Your current fantasy


Oct 3, 2003
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I'm listening to Fortress by Matt Uelman (harrogoth theme song diablo 2 exp pack) fantasizing about being a warrior half-way up mount arreat. Camped out in a tent after vanquishing thousands of demons. I'm fantasizing about taking a shit over the mountain side in that fantastical environment, feeling the chill of the snow as i shiver out a log while absorbing the epic scenery. Having a sexy amazon bitch in my party who has a keen interest in my massive barbarian equipment, she can't hide those suspicious glances as she massages her windforce bow. In this fantasy world, music plays out of thin air mysteriously to make experiences sharper, clearer and more emotive.

What are you fantasizing about?
Betraying Earth and helping an alien invasion of our planet in exchange for a high military rank in the New World Order.

Leading a part of the planetside armed forces following the initial orbital bombardment of military bases, ballistic missile silos and important sites on the face of the planet, and after the human countries fall, helping estabilish a new, benevolent dictatorship uniting regional democracy states under a single, global government. Kind of like the United States of Earth.

Of course, it'd call for an entirely new class of political thinkers and isolation of the current politicians. Prison island, anyone?
A girl in my halls. But I'm sworn out of the relationship circuit for a couple of months, so that's all I get to do :p

Sometimes I fantasize about 'roadrash'ing all the f*cking motorists that treat cyclists like shit, though.
Zombie invasion and setting up an awesome survivor party
Read "Goliah" by Jack London. It's a story about a guy who discovers/creates a type of energy that gives him insane powers, which he uses for the forces of good and regulates the current world leaders. He calls upon the leaders of the most powerful nations to meet with him and to discuss how things are going to be from now on or he'll kill some high-ranking cabinet member. Needless to say, they don't listen and after some resistance where he must forcefully demonstrate to them that he can do what he says, they have no choice, he fixes everything. The military is deconstructed, everyone is given jobs, everyone's happy, yadda yadda. I think of this whenever I see a news broadcast.
Well, I just made a post in a online rpg based on the books A Song of Ice and Fire.

I am a just appointed squire to Ser Justin Massey, getting some grub with a fella i just met named Devan Seaworth in the common room at Castle Black. And before I got to the common room, someone, probably working for that bitch Melisandre, messed up my tent and likely stole something.
I'm fantasizing about trying to over take a go cart onto which two giant bananas are welded in an anal rape position.
riding my dinosaur and leading my undead zombie pony army from HELL.
fantasizing about having sex with my friend's GF. oh man.
I fantasize about spider and their hairy little legs running wildly across my naked body.
Fixing World of Warcraft on my computer so I can play again!
Goddamnit I'm stupid. I was racking my brain trying to place where Hectic Glenn's quote was from, and of course kicked myself once I remembered since it was right there in his avatar. Then I read Krynn's post and knew I'd heard it somewhere, but couldn't remember... until I saw it in Beerdude's sig, right above the post.

a day when i drop my pants and girls dont laugh hysterically

but on a serious note, i would like to one day have pubic hair
I keep thinking about that transcript of Richard Nixon talking to an advisor that ended like this :

Nixon's aid: Hotpants.

Nixon: Jesus Christ.

EDIT: I thought this was the "What's on your mind" thread, but it's just as relavent here.
Yeah. Pubic hair is only good for getting stuck to soap and incriminating you as evidence at a crime scene.

True story.
I'm fantasizing about being an elite sniper perched upon a city building in a ski mask and black clothing. The city is shrouded in mist, pollution, an eerie distant sound can be heard from my lofty heights. My mission is to protect the city from aliens who have possessed human bodies. The fate of the universe hinges on my ability to make this shot.

I got this fantasy when i saw this sig on cdg.