Your 15yr old neighbor is a whore


May 5, 2004
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foxnews said:
On one side, there are proponents of “abstinence-only” education that does not include information about contraception or disease prevention. This side is currently being led by President Bush as well as citizens like Cindy Wright of Lubbock, Texas, who contend, "The Bible says you are supposed to get married before you consummate a relationship — I don't think teaching anything other than abstinence is right.”

On the other side, are those who favor a more comprehensive approach which includes information about contraception and disease prevention. This side is made up of every prominent American health organization, including the American Medical Association, as well as over 90 percent of American parents.

Nevertheless, by all accounts, the abstinence-only side is winning.

In the meantime, under President Bush, funding for abstinence-only programs has skyrocketed — going from $80 million annually by the last budget of the Clinton administration, to $170 million in 2005. "When our children face a choice between self-restraint and self-destruction, government should not be neutral," Bush has explained.

By contrast, no federal funds are dedicated to supporting programs that teach comprehensive sex education. In fact, to receive federal funds for sex education programs, grantees must offer curricula that have as their "exclusive purpose" teaching the benefits of abstinence.

pretty irresponsible, shortsighted and detrimental to young people

thanks to shacknews for thread title
My former neighbor was a 15 year old whore.

But, this is ri-goddamn-diculous. We should be teaching protection during sex. That's what my health teacher did. She practically encouraged sex.
When will we ever learn to teach more acceptance of our natural instinct of sexuality? Damn religion repressing our urges, setting a standard that you should marry first. Even then, more or so half of the students taught through abstinence won't follow it and when they do, chances are those who followed it would not use a condom in the incidents that they don't intend to make a baby. I'm not saying all wouldn't though.
God, I can't wait till this dickhead is out of can't supress biological urges without it having an impact psychologically. The only thing you can do is preach protection.
Oh shit... she's 15?

**** **** **** **** ****.
I cant count all the sex-ed I had when I was young. They made me into a sex-machine!
I must have had sex education at three different times at least.
These people are afraid of talking about sex because they are the most freakish hypocrites out there. Just ask Bill O'Reilly what he wanted to do with his wife's dildo. And then he comes on the next night talking about morallity and abstinence. I guess phone sex isn't adultery in the bible. :angel:
They dont teach about sex and protection and all that to teenagers in school in america? In sweden my teacher gave us free condoms :D You could just go to the school nurse and ask for a condom and you got one for free!

However i never needed to, just stole my sisters boyfriends ones...YES they where UN-USED you idiot.
Bush might just've caused the destruction of hundreds of children's lives through SDT and pregnancy. But I don't suppose he cares very much about that.
Bush might just've caused the destruction of hundreds of children's lives through SDT and pregnancy. But I don't suppose he cares very much about that.

Oh well, as long as he's upholding Jeebus's will.

The end justifies the means.
Sweet so lets teach kids to not have sex instead of teaching them the consequences about sex and how to be responsible about it. Telling kids what not to do always works because they always listen...right guys?...guys? Hello?
15 year old whore, my ass. She never puts out :frown:
Oh shit... she's 15?

**** **** **** **** ****.

'But Doc, she was fifteen years old, going on thirty-five, Doc, and, uh, she told me she was eighteen and she was, uh, very willing, you know what I mean...I practically had to take to sewin' my pants shut. But, uh between you and me, uh, she might have been fifteen, but when you get that little red beaver right up there in front of ya, I don't think it's crazy at all now and I don't think you do either...No man alive could resist that, and that's why I got into jail to begin with. And now they're telling me I'm crazy over here because I don't sit there like a goddamn vegetable. Don't make a bit of sense to me. If that's what's bein' crazy is, then I'm senseless, out of it, gone-down-the-road, wacko. But no more, no less, that's it.'
I just watched The Wicker Man... you all sound like HEATHENS who burn christians in big wicker men.

/me goes dancing around naked and jumping through bonfires
yep, I still remember the day our health book on sexual responsibility was replaced with something titled "abstience: the only choice" by the state, and the day when we had our first "aim for success" meeting (an abstinence propaganda meeting which the students lovingly call "aim for some sex")

The teacher told us to forget about the new books, and she taught us from her old curriculum anyway :thumbs:
More teachers need to do that. A lot of them are just push overs that dont give a damn about what they teach children.
Haven't read beyond the first post (Bush administration stupid and morally bankrupt - surprise!) but I would just like to note that acutally, my fifteen year old neighbour is a whore.

It was a shock to us all.
Haven't read beyond the first post (Bush administration stupid and morally bankrupt - surprise!) but I would just like to note that acutally, my fifteen year old neighbour is a whore.

It was a shock to us all in the beginning.

Now, we can "live" with it. :naughty:
Fixed D:

I've had sexual ed. in biology in the second year of middle school (at 13 years age) and now at 17 years age, we learn it again. But this time, it's REPRODUCTION EXTRAVAGANZA! Nothing held back! All the secrets, techniques and answers!

Reproduction Inc. is not responsible for any unwanted pregnancies. Condoms sold seperately.
I'm a sexually active teen, but I have not had sex yet, nor plan to for a while until my girlfriend and I are ready. Teaching only abstintence is ridiculous. It's simply not practical. We are raging animals on the inside. I'm sure a lot of the abstinence-only supporters have sex all the time.
sex·u·al (sĕk'shū-əl) pronunciation

1. Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.
2. Implying or symbolizing erotic desires or activity.
3. Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction characterized by the union of male and female gametes: sexual reproduction.

Sex is not the only sexual activity. I hope you know that. If what we're doing isn't creating sexual pleasure, I don't know what does.
sex·u·al (sĕk'shū-əl) pronunciation

1. Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.
2. Implying or symbolizing erotic desires or activity.
3. Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction characterized by the union of male and female gametes: sexual reproduction.

Sex is not the only sexual activity. I hope you know that. If what we're doing isn't creating sexual pleasure, I don't know what does.
Just make sure you're prepared, don't want the fun to be over in two minutes do you :p
Just make sure you're prepared, don't want the fun to be over in two minutes do you :p
Yes, we've discussed that already. I'm training with her to make that not happen when we finally "get down."
sex·u·al (sĕk'shū-əl) pronunciation

1. Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.
2. Implying or symbolizing erotic desires or activity.
3. Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction characterized by the union of male and female gametes: sexual reproduction.

Sex is not the only sexual activity. I hope you know that. If what we're doing isn't creating sexual pleasure, I don't know what does.

Yes, we've discussed that already. I'm training with her to make that not happen when we finally "get down."
I couldn't keep back a big chuckle when I read the word "training". :p

Anyway, if you want info on this kind of stuff (or to spice your, umm, nearly-reproductional life up) go to this site:
I already know shes a ****ing whore!

first hand.