Your definition of love.

Oct 19, 2004
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Here's a thread not related to politics and not related to Half-Life 2 vs Halo 2.

Basically I was just wondering what everyone's definition of love is. Such as, when finding someone that you want to spend your life with, what do you look for? How do YOU know that this person is "the One"?

I'm not looking for love advice, just figured I'd open up a discussion I haven't seen before on these forums.

Now please, discuss. :E
UmbrellaMaster said:
I'm not looking for love advice, just figured I'd open up a discussion I haven't seen before on these forums.

Being a hopless romantic, I could contribute a lot to this. But, I'm not in the mood so I'll give you some advice.

There is no such thing as 'love at first sight'. The correct term would be 'lust at first sight'. Love and lust are two totally different things. A woman can love you like there is no tomorrow and at the same time find you poor in bed.
I have no idea, since it hasn't hit me yet...and if it has, I don't remember.
I doubt I could describe it as I've never felt it.
The funky 70's smooth Lovin', which involves more making love rather than feeling love.
God, I just had to write a 1200 word paper on this topic. And I honestly have no idea.

I hate talking about this sort of crap. Freakin liturature classes.
Neutrino said:
I doubt I could describe it as I've never felt it.

Wow. I feel sorry for you. C'mon you must be joking. ;(