You might be asked to saddle up the next time you fly


May 5, 2004
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They’ve wrested food, free alcohol, and peanuts from you. They’ve made you pay for luggage and lavatories.

Just when you thought there was nothing left for the airlines to squeeze, comes Italian company Aviointeriors’ new aircraft ‘SkyRider’ standing seat.

ya that'll definately help cut down on air rage incidents
I'd rather kill myself than fly for more than an hour in one of those "chairs". Good lord.
get some for the dining room table. Mount up, girls; time for supper. *rings triangle*

I reckon its only for short flights (less than 60 minutes). Still, ****ing ridiculous
Kotick Airways.


Now you get to ****ing pedal, for only $10 more.
****ing trains are more fun and even if it takes me longer, i can go up to a bar and have sex with strangers without worrying about being arrested when i get to where i need to
Why even bother with a chair at that point? Seems like the most sensible and right thing to do would be to hallow out the cabin, and setup some manner of people shelves that passengers would lay prostate on, bunched up like soft, fleshy firewood.

Could have two classes, the more upscale one in which passengers get a bottle of water and a Sky Mall magazine, and the economy one where passengers are stripped, greased and jammed in until all space has been exhausted.

I think it could work.
We'll need to strap an additional restraint on to prevent toppling of the greased females.
You need some sort of chair to comply with FIA regulations. Myself, if it meant cheaper tickets, wouldn't mind standing like that for a couple of hours.
NWO etc.

Globalists treat you like stock, biological machines, etc. while they climb the left-handed path to Illumination.
What if you're wearing a miniskirt? Or indeed any type of skirt that isn't circular and doesn't reach your knees?

I don't wear my skirts on planes.

But seriously... do airlines not realize that people are bigger than your average 10 year old? I mean air travel prices got jacked up when oil prices shot up a few year ago or whatever just as air travel in the US was recovering from 9/11. So they started charging extra for everything to compensate. Bags, food, drinks, seating... whatever they could. So fuel prices went back down and no one is scared to fly anymore ... why are we still doing the whole "get less for more" thing? I mean the way it is now a coach seat has the arm rests right in my hip bones. Pretty soon I'm sure I'll have to get a separate seat for each of my body parts... and two for my dick.
The only way I'd settle for standing up during a flight, is if they freeze me for the duration and give me a beer afterwards.
