Your computer books?


Jun 13, 2004
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What computer books / reference manuals / user's manuals do you have? List at least your favourites. Here goes mine:

- Commodore 64 Game Programming ( 1983 [ not sure, the publish details page is ****ed] )
- Turbo C User's Guide / Reference Manual ( Borland, 1989 )
- Intel IA-32 Intel Architechture Software Developer's Manual,
volumes 1-3

I haven't really bought any "new" books because the same info is available on the Intarweb. In the case of the old ones it's always fun to read them :>
Troubleshooting TCP/IP
Windows 95 - The complete reference
Programming in C++
Computing Projects in Visual basic
This little leaflet thing from Suse Linux 7.1 Pro
Programming with Java
Writing Apache modules with Perl and C

I love this thread, its the kind of thing that needs to be on a gaming forum.
- Computer Jokes

thats it, man i love this book!

Did you know the first computer joke has been invented?


Well the computer thinks it funny.
(yeah that ones old sorry)
Hectic Glenn said:
- Computer Jokes

thats it, man i love this book!

Did you know the first computer joke has been invented?


Well the computer thinks it funny.
(yeah that ones old sorry)

I'd tell you all of the computer related books I've got..but..really that might take a page and a half in its own :(

Thanks dad for the books I've never EVER read..
- CompTIA A+ Hardware Certification - 800 pages
- CompTIA A+ Software Certification - 614 pages
- CompTIA Network+ Certification - 680 pages
- Implimenting and Supporting Microsoft Windows XP Pro. (MCSA 2272) - 500 pages
- Managing and Maintaining Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enviroment (MCSA 2273) - 650 pages
- Implimenting a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infastucture (MCSA 2276) - 150 Pages
- Implimenting, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infastructure (MCSA 2277) - 300 pages

- How Computers Work (well illustrated) - 400 pages

- Manuals for the 2 motherboard I've had and other various hardware manuals.
The book of JavaScript
the PHP Bible
The Complete Reference of C++
Red Hat Linux Fedora Core 3
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide
C How to program
Direct 3D Programming
Direct 3D Game Programming
Direct 3D Programming (another version)
Programming C++
Learning C++ in 30 days
Visual C++ .NET
C# Web programming
The Super Bible of OpenGL
Mobile Java programming
Learning The structure of Windows, by API
DirectX9 Game Programming
Making Mobile games with Java

Ive got quite a few, but my prized book "DOOM BattleBook".
I don't really feel the need to put up my 15 programming bibles/learntos.
I have two shelves of obscure programming books, my mom used to work as a systems analyst. COBOL anyone? And I have network programming books that date before the Internet. Loads of crap about mainframes too.
Nothing for me. Lucky that my dad is a computer freak that taught me everything I know since I was eight years old. Which I guess make me a computer freak too. Goddamn.
HTML A Begginers Guide
XML A Begginers Guide
Javascripting A begginers Guide
Using HTML
C++ for Dummies

All I got is thoose n00b books.
None I learn by myself. I code in Perl and C++ I use online resources if I have to.