa-zizzle is my FAQ?" and then you find it and it's all like "Willz j00 be portzoring <game> to teh PCizzle?" and it's all like "NEGATIVE N00B LOLOL!FAGHAT!!!" and then you smash a bucket full of gophers through your monitor.

that happens to me all the time. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
i like having my xbox cause it means that i never have to upgrade it to play new games that come out. Yet with pc, mine wont even run hl2 with the best settings so i'm forced to get a new one. Well not necessarily forced, but i wanna play it with everything looking its greatest dammit!
Bah, you lazy console-er(yes I have one, but barely use).. maybe console-ers are actually on the wrong end of the scrotum.. j/k Jon :D just playing ;)
I don't like consoles, and don't see the logic in them. a pc [can have] better graphics, and especially for fps games, better gameplay. bah to consoles.
Letters said:
Originally Posted by morient
Blizzard is one of the bigger examples I can think of.


Starcraft Ghost?

Console only?


Well, as you may know the game is not yet released. I don't believe we were talking about upcoming games :p. Also, the thread is discussing (even though Top Secret started by saying how it was good to have a PC game released and not be ported, maybe things got off topic now that I read it :/ ) games to ported (or to be ported if you're looking at the upcoming), and I'm pretty sure they haven't said anything (nor would I think they plan) to port it to PC. I was only saying Blizzard is one of the major ones that ported off the PC (with Diablo, Warcraft 2, and Starcraft).

You named a few that went from console to PC, and there are plenty more. When I listed the few (and there are still more than I listed, and I won't count EQ since I don't really know much about the console version :D) that I did that ported from PC to console, I was only trying to state that, even though they are few, they do exist and that HL2 is not the only one.

Stupid pain pills.. make me type senseless things :cheers:
They are too few. And Starcraft ghost will not make it to PC. As for games that are 'upcoming', I don't know how it is off topic, since Half-Life 2, itself, is 'upcoming'.
Meh, oh well.. the main idea of ported games is dealing more with the past.. unless announced otherwise, in which case they're not necissarily ports.. I remember Blizzard saying something about how it was console only, and I in no way doubt that, but isn't there always a chance that the future might tell otherwise after it's release on consoles (and I'm not hoping or wanting for a PC version, just asking if it is at all possible)?

I would think it's harder to port from PC to console..

[edit]This statement is utterly confusing to me now..[/edit]
I also think the fact that there are more more console types than just a PC might account something, too. (3v1; including gcn, ps2, and xbox)
JonTheCanuck said:
i like having my xbox cause it means that i never have to upgrade it to play new games that come out. Yet with pc, mine wont even run hl2 with the best settings so i'm forced to get a new one. Well not necessarily forced, but i wanna play it with everything looking its greatest dammit!

thing is video games therefore will never look as great as pc games potentially can. its gonna look several times worse. and why a new computer, generally just a new video card. unless all your other stuffs sucks too. I built mine this summer, its an athlon 2500+ barton cpu, with an epox8rda+ mobo, 512 megs ram and a geforce 4 ti4400(though now I wish I had a radeon. oh well, whatever)
Top Secret said:
Average day. Your sitting on the pot, looking through that cool new Gaming magazine, or serfing the web, or what have you, and you find this cool new game. It looks awesome, great graphics, it's creative, and it looks like the exact type of game you would make yourself. You glance down and see it's for console only. You get pissed. And you beg for a console to PC port.

I don't know about you guys, but this happens to me a lot. A lot a lot. Too often. Halo, Fable, Metal Gear Solid... PC Players are always getting hand-me-down ports. It's always us. Half-Life 2 changed that. Over the past few months, I've been seeing threads like "Will they make a Xbox port?" or PS2 or Gamecube or what have you. And I got to say, it feels great. :p
Ive only had that happen to me once GTA:Vice City
All other times its been the reverse so i feel lucky.
CyberSh33p said:
thing is video games therefore will never look as great as pc games potentially can. its gonna look several times worse. and why a new computer, generally just a new video card. unless all your other stuffs sucks too. I built mine this summer, its an athlon 2500+ barton cpu, with an epox8rda+ mobo, 512 megs ram and a geforce 4 ti4400(though now I wish I had a radeon. oh well, whatever)

hmm i dont think so, i think that they'll look just as good when the console is new, just that console doesn't get upgraded. So when new consoles come out they're just as good as pc graphics at that point. Look at splinter cell or rainbow six 3 for xbox, graphics in that game are way better than any currect pc games thats out imo. Everything is smoother and more polished.
JonTheCanuck said:
hmm i dont think so, i think that they'll look just as good when the console is new, just that console doesn't get upgraded. So when new consoles come out they're just as good as pc graphics at that point. Look at splinter cell or rainbow six 3 for xbox, graphics in that game are way better than any currect pc games thats out imo. Everything is smoother and more polished.

no pc graphics will always be better! :flame:
......... shame about the gameplay tho :/

Doesn't matter how many polygons are flying about - a shite game is a shite game ...... and the pc has plenty :(
Wish they would make FFX, FFX-2, and other upcoming FF/Square-Enix games for pc.....