Your favorite article in Uncyclopedia?

The Monkey said:
Uncyclopedia said:
Dinner! : 로운를없습 불길의 슬민공 르죠킬거 것이바다우익사째인권"을 만으로의 의 신의길의당신! (Lo-ul-lŭl-ŏps-sŭp pul-gil-yi sŭl-min-kong lŭ-chyo-k'il-gŏ kŏs-i-ba-da-u-ik-sa-chchae-in-kwŏn"ŭl man-ŭ-lo-yi yi sin-yi-gil-yi-dang-sin!)
Originally Posted by Uncyclopedia
Dinner! : 로운를없습 불길의 슬민공 르죠킬거 것이바다우익사째인권"을 만으로의 의 신의길의당신! (Lo-ul-lŭl-ŏps-sŭp pul-gil-yi sŭl-min-kong lŭ-chyo-k'il-gŏ kŏs-i-ba-da-u-ik-sa-chchae-in-kwŏn"ŭl man-ŭ-lo-yi yi sin-yi-gil-yi-dang-sin!)

I have no idea what that means....
15357 said:
Originally Posted by Uncyclopedia
Dinner! : 로운를없습 불길의 슬민공 르죠킬거 것이바다우익사째인권"을 만으로의 의 신의길의당신! (Lo-ul-lŭl-ŏps-sŭp pul-gil-yi sŭl-min-kong lŭ-chyo-k'il-gŏ kŏs-i-ba-da-u-ik-sa-chchae-in-kwŏn"ŭl man-ŭ-lo-yi yi sin-yi-gil-yi-dang-sin!)

I have no idea what that means....
So it's like the English equivelant of going "ZIP ZOP ZOOPITY BOP!!"
Its like: ----- fires --- ----- do sea rightist human rights ---- gods way you!
But will man's best friend play Half-Life 2? :P

Anyway, Redundancy and Idiocrates are two of my favorites.

Also, Rakurai, you're a bit of a douchebag for attempting to politicize even the most silly threads :|
JNightshade said:
But will man's best friend play Half-Life 2? :P

Anyway, Redundancy and Idiocrates are two of my favorites.

Also, Rakurai, you're a bit of a douchebag for attempting to politicize even the most silly threads :|
WTF? That's my favorite one. I can see how it can be seen as a bit of that in THIS thread (even though not intended) but I haven't politicized in the least any other threads around here, you just made that statement like it's something I do all the time.

You just made up an entirely false scenerio to reflect poorly upon me when I don't do it!

You're a douchebag for always quoting me in every thread! See you only did it in this one but now it looks like you always do!
kirovman said:
Would you stop always attacking JNightshade?

We seriously need a :goatse: smiley here. Would've been much more fitting/hillarious.

(Not the WHOLE goatse pic.. just the red hole part like genmay has)