Your Dream Team


Jun 23, 2005
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If you had to pick any three or four people to star in some awesome real-live/animated television series, who would you pick?
Sean Connery+ Harrison Ford+ Rowan Atkinson= an awesome that is impossible to comprehend! I must send my idea in to nickelodean D:
hmmm i'd get Ricky Gervais together with Mackenzie Crook, Martin Freeman, Lucy Davis and Ewen Macintosh and make a series about office life...oh its been done. Well it's awesome an existing dream team :D
bruce lee + jet li + chuck norris

the show would be called 'poke bruce with a stick'
Natalie Portman + Cameron Diaz + Jessica Alba = Bow chicka bow wow.
Jackie Chan + Sean Connery + Lucy Liu

Awesome crime fighter movie!
Margaret Thatcher + George W. Bush + Gandhi = I dunno how the f*ck it would turn out, but damn it would be ugly
Ikerous + Cyberpitz + A stray sheep = Best series ev0r
CptStern + Angry Lawyer + Short Recoil.

Oh yes :afro:
george bush, donnie rumsfeld, tricky dicky cheney, satan

it writes itself and is actually prophetic

oh noes! I mentioned bush and friends LOCK THE THREAD! before the flames start /me fans flame
Llama said:
CptStern + Angry Lawyer + Short Recoil.

Oh yes :afro:

poor Angry Lawyer, he wont know what hit him ..SR will bench press him and I'll bore him with stories of how america ruined my day ;)
Me, my ego, and my penis.The show will be called "How I spend my free time".
Beerdude26 said:
Ikerous + Cyberpitz + A stray sheep = Best series ev0r

Jessica Alba, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lindsey Lohan in the BEST pr0n EVER.

"When three lesbians collide in bed!"

I see it making billions.
Jack Nicholson + Christopher Walken + Chuck Norris + Eugene Levvy
Sarah Michelle Gellar + Alyson Hannigan + Nicholas Brandon + Emma Caulfield + Anthony Stewart He... Wait...
Ainsley Harriot, David Bowie and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It would make the best action movie ever.
Jackie Chan + Chuck Norris + Vin Diesel + Arnold Schwarzenegerr.
All out battle.
DOOM Marine, Duke Nukem, Bitterman, Ranger, Master Chief, BJ Blaskowitz

who else?
I'd make a show starring the Olsen Twins.
It would be called:
"When random men are given a microphone to control the Olsen twins' minds, in both of which a chip has been implanted to recieve and interpret commands spoken into the microphone, and translate them into impluses sent by the brain(s) to the rest of the body, often resulting in the Olsen twins having hawt sex with eachother"

Idonotbelonghere said:
I'd make a show starring the Olsen Twins.
It would be called:
"When random men are given a microphone to control the Olsen twins' minds, in both of which a chip has been implanted to recieve and interpret commands spoken into the microphone, and translate them into impluses sent by the brain(s) to the rest of the body, often resulting in the Olsen twins having hawt sex with eachother"

But they are of legal age now..that's a real big turn-off to me...
Gabe Newell, Warren Spector, John Carmack, Warren Ellis.
Steven Segal, Bruce Lee, That-guy-who-played-Bennet-in-Commando, Optimus Prime.

That just rules.