Your Best Kill

Iron Kat

Space Core
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
What has been your best kill in any of the HL games? Mine was in HL2 in Follow Freeman, just after the Nexus Plaza Strider battle. There was one last soldier to kill, so me, my squady and two other guys aimed our RPGLs at this one guy and sent four rockets hurtling towards him!! Needless to say he flew backwards several feet (probably yards) before hitting the ground.
*thinks hard*


Ask me like 4 years ago and I may remember.
I took out a heavy with my syringe gun. It took a long time and a lot of dodging (and maybe he was a noob), but usually when I step up to a heavy, I die really really fast.
I don't think TF2 could be considered a HL game.
My first time through HL2, I was panicking in Ravenholm and ran out of shotgun ammo. I was using the Magnum and headshot'd a fast zombie in mid-air as it was leaping across the rooftops at me. The Magnum is my favourite gun (it's so sexy omg), so I thought it was a lot more awesome than it probably was. <3

Exactly This.
I did a Dirty Harry where we get the Magnum for the first place, headshotting CPs as they came through the door. One of them did a backflip and ended up neatly laying head down aligned to the corner.

A very memorable moment.

Another "kill" was when I was killed by the crashing Hunter-Chopper.
Dragging the boat hook all the way through Nova Prospekt, then pinning Alyx to a wall with it. That bitch.
On one of my earlier playthroughs I remember I shot an energy orb (In the overwatch nexus) at a large group of soldiers, I'd say about 6, and it got all of them. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen.
my best kill was just before nova prospekt chapter when you need to kill combine soldiers using antlions. i threw a grenade in one of the houses and a combine soldier flew through the window breaking it
in follow freeman, when you are trying to get to the horse and are on top of that buidling.i shot down the gunship, and it landed straight on top of 3 Combine soldiers (they were the soldiers that hide in that building across the street), and several more (about 2 i think) ran up to the window when it exploded and flew out!that was my best!
Nailing an overwatch soldier to the cliff in Lost Coast and using him to take cover.
Probably when I lit zombies on fire in Ravenholm. It's horrible but their screams are just so...funny. Yeah I'm a sick bastard.
Probably when I lit zombies on fire in Ravenholm. It's horrible but their screams are just so...funny. Yeah I'm a sick bastard.

Heh. No worries, I think of myself as a bit of a sadist too!!!
Well, I can think of one kill that stands out from the rest.

This one time, on Follow Freeman, I ran round the corner and there was a combine soldier. So I shot him.
Ahh, that happened to me too, except it was a zombie, and I double shotted him.

Awesome moment of awesome.

Also, I crowbarred a headcrab. Also cool.
OK, you're starting to kill this now and I would like very much for this to stop. it started out well so please don't let it end up being locked. :|
Meh, all I remember was a kill I made in Gmod where I spawned brick after brick after brick above a refugee's head, they'd hit him and he kept going "ooo" "OW!" then finally he screamed and fell down in this huge ****ing pile of bricks.

Or take a metrocop and freeze breen's desk in the air with the physics gun, put a rope on the metrocop, put the other end on the desk, turn on the npc, let the metrocop run after you, then unfreeze the desk and the tension releases and smacks into the metrocop throwing him across the map.

Yeah, I know, Gmod is soooo 2005.
Oh man, in HL1, I shot this one scientist in the face. He didn't even see it coming!
I had just gotten my shotgun. A fast zombie leapt for me, I shot him dead, and he flew back into that silo thingy and his body floated in the water. Either that or nailing soldiers to the wall in Highway 17.

But in HL1, my younger brother and I would cheat to get all the weapons. We'd send snarks out and they'd kill all the scientists.

Oh, but in multiplayer, I've got a good one. Not really good, but kinda funny. My older brother had me cornered on a bridge, holding a snark and threatening to throw it at me. I had no ammo having used it all to write my name on the walls. All I had was my crowbar. My brother started to tell a joke and taunt me, but I ran at him with my crowbar. We both died 'cause he released the snarks, but it was fun.
I shot a combine and he fell over like he was sitting down
Here i have a Screenshot of it

That's the special updated HL2. Didn't you get the update through Steam?
If it doesn't update you should delete the folder C:/WINDOWS/System32.

Not really though.
My best kill was probably when I got 3 magnum headshots in a row within 2 seconds on combine soldiers.
My best kill was when i killed Antlion mid-air on a beach.Sucker fell right on my buggy and it took minutes to get going again.
It reminds me how i killed Kleiner by putting two barrels by he's side and when he moved.....Bang!!
Missing a shot with the crossbow by hitting a fallen smg (in Sandtraps).