Your equipment



For all of you CS:S players who can run the game smoothly, what kind of computer do you have? My computer could run doom 3 on medium detail, but I'm concerned about getting lag. (Game is still preloading :upstare: )
P4 2.4B @ 2.7Ghz
1Gb DDR333 CorsairXMS
Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb w/ Omega 4.8

Runs fine...Max settings @ 1280x1024, usually 80-100 fps consistently.

oh yeah, doom 3 is the biggest dissappointment in history...Let's make a very predictable and ultimately boring game! =P
I have a P4 2.4Gh with 512 ram, and a 9700 pro, runs fine with things on high, but it will slow down with water and big fire firghts. Plus I really cant tell the diffference with AA.
I run at everyting at meduim exept world texture, which is at high.

I get 70+ fps.
Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz
GeForce FX 5200 128MB

I run with all settings on high, no AA/AF, 800x600 at an average 30FPS.
p4 3.o ghz
1 gig ddr pc3200 dual channel
Mobility Radeon 9800

and i get arount 80-100 fps at 1280x800 with high settings
Ohhhhh...i thought at first this was about my "equipment"...

P4 2GHz
512mb ram
ATI Radeon 9800

40 to 50 fps on high.

Athlon 2600 @ 3.1Ghz
1024mb ram
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro


Everything on max settings
4x AA

I get average during firefights and general gampeplay of 50-60 fps, and i get 60 in the StressTest.

AMD Athlon64 3200+
Asus K8V Deluxe
1GB Corsair XMS DDR400
BFG nVidia 6800GT OC

1024x768 AF-6x AA-?? everything else high
vsync off: once I add my montior drivers I will run vsync on at 120Hz

VST: 131 fps
ingame: 90-215 fps
AMD athlon xp 2600+
radeon 9600xt 128mb
512 ram

1280 1024, 4x AA, all settings high
55 fps with stress test
3.6ghz P4
1gig RAM

All high 6x anti-aliasing, 1280-1024 with a average FPS of 63.3 on the stress test
AMD athalon xp 2400+ (clocked at 1999mhz)
radeon 9800 pro 128mb
512 ram
1024x768, no aa, no af
everything on high exept shadow detail
59 fps in stress test

In big firefights it fps drops to 20, and sometimes it feels like my pc stops for 0.25 sec, think has to do with my ram, the high tectures are to much for it, have the same with d3 and fc
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
3.6ghz P4
1gig RAM

All high 6x anti-aliasing, 1280-1024 with a average FPS of 63.3 on the stress test

Same settings with 1024x768 got 107 fps in the VST
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Same settings with 1024x768 got 107 fps in the VST
sounds like a damn good reason to play with it lower...this is a MP game not single need to have shit jack up so high FPS more important
I got average ~32 fps and I have:

Athlon XP 1700+
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB /w Catalyst 4.10
512 MB RAM

and I run recommended settings at 1024x768, with no AA or AF...

Am I supposed to get this fps?
BigWalnutZ said:
sounds like a damn good reason to play with it lower...this is a MP game not single need to have shit jack up so high FPS more important
It's usually higher in the actual game

Plus im not to competitive, so i probably won't
The.Spiral said:
I got average ~32 fps and I have:

Athlon XP 1700+
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB /w Catalyst 4.10
512 MB RAM

and I run recommended settings at 1024x768, with no AA or AF...

Am I supposed to get this fps?

Well, depending on your ram, you could be achieving better results. If you are interested in upgrading, slap down a hundred or so for 1gb of DDR333 (at least!) and a new processor. Granted, I know Source heavily depends on the VPU, but there is a ton of crap going on that uses a lot of cycles on the cpu: physics, sound, client/server communication, etc. Upgrading that to like a 2500+ or whatever(I don't know AMD...) could probably get'cha up to...~60fps. Your Radeon is fine! :D
AMD Athlon 64 3400+ CPU
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro soon getting a silencer so i will be overclocking
1gb mushkin pc 3500 ram
asus k8v SE deluxe mobo

o yea 1024x786 res getting 80 FPS sometimes 90
Aww man, I emailed valve about this after reading people getting higher fps than me with much worse systems and all settings high. I got everything maxed, AA 2X 1024 by whatever (i forget lol) and my rig is a 3.2ghz P4, 1gig of ram, Radeon 9800 XT 256mb, on stress test i get 100fps average which I aint complaining about however in game, i get 30-100 and everytime a grenade blows up i go down to 15, sometimes if there is a lot of shooting and stuff I go under 25 all the friggin time. And I did the heapsize thing (made no difference). On average in normal gameplay I get 40fps, if I stayed at a 30-40fps and never ever went down below 30 where I can notice a significant difference, I wouldnt complain. Im not trying to whine or moan, but I saved a lot for this rig lol and I cant believe it doesnt cut it. Wierd eh?
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
3.6ghz P4
1gig RAM

All high 6x anti-aliasing, 1280-1024 with a average FPS of 63.3 on the stress test

Wow, I have 3.4 ghz p4 with x800 pro and I get 81.3 on the stress test (Every setting possible maxed). I do it on 1280 x 960 resolution though. I dont think your card is doing how it should

P4 2.4B @ 2.7Ghz
1Gb DDR333 CorsairXMS
Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb w/ Omega 4.8

Runs fine...Max settings @ 1280x1024, usually 80-100 fps consistently.

This cant be true.
Would you like a FRAPS demo, Sublidieminal?
Seriously, it's quite possible. Overclock. Defrag your system. Get rid of any spyware, viruses, etc. Keep your mobo drivers up-to-date..etc etc.

Basic system maintence yields excellent performance results

If you'd like some FRAPS video footage of CSS at 80-100fps, I'll record and hook you up, np.
P4 2.6 @ 3.2Ghz w/ 1Ghz FSB
1024mb corsair XMS series pc4000 pro
P4C800-E Deluxe mobo
2x 120gb SATA HD's
eVGA 6800GT @ 401/1100
sound blaster audigy 2
average about 80-100 fps @ 1024x768 on all maps.
Specs. are in my sig.

I've been playing around with all of my graphics options for Source, so I'm not sure if I'll keep these settings like this, but for now they are:

Card Settings - High Quality, AA 8xS (nVidia special AA type), AF 16x.

Game Settings - Everything on highest except Reflect is set at World.

The only times the game gets choppy is SOMETIMES when I go around in water, and when HE and the C4 explodes, but I'm sure almost everyone experiences that.
Muskrat said:
For all of you CS:S players who can run the game smoothly, what kind of computer do you have? My computer could run doom 3 on medium detail, but I'm concerned about getting lag. (Game is still preloading :upstare: )

Runnung on a 3Ghz oc to 3.4 Ghz, X800 XT oc core and memory 540|580.
2 x 512 Mb Corsair 3200 LL CAS 2.0
Asus P4C800 Deluxe oc 226 FSB
Screen Res: 1920x1200
Min FPS: 40
Max FPS: 120
AA: x4
AF: x8
Ping in-game to UK servers: <10 ms
Ping to other servers: 20-50

My machine is somewhat extreme and with some tweaks in the config file, I run almost flawlessly. My ping is exceptional, as I have never found anyone with a lower ping than mine on any server (Uk based Eclipse ADSL 1MB). :LOL:

I am going to put my tweaks on my webby at some point, to help others. :thumbs:
ferdelancebz said:
Would you like a FRAPS demo, Sublidieminal?
Seriously, it's quite possible. Overclock. Defrag your system. Get rid of any spyware, viruses, etc. Keep your mobo drivers up-to-date..etc etc.

Basic system maintence yields excellent performance results

If you'd like some FRAPS video footage of CSS at 80-100fps, I'll record and hook you up, np.
In a full server? I'd like to see it.

What do you get in the VST?
P4 2.8 GHZ HT
512 Ram

I use everyting on max 1024x 768 and use that Trueform setting with my ATI card and I Get About 35-60 FPS.

I dont see why some people get lower FPS them me with better Vid card.... maybe its my Ram and processor... meh
2800 Barton(SLK800U+ZM-F1)
ASUS A7N8X dlx
2X256 Corsair XMSPC3200
I upped my FSB Freq,... up yours!

not too shabby, I was suprised at how well the game runs at 1600X1200 everything on medium, but I like candy so it's @ 1024X768 maxed, I think my proc is the actual bottleneck, or are physics calculated on the gfx card? the only time it lags is with a bunch of folks in close proximity.