**** you, teamkill punishers.


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Punishing is just so ****ing stupid. The whole basis of being able to kick someone without majority approval is total ****ing bull shit. I was in a gunner seat of a Su-34 and doing some ****ing awesome shit and then I accidentally hit an APC with 3 people loaded. All of them punish me, kicked and banned.

**** that. That's ****ing retarded that I'll never be able to get back into that server, or at least not for a while. That's so ****ing cock biting stupid. I ****ing hate this game. ****.
Pesmerga said:
Punishing is just so ****ing stupid. The whole basis of being able to kick someone without majority approval is total ****ing bull shit. I was in a gunner seat of a Su-34 and doing some ****ing awesome shit and then I accidentally hit an APC with 3 people loaded. All of them punish me, kicked and banned.

**** that. That's ****ing retarded that I'll never be able to get back into that server, or at least not for a while. That's so ****ing cock biting stupid. I ****ing hate this game. ****.

Lol, hitting anything with a laser guided missile on those aircraft is amazing, well done.

But i have gone into servers where i have had people throw themselves infront of my jeep and specifically run into my line of sight as i am shooting at a bad guy and then kicked and banned and punished.

I think this is the new thing for griefers to do, instead of tking someone, they are purposely tked to get innocent people kicked.

But the problem is, people do get pissed off that some "idiot" has tked them and automatically punish. If i get tked, i will only punish if i know for sure it was a purposeful tk.
Actually the Su-34 is amazingly awesome with a co-pilot. The missiles are really ****ing accurate, unfortunately the lock-on doesn't differenciate between friend and foe.

I understand why friendly fire is there, but being punished and the amount of points you lose is ****ing ridiculous. I'm really not in the mood to play any more today because of that stupid shit.
S0 if three people decide to punish you, you're kicked?
Jeeeeeeesus, I'm thinking of holding off on getting BF2 just for all of these TK horror stories.

Was never THIS bad in BF1942.
Battlefield, battlefield, curse ye and your punishing, punishing ways.
The_Monkey said:
S0 if three people decide to punish you, you're kicked?

Yes that's how it works, as opposed to a vote kick which requires 3/4 or 4/5 of the entire server.
I was leading the game on Strike at Karkand yesterday, and I was moving foward and backward in my tank so I could keep everything in my sights. As I was doing this, two guys jump in front of my tank and I kill them. I get two punishments, and I am second to last with six kills and only two deaths.
Not only that, but the developers have made it hard for you to actually avoid punishing someone. I mean, you'd think the message that comes up on your screen would say "Do you wish to punish the TKer", wouldn't you? So if I'm a little pre-occupied, I instinctively hit "page down" for "NO". Then it says "TKer will be punished. And I realise that the message said "Do you wish to FORGIVE the TKer", and I'm like ARG YOU BASTARD and then I have to find a safe place to duck into while I type a long message explaining why I'm sorry.

Not only that, but if you don't vote and just leave the message on the screen, it automatically punishes.
You were nice yesterday, though, Sui. You scared the shit out of me and I just shot you. :P
haha that was funny :laugh:

"Hi there Ra-"
"SHIT, Sorry!"

I honestly didn'y care I'd been killed because I was having a bad day and I was expecting it :D
It's stupid because I had the LMG and it normally takes me 20 shots to kill someone, but it took three for you. :P We shall play again tonight.
ray_MAN said:
We shall play again tonight.

We shall.

Back on track: Once I missed a bronze medal because the game was about to end, I was third, and I accidentally flew my chopper into an allied plane at the last minute, deducting loads of points :(

Also, it's so annoying when an ally steps on a mine you placed and blows themselves up, leaving you with -8 kills or something. It should be -1 ffs, and you should be able to see ALLIED mines from miles away.
At least you got the silver medal last night. :D
Mines are easy to spot for me. I never drive on the roads really. I scaled (read: fell down) a mountain in a buggy just because it was faster than taking the road. :P

This is why punishing is stupid and should be removed.

I join a server on Dalian Plant, and both planes are in the air. I always go for planes if they're available. So, I'm waiting in the hangar, and I see one plane had crashed, so I stand in the middle of the hangar holding my use key to get in it as soon as it spawns, when along comes the pilots who crashed. So, when the J-10 spawns in, I grab it immediately. As you would expect from this asshole, he starts shooting my plane while standing in front of it and goes prone. I tell him to move, he just voice macros "Go, go, go!" So, I go, run over him, and get punished. At this time I just didn't give a shit anymore. So, I eventually later get taken down, and I go back to the hangar, to no one there. I take my plane and go on with my game. Next round, I spawn there and make a mad dash for the first J-10. I get in, and of course, this asshole is here again, but wait, this time he has a buddy. They both lay prone and open fire, so I just go, and TK the new guy, get punished, whatever. Finally, on the last round, as soon as it's about to end, I get in the J-10, when all of a sudden a sniper with an M95 waiting for the plane shoots me, kills me, and steals my plane.

I punish fairly. If it was a big TK on my teammates fault, I'll punish. If I think it wasn't, I won't punish. Tough shit, but until they realize how dumb it is to give every player the power to bring down a teammates score so badly is a big mistake, we can't enjoy ourselves I suppose.
I had a grenade thrown at me because I took a plane yesterday. Took the HP down by more than half.
Whine whine whine whine. Easy sollution: Don't kill people on your own team. Use the radar when you rain hellfire from above. Being able to punish sloppy people like you (and, my god, are there a lot of you) is one of the best features of bf2.
People intentionally abusing this feature is another issue entirely.


Pesmerga said:
Punishing is just so ****ing stupid. The whole basis of being able to kick someone without majority approval is total ****ing bull shit. I was in a gunner seat of a Su-34 and doing some ****ing awesome shit and then I accidentally hit an APC with 3 people loaded. All of them punish me, kicked and banned.

**** that. That's ****ing retarded that I'll never be able to get back into that server, or at least not for a while. That's so ****ing cock biting stupid. I ****ing hate this game. ****.
Off-Topic (needless to start a new thread): I just advanced to Private First Class, and yet I couldn't unlock any weapons. Why not?
boglito said:
Whine whine whine whine. Easy sollution: Don't kill people on your own team. Use the radar when you rain hellfire from above. Being able to punish sloppy people like you (and, my god, are there a lot of you) is one of the best features of bf2.
People intentionally abusing this feature is another issue entirely.


I'm going to classify you as "person who doesn't read the whole thread." OR, maybe you just haven't had the whole experience of BF2.

Off-Topic (needless to start a new thread): I just advanced to Private First Class, and yet I couldn't unlock any weapons. Why not?

You get your first unlock at Lance Corporal. I was expecting it at PFC, too. :|
Or you could classify me as "person who thinks features that make ff risky business are good". The thread-starter is whining about the system, and I totally disagree with him in all his points. BF2 would be a much worse game if ff was off or unpunishable except by majority vote (how often do you see that happen?).

If you still think your smart-ass comment is valid then feel free to explain so I can pick your faulty logic apart.

ricera10 said:
I'm going to classify you as "person who doesn't read the whole thread." OR, maybe you just haven't had the whole experience of BF2.

You get your first unlock at Lance Corporal. I was expecting it at PFC, too. :|
I agree with punishing if it was intentional ..but man they gotta do something about engineers getting punished for mines ...no one plays as an eng because of it
The_Monkey said:
Off-Topic (needless to start a new thread): I just advanced to Private First Class, and yet I couldn't unlock any weapons. Why not?

Because you get a unlock at Lance Corporal
boglito said:
Or you could classify me as "person who thinks features that make ff risky business are good". The thread-starter is whining about the system, and I totally disagree with him in all his points. BF2 would be a much worse game if ff was off or unpunishable except by majority vote (how often do you see that happen?).

If you still think your smart-ass comment is valid then feel free to explain so I can pick your faulty logic apart.


I was talking about your original post...you said blah blah blah about preventing teamkills. None if it applied to the thread poster. That wasn't constructive critcism...it was just being rude, and you even insulted the original poster. Pick that apart.
if i know it was an accident, i don't punish, regardless if they say they are sorry. if it looked like something he could have avoided, i wait for 'sorry', if no sorry, then punish.
No, team killing goes far beyond accidents. Sometimes it's totally not your fault. Like when you're piloting a black hawk, turning quickly, and then your gunner decides to jump out and gets clipped by the tail. Bam, punish. Then there's times when an enemy helicopter or jet flies right into a fully loaded black hawk and, for no reason at all, I'm charged with team kills WHILE I WAS THE PILOT.

And for accidental shit, the people who do punish do it no matter the circumstances. I've killed entire enemy squads in bombing runs and then gotten a friendly in the way. He punishes!!! It's not like I'm trying to ****ing target the bastards.

It should take...I dunno, maybe 6 punishes. Or throw out the punish system itself and base it soley on points lost.
So you were talking about my original post, huh? I didn't quite grasp that, even though it was my only one in this thread at that time. Or did you mean my all-time original post at hl2.net? No? Ok then.
I never said "blah blah blah" about anything, so that is an outright lie. (Yes, I do realize that you didn't mean that literally, but what does that sentence of yours even mean? Nothing, and that's my point.)
The first poster complains about being punished for his team kills. I reply that instead of whining about being punished he should be more careful. How does that not apply to his post? I certainly think it does.
You could say my criticism was not constructive. Neither was his post.
Oh, so I was rude and insulting? That was my intention. People that write dumb posts deserve a little rudeness. (I could point out that you were a little rude too, but that would look a tadd odd considering my previous statement.
Picked apart.


The nice thing about being rude on the internet is that you don't have to punch people in the face afterwards.

ricera10 said:
I was talking about your original post...you said blah blah blah about preventing teamkills. None if it applied to the thread poster. That wasn't constructive critcism...it was just being rude, and you even insulted the original poster. Pick that apart.
I agree that people shouldn't punish for obvious accidents that is no fault of the team killer, but I do not agree that people shouldn't punish if they are among enemies that get bombed. You can see them on the radar; if you don't want to get punished you should hold your fire. Is it easy? No. Do I fail at it from time to time? Yes. Do I get punished? Sometimes. Do I get mad because of it? No.
And in case you didn't know, "ban" due to "excessive team killing" lasts only the duration of the map (or so I'm told).
I think it is fair play and MUCH better than not having anything except general vote to kick people that team kill too much.

Pesmerga said:
No, team killing goes far beyond accidents. Sometimes it's totally not your fault. Like when you're piloting a black hawk, turning quickly, and then your gunner decides to jump out and gets clipped by the tail. Bam, punish. Then there's times when an enemy helicopter or jet flies right into a fully loaded black hawk and, for no reason at all, I'm charged with team kills WHILE I WAS THE PILOT.

And for accidental shit, the people who do punish do it no matter the circumstances. I've killed entire enemy squads in bombing runs and then gotten a friendly in the way. He punishes!!! It's not like I'm trying to ****ing target the bastards.

It should take...I dunno, maybe 6 punishes. Or throw out the punish system itself and base it soley on points lost.
How to add server to fav ? I can't find the option.... ???????

yeah agreed pisMerga,
Summed up, lone ranger dicks who get in the way of my carpet bombings shouldn't even be allowed to punish people for TKing.

Infact, I think people who aren't in squads shouldn't be allowed to punish at all. And people who aren't in the radius of their squad leader shouldn't be able to punish either. I never bomb anything near a friendly flag unless there are NO friendlies in the way, or there are just so many enemies and minimal friendlies that I take the chance anyways. So noticing that two or three friendlies are near each other, I will make it my duty to avoid hitting them at all costs, but I can't really gaurentee the safety of lone rangers who are even difficult to spot on my minimap anyways.

Edit - And really, the APC incidident was due to the indiscriminant laser guided missile.
Pesmerga said:
Summed up, lone ranger dicks who get in the way of my carpet bombings shouldn't even be allowed to punish people for TKing.

Infact, I think people who aren't in squads shouldn't be allowed to punish at all. And people who aren't in the radius of their squad leader shouldn't be able to punish either. I never bomb anything near a friendly flag unless there are NO friendlies in the way, or there are just so many enemies and minimal friendlies that I take the chance anyways. So noticing that two or three friendlies are near each other, I will make it my duty to avoid hitting them at all costs, but I can't really gaurentee the safety of lone rangers who are even difficult to spot on my minimap anyways.
I found a server that kicked people who weren't in squads, and forced people to unlock their squads and invite people to it. bf2.swineonline.net I think is what it was called. Although the rules are only enforced when the admins are there.
So, to sum it up, anyone can kill their own teammates as long as they are not by a friendly flag (god forbid they try to cap an anemy flag) or by their squadleaders? Clever...
To prove my point even further I had the unpleassure (that's not a word, I know) to play on a server with punish turned off right now. The result? TK to get vehicles. The worst bit was that the second time it happened I got autoswitched to the other team... :x


Pesmerga said:
Summed up, lone ranger dicks who get in the way of my carpet bombings shouldn't even be allowed to punish people for TKing.

Infact, I think people who aren't in squads shouldn't be allowed to punish at all. And people who aren't in the radius of their squad leader shouldn't be able to punish either. I never bomb anything near a friendly flag unless there are NO friendlies in the way, or there are just so many enemies and minimal friendlies that I take the chance anyways. So noticing that two or three friendlies are near each other, I will make it my duty to avoid hitting them at all costs, but I can't really gaurentee the safety of lone rangers who are even difficult to spot on my minimap anyways.

Edit - And really, the APC incidident was due to the indiscriminant laser guided missile.
This whole teamkill thing is stupid. -4 for a teamkill, -4 more if you get punished. Hell you even get -2 for even shooting a teammate.

You should only lose points for being punished.
bam23 said:
This whole teamkill thing is stupid. -4 for a teamkill, -4 more if you get punished. Hell you even get -2 for even shooting a teammate.

You should only lose points for being punished.
and then the points aren't that much *sigh*

But oh well..this is a case of the CS..game isn't as fun as it is competitivly..*sp?*