Your fave part of Bioshock?


Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
I've got to see mine was when you finaly entered Andrew Ryan's office.
When I saw him I was like ZOMGOR!!1.
That scene was so intense. Loved it!
The climax of gameplay is Fort Frolic. The climax of story is Ryan's Office. Unfortunatly, the game goes on for about an hour and a half after that.
Andrew Ryan's Office for sure (especially the Would you Kindly room before it).

First encounter of the Houdini Splicer (when you go to that desk and you see his shadow in front of you - absolutely brilliant)

Dentist encounter in the Medical Pavilion.

The whole of Fort Frolic.

Big Daddy Escort :)
Gameplay wise it was pretty bland, I will admit.

Dunno, just struck a chord in me.
-Fort Frolic's "Waltz of the Flowers" part: "Fly away little moth! FLY!!!"
-The creepy dentist
-The whole Andrew Ryan's office scene
Another fave part of mine was I went into a dentist room, picked at a closed file-cabinet, I turned around and BAM! a dentist splicer was stood right in front of me.
My heart was pounding for about a minute x]
First encounter of the Houdini Splicer (when you go to that desk and you see his shadow in front of you - absolutely brilliant

That bit scared the crap out of me, I must admit. The escort mission didn't fufil it's potential IMHO.
The scene in Andrew Ryan's office was one of the best scenes in a video game i've ever seen.
"Would you kindly" is such a ridiculously overrated twist. Yeah, it was good, but it's been done far better in other games. It lacked subtle. My favourite scene would probably be the Cohen entrance.

The Big Daddy escort scene was actually one of the few interesting set pieces in the whole game. It was actually one of the only places the developers decided they would try and mix up the gameplay.
The only game I can think of with similar themes running through it is HL, but then again my memory sucks balls.
What games have such an awesome story twist? Try not to spoil much though.

Half-life 2 had the exact same thing, it was just FAR subtler in its approach and execution, and thus much more clever.
Another fave part of mine was I went into a dentist room, picked at a closed file-cabinet, I turned around and BAM! a dentist splicer was stood right in front of me.
My heart was pounding for about a minute x]

I nearly fell of my chair at that point. Absolutely awesome moment :)

The splicer jumping out the coffin, the lady with the pram, and the couple arguing through the door before going mental and trying to kill you were also highlights for me. Entering the medical section for the first time and seeing the messages written in blood and the experiments gone wrong was also damn creepy.


I really wish set pieces like these had persisted throughout the game. They added to the atmosphere considerably and made the splicers seem like ruined inhabitants of Rapture rather than the wondering Doom monsters they became later on. Other than a few notable exceptions, it all took a bit of a nose dive after the first few hours for me.