You know your gaming to much when.....

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
You refer to a desert eagle as a deagle
You get 250+ kills over the internet in a week
You understand and can speak l337
You have been waiting for hl2 for 7+months
Your reading this
You refer to people in social events as n00bs instead of dumbass
You have to replace your mouse every 3 months
You have 4+ lan parties during the summer
You refer to yourself as d3@gL3R or $n!ps0rZ
You computer gets more attention that anyone else

please continue with this list
ahhhg thats nearly me ! haha pwned!
You know you're gaming too much when....

you ignore the fact that there's a specific and special forum been made for you and these kinds of threads about GAMING called the GENERAL GAMING forum and you STILL post them in the wrong forum ;)

You look at a wall and think, "Hey, nice bumpmapping!".

You go to the local shooting range and fire vaguely in the direction of the target, only to realise that Aimbot only works on your computer.

You tell people that they have been "Owned" whenever someone shows them up.

You stand up to the school bully, confident that you can just go back to an earlier save if he pulps you.

You find yourself wanting to defrag the world when the 8:30 AM train is running slow.
Chris_D said:
You know you're gaming too much when....

you ignore the fact that there's a specific and special forum been made for you and these kinds of threads about GAMING called the GENERAL GAMING forum and you STILL post them in the wrong forum ;)

Its specificaly and specialy for me!!1

WOW!! ld like to thank the mods, and all the little people and Chris_D!! I MADE IT MOM!! WOOT
Gu! That IS me exept for the: "You have to replace your mouse every 3 months"
Hey guys what are you doing with your mouse?!!

I should add: - You shout 'Bomb has been planted' when you hear the washing-machine ring!
You try to find the "Quicksave" button before doing something special, like a sports match or a contest/ school test.

You look at all reflections and water stuff and wonder what Shader version they're using.

You punch/kick someone in real life just to watch if it's like the Rag Doll effects in that latest game you bought.

You say "lol" instead of laughing.

You wonder how those smoke sprites can run so smooth IRL.

Everytime you walk into the bathroom you imagine yourself holding a gun , pulling the trigger when aiming at the mirror.

When you're trying to answer a trivia question, you wonder why you can't find the "search" button in your brain.

You pronounce n00b as noob, not newbie.

You're an active member in more than one gaming forums.

You try to find the console to write "god" when getting hurt.
You trying to carry more than 1 backpack and wonder why Gordon can do it but you cant

You go to a nice area and think, this would be a cool map

You try to duck jump onto something

You don't have enough power outlets in your room because they are all used by your computer

You got cable internet because you couldn't play CS on 56.6k

You have designated one room in your house for all Lan parties

You think of your boss as the G-man
You think that massive blood loss can be fixed by a roll of bandages.

You instinctively throw your backpack at a group of hostile people (bullies, gangers, etc) then shout, "Boom!".

You are making a costume based on a videogame character.

You think Lara Croft is hot.
When you think you can play a game by beating the monitor with your sword.

(yeah, people wont get it, you darn non-savage n00bs! :D)
Brian Damage said:
You look at a wall and think, "Hey, nice bumpmapping!".
Hah, I've done something like that... only it was "Wow, sweet physics!"
If you're afraid to masturbate because you think someone might be wall hacking.

If you carry a knife around with you everywhere because you think it'll make you run faster.
You know your gaming too much when you look up at the clouds in the sky and think "Wtf is this, DX8?"


When you look at a chair or something and think "Needs more polies"
Search for the "Use" button when trying to call the elevator.
When you are able to masturbate only on Lara Croft and Dr. Aki Ross.

Consernes only virpils:
Trying to manuver and shake the enemy off your tail when you see another car behinde you.
Trying to lower the undercarriage before you start to park the car.
Brian Damage said:
You look at a wall and think, "Hey, nice bumpmapping!".

* raises hand

But that's more because of 3D app stuff than gaming.

You refer to a desert eagle as a deagle Hate people who call a desert eagle a deagle
You get 250+ kills over the internet in a week Not even close
You understand and can speak l337 Uhmm I can understand most of it :x
You have been waiting for hl2 for 7+months :naughty:
Your reading this check
You refer to people in social events as n00bs instead of dumbass n00b is a funny word, but kill me when I start saying 'lol' IRL
You have to replace your mouse every 3 months have had this one since may 2003, the logitech logo is barely visible anymore though
You have 4+ lan parties during the summer never been to a large scale lan
You refer to yourself as d3@gL3R or $n!ps0rZ PvtRyan..... :dozey:
You computer gets more attention that anyone else True true
When you think up something witty for this thread that nobody thought of.
You look at a wall and think, "Hey, nice bumpmapping!".

I've done that before, many, many times actually.
I know I'm spending too much time with my computers if I begin to think in terms of code. Formulating code in my head to perform tasks in real life, like getting a glass of water, doing laundry, etc......or if I see something fall off of a table, I'll automatically I begin to write code in my head to replicate that in a game..........ummm......well then.....I'm pretty screwed up as you can all see.....I'll get my coat..

/me qckbeam gets his coat
/me kills someone and expects them to come back to life... :|

C'mon, just press a button...
qckbeam qckbeam get your coat,
It's being eaten by a goat,
And writing code for real life,
Suggests you're a nut who wields a knife.

(Sucky, I know, but I couldn't resist.)
coolio2man said:
You refer to a desert eagle as a deagle
You get 250+ kills over the internet in a week
You understand and can speak l337
You have been waiting for hl2 for 7+months
Your reading this
You refer to people in social events as n00bs instead of dumbass
You computer gets more attention that anyone else

All those. And it's YOU apostrophy RE [/rossgellar]
Brian Damage said:
qckbeam qckbeam get your coat,
It's being eaten by a goat,
And writing code for real life,
Suggests you're a nut who wields a knife.

(Sucky, I know, but I couldn't resist.)

;( I'm not crazy.....really.....I'm not...........................ok.....maybe a little crazy....
When you do something stupid and realise you can't restart...

/me realises 200ft down, but it's too late. Only another 100ft to go...
When you wonder how can the Creator make these photo-realistic graphics, incredibly complex physics simulation, no loading cenarios, and such incredible AI....
I had a couple of days during replaying HL1 when I kept "thinking" and trying to autosave my life with F6 , lol :o

Actually so bad to admit that! LOL
GSW said:
I had a couple of days during replaying HL1 when I kept "thinking" and trying to autosave my life with F6 , lol :o

Actually so bad to admit that! LOL

I wouldnt say i tried to autosave, but ive thought about stuff like that when im in that state of sleeping, but almost awake. Its almost like concious thought but reality is twisted by your imagination.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I wouldnt say i tried to autosave, but ive thought about stuff like that when im in that state of sleeping, but almost awake. Its almost like concious thought but reality is twisted by your imagination.
Aye, that happens to me sometimes when I'm very tired. Sort of very, very tired indeed.
Quite cool actually, seeing as I 'imagine' a lot more things than autosaves.
you know you play to many video games when you tell your friends where to look in the game because you don't want them to miss any scripting or events. You also tell them them what to do..."Quick get in that banshee and take their flag before they see you?? Go now! No! get out there's a rocket comming for....damn man you's okay, were not all gifted"
Chris_D said:
You know you're gaming too much when....

you ignore the fact that there's a specific and special forum been made for you and these kinds of threads about GAMING called the GENERAL GAMING forum and you STILL post them in the wrong forum ;)


LMAO! nice :E
When you eat mushrooms and realise that they do not make you grow...physically...
When you eat flowers and realise that you can't shoot fire
When you try to pick up stars that'll make you flash and you become invincible and then you start running into to everybody... to your surprise that they don't budge.
Well, if you do too much of anything, your mind thinks of it in quiet moments. For example, I can't read without unconscously typing every word in my head. And I used to think of the whole world as a giant game of chess. They say games **** with your head, and that's true. Because everything does if you do it too much.