you like VALVe better when they are

you like VALVe more when they are

  • quiet.. no news is good news

    Votes: 5 6.9%
  • tell us everything!!!, release dates, videos

    Votes: 24 33.3%
  • what is valve??

    Votes: 5 6.9%
  • DOOM fanboy

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • little bit of info, not everything

    Votes: 36 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
in what state do you prefer VALVe

damnit poll says lie and I cant edit... or at least I dont know how to edit polls :smoking:
Could there be a middle option? I don't want everything and I don't want nothing.
yeah, i'd like the release date, but no new videos, storyline, or whatever
new poll option added.

I like it more when they tell us a lot, because it gives us things to look forward to. But I realize that the more time they spend with the community, the less time they have to make the game. A balance of both would be best.
I'd rather they just left us with a cryptic message like a single clip of the GMan saying "We've been rather busy in your absence Mr. Freeman." for a few months, then when the game goes gold... flood the community with videos and screenshots.

The best ad they ever ran was the crowbar on a blank, white page. It was mysterious.
i liked the way they did it, all except the missing of the release date.
synth said:
new poll option added.

I like it more when they tell us a lot, because it gives us things to look forward to. But I realize that the more time they spend with the community, the less time they have to make the game. A balance of both would be best.

thx, and I certainly agree
where was the option for "when they stfu"? go ahead, flame the messanger. but everytime they open their big mouths something goes wrong and WE end up suffering. but hey not like you care :D
chewysplace said:
where was the option for "when they stfu"? go ahead, flame the messanger. but everytime they open their big mouths something goes wrong and WE end up suffering. but hey not like you care :D
So, you don't think Valve are suffering to? You think that we are the only ones that suffer from these constant delays and thefts?

chewysplace said:
but hey not like you care :D
So, why wouldn't we care?

EDIT: Could be good to shorten your signature before the mods come over to your house and start jumping on all your teacups. 4 line limit, y'know. :)
[CoHn]FuSeD said:
So, you don't think Valve are suffering to? You think that we are the only ones that suffer from these constant delays and thefts?

So, why wouldn't we care?

EDIT: Could be good to shorten your signature before the mods come over to your house and start jumping on all your teacups. 4 line limit, y'know. :)
no they are not suffering. yes you are the only ones suffering. and why wouldnt you care? do i care if you care? nope, yeah thats it nope.
chewysplace said:
no they are not suffering. yes you are the only ones suffering.
So mate, you're saying that valve is not at all suffering from all the negative publicity the delays have given them, and that they don't at all mind that some hacker came along and stole the source code that they had been working on for 5 years? Mkay...
yes they are not suffering. why? cause band-wagon jumpers like you will still buy it.
hence they will still make money. and you will still have a corinary cause of all they hype.
chewysplace said:
yes they are not suffering. why? cause band-wagon jumpers like you will still buy it.
hence they will still make money. and you will still have a corinary cause of all they hype.
*CoHnFuSeD gets run over by a bandwagon*
Yeah, I will probarly still buy it. And so will most other people.
But even if Valve has lost only one prospective buyer, is it not a loss?
And negative publicity is not good for any company, yet alone a company that makes games.
Not realy. cause it is you the wagon jumper who will incourage your friends to buy it. your friends the prospective buyer. you in the gamestore talking about it to someone who had doubts. so its not a loss. they just dont make money as quick in the start.

negative publicity is for stockholders. no publicity is realy bad cause your name gets out.
chewysplace said:
Not realy. cause it is you the wagon jumper who will incourage your friends to buy it. your friends the prospective buyer. you in the gamestore talking about it to someone who had doubts. so its not a loss. they just dont make money as quick in the start.
Yes, but what about the people that haven't got the honour of my friendship? Whom shall save them? :P
And I've heard several people on these forums say that they've lost all respect for valve, and that they are going to download the game rather than play it. And even though I doubt that most of them will go through with it, some of them will.
And POFF , there goes some of valves profits.
no big loss, they'll eventualy hear about it somewhere. you wana go childish in this conversation, i'll just end it.
[CoHn]FuSeD said:
Yes, but what about the people that haven't got the honour of my friendship? Whom shall save them? :P

how is that not childish. i hope you have the ability to reason and know there are other people in teh world who have them as friends.
chewysplace said:
ah, but i am serious.
You know, not joking?
Yes...I kinda understood that..
So, you find me childish because I made a joke?
i'm trying ot have an intelligent conversation about a subject that seems to get everyones panties in a bind in this forum and your crackin jokes.
chewysplace said:
yes they are not suffering. why? cause band-wagon jumpers like you will still buy it.
hence they will still make money. and you will still have a corinary cause of all they hype.
What are you on about? How is buying the game jumping on the band-wagon? Surely we'd want to buy it because, hopefully, it will turn out to be a very good game. Buying something because of its quality is in no way jumping on any kind of band-wagon. And as for these ridiculous ideas of not buying the game out of protest? What a stupid idea. Of course Valve are suffering because people like yourself (Ooh get you jumping on the negative band-wagon) keep directing all this hate at them for reasons I can't even begin to understand. They screwed up - they're only human and besides it wasn't entirely their fault. Are you trying to say you've never screwed up? You've never been late? You've never disappointed anyone? So get off your high-horse as you have no right to be so self-righteous. really can't understand where you're coming from... Would you care to explain to me what your reasoning is? I mean that sincerely, by the way.
chewysplace said:
i'm trying ot have an intelligent conversation about a subject that seems to get everyones panties in a bind in this forum and your crackin jokes.
I like jokes! What's life without a little laugh now and then, eh?

And I agree with pretty much everything el Chi said, and can't wait to whop his ass in HL2 MP when it's released ;) :) Or the other way round :P
i didnt get passed much of what he said. sounded like he didnt read the posts so i ignored it.
I did read your posts. Seeing as it had degenerated into a petty squabble (no offense intended, but it did) many of them had no relevance. I think you're avoiding my questions, because you can't defend your views properly. How about you distill your argument into one post?
i like valve when they release games.... that has to be an option.....
what is up with CZERO and TF2 .....czero has been done for 2 months and still is that even possible????!??
el Chi said:
I did read your posts. Seeing as it had degenerated into a petty squabble (no offense intended, but it did) many of them had no relevance. I think you're avoiding my questions, because you can't defend your views properly. How about you distill your argument into one post?

dont even start with me. you did nothing to defend your views well.
chewy, you overreact quite a bit.

No one here is really childish. Cohnfused made a small little joke and then proceeded with the rest of the sensible argument. It was just his sense of humour.

el Chi's post made sense to me. Want me try to reiterate it to you?
Personally i would not even bother to argue with a person like chewysplace, you're just wasting your time. Chewy, if you don't like the game or what the company has done simply don't buy it. Who cares if you're not buying it, i know i don't. If you hate HL2 so much what are you doing in a fansite dedicated ot the very same game, isn't it a bit stupid?

As far as i can see you're the only one being childish here.
Rico: your arguing with me right now.
take your own advice for once.
and if you dont want to be in the conversation the dont reply.
Back on topic:

I really wouldn't mind not having any more info for HL2 until after it goes gold. I probably won't be one of those people who get the game as soon as it comes out, most likely i will get it a few weeks later.
Well I just want the Game, Noting else. I have voted for the last option.

Why Should I like a company which made me buy a PC worth £1800 a three months ago and now its only £1600? No Way I am going to trust valve, I am only waiting for their product and thats it.
I voted for the first option. Really beacause I think that Valve overplayed their hand badly with their publicity offensive of this summer. To say nothing of the missed september the 30th date. Right now, I want them to work away at the game and do nothing else.
Rico said:
Personally i would not even bother to argue with a person like chewysplace, you're just wasting your time. Chewy, if you don't like the game or what the company has done simply don't buy it. Who cares if you're not buying it, i know i don't. If you hate HL2 so much what are you doing in a fansite dedicated ot the very same game, isn't it a bit stupid?

As far as i can see you're the only one being childish here.

chewysplace said:
Rico: your arguing with me right now.
take your own advice for once.
and if you dont want to be in the conversation the dont reply.

Both of you have a point to be honest.

Rico, while some of chewy's posts are a bit harsh against the person he's discussing/debating with, some of them are just a simple debate. If I remember correctly, everyone's entitled to their own views, within reason, and chewy mildly not liking Valve or the game is certainly within reason in my book.

chewy, some of the things you have said are out of order and unecessary. This IS a Half-Life(2) fan forum where people come to discuss the games. Unfortunately because of that posting things like:
chewysplace said:
Half Life2 is the stolen code of Halo 2. HL2 is too hyped up and will now suck much ass. They got pwnz by uber hackers while eating their ding dongs and twinkies. they got uber fuxord cause they were dumb. and thank god. maybe they'll be outa the gene pool son enough
...isn't exactly going to end in a decent conversation or debate on anyone's part.

I hope you see my point.
that i do. only because you were specific enough unlike most posters.
however the argument you dont know about also affects why you dont understand my post.
but one of the moderators does know about it. and if he feels like telling then so be it.
Gabe you still owe me.
As for the topic ...

I have to say I liked the way Valve began the HL2 surge. To come out of no where to announce a game (if not the most anticipated game ever, certainly in the top 2-3) which is almost done and only a couple months off was the best way to do it. Release date in hand, movies, screenies, interviews all was great.

As for how things have gone down hill. Well, I can't really fault Valve for not wanting to say anything. Everything they say is jumped on and not really trusted at this point so why say anything?

Although I think an update now and then would be nice. A comment every week or 2 about how things stand, or how the case against the thieves is going, or even a single screen shot now and then...etc.

But, as I said....can't blame them at all for their silence.
Well, as I said in my PM, mrBadger was clearly warning you about that particular post in the Halo 2 vs HL2 thread as you acknowledged that in response to him telling you to stop trolling which was near the exact same acknowledgement you gave as you quoted him and told him "well done" for warning you six hours late.

This needs to get back on topic now...
Chris: from teh PM he gave me there was no clear reason why. he may have showed you but he shurely didnt show me.
and again you said trolling. thats has a very broad meaning.
if you wish to still discus this just PM me instead of posting it here.