You won't believe what happened...


Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
I just go through with like 4-5 rounds of dustbowl with 0 (ZERO) demomen.

It was unbelievable. After about 5 minutes i was thinking, "something doesn't feel right...." and when I went to switch classes I saw it, or rather, didn't see it. There was no number above the demoman's head. I couldn't believe it. It blew my mind how much more fun dustbowl was without constant grenade spam and without stickies on every ****ing god damn corner. The game moved FAST too, we never ran out of time, and even captured cp3.

Of course, a lot of that was due to the other team's problem, they kept putting pressure were it wasn't a lot of them were going through the tunnel at cp3, rather than focusing power on the corner.

Then the game got ruined, we eventually had about 3 demomen on our team...which meant the other team got tired of being killed by spam, so what do they do? They all go become demo's so they can be the cause of the spam and not the victims of the spam. Then of course it turned into what it normally is...a bunch of demo's on each side tossing grenades into the spawn choke point...and I left.

It was good while it lasted though....sigh....
Learn to play. Quit whining. Cry some moar. etc etc.
Learn to play. Quit whining. Cry some moar. etc etc.

woa, relax there killer, breathe.

I don't know about you but I play almost entirely on 24/7 dustbowl servers, and I've yet to play a game with zero demos. But from the sound of it, you must be a much better player than me and therefore love to play dustbowl matches where the first 1-2 minutes are spent trying to break through the barrage of grenades.
I've played on a lot of 24/7 dustbowl servers and whilst stickies can be annoying they are fairly easy to avoid. You just need to know the most common place to put stickies.

As for grenades, they are really easy to dodge. It's rare that I see anybody getting hit directly by a blind grenade shot so I don't see why people complain about grenade spam when it's so easy to avoid.
As a Demoman player I'm hurt by your dislike of my people.

I play demo too, I just like scout more.

I think it's one of those things you just need to experience, because it's a huge difference when you finally make it to the CP and there aren't 32 sticky bombs covering it.
Thats pretty funny considring by the 3rd stage of Dustbowl almost the entire defending team is demofags.
Well, without demos all the defenders need are about 4 sentries in a chokepoint and everyone becomes an astronaut , if you know what I mean. Especially on Dustbowl Pt 2...