Your favorite chapter or part in HL2

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Mine was at the beginning of Nova Prospekt chapter, the music gave me this feeling to play suddenly, and the theme of beginning of NP was pretty damn cool.
Route Kanal, the first time around

so much action and excitement :)
Favorite chapters: Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman.

Throughly enjoyed: Water Hazard and Highway 17 (you know why)
vsaravia said:
Favorite chapters: Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman.

Throughly enjoyed: Water Hazard and Highway 17 (you know why)

I'l have to agree with those as well

The vehicles were a highligth of the game, running down combines as they ragdoll on your hood :naughty:
vsaravia said:
Favorite chapters: Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman.

I liked them even better the third time around... when I finally figured out that you could upgrade your squad's firepower by tossing them better weapons plundered off the combine you just took down.

The first time I caught one of my SMG-armed squad trotting over to a pulse rifle I dropped, ditching his SMG and snatching up the Pulse Rifle I was like "Hey! Good for you, way to go! Keep up the good work..."

Now I'm on a mission to see if I can get one of them to take a crossbow... just have to find one while my ammo's full.
I'm a fan of the very last levels, just for the plain old fun of picking up Combine soldiers and tossing them around like sacks of meat. It wasn't too challenging, though.
Highway 17 hands down. I loved coasting along the beach doing drive by's in the buggy. I loved the part where you smoke the combine gunship at the light house. It made me feel like I was actually Gordon Freeman for some reason.
the strider battles were pretty epic, and it got really great towards the end. it was so f*cking mysterious and awesome, I loved it when barney was all "hey, gordon, when you see dr breen, tell him I said "**** you!"" damn. I so can't wait for half-life 3. hopefully I can shoot the g-man in the face.
Hmm... my fave so far is Ravenholm... so much action and you're always outnumbered.
Water Hazard. The entire first 5 chapters were just amazing, but it all sort of peaked with those battles (or lack there of where you had to get away as fast as possible) against the Helicopter. The Follow Freeman and Anticitizen One chapters were excellent, but they were spoilt by my own irrational need to see the friendly ai through every skirmish, so they became very frustrating. Excellent atmosphere of course.
kupoartist said:
Water Hazard. The entire first 5 chapters were just amazing, but it all sort of peaked with those battles (or lack there of where you had to get away as fast as possible) against the Helicopter. The Follow Freeman and Anticitizen One chapters were excellent, but they were spoilt by my own irrational need to see the friendly ai through every skirmish, so they became very frustrating. Excellent atmosphere of course.

I agree with you. The first chapters are my favorite too. Once you get the squad I found myself wanting to either kill them all so I didn't have to trip over them or shepherd them through each fight so they wouldn't all die.

My favorite part of the whole game was the bridge on Highway 17. The music added just enough to the scene to make my hands sweat while trying to balance on the beams the first time.
( I must have replayed that part 5 or 6 times now :)
The assault on Nova prospekt at the end of sandtraps and the actual nova prospekt chapter...pure brilliance.

I also loved Follow freeman, the Nexus courtyard and building was superbly done.
1. Anticitizen One and Follow Freeman!
2. Highway 17 and Sandtraps
3. Route Kanal and Nova Prospekt


I did NOT like Our Benefactors, the ending of Dark Energy
and Entanglement...
Water Hazard is boooring, and Point Insertion and Red Letter Day aren't that cool, and Ravenborg wasn't so very scary...
But Ravenholm were great the two first times though...
Black Mesa East was fun, because of what Eli says:
There is nothing Gordon can't handle, with the possible exception of tou! :D

My favourite part of the game is the Strider battles...
The very beginning, right up until you get the crowbar. Other than that, Sandtraps.
Right now, I am in the middle of "Follow Freeman!". The favorite chapter for me so far was Ravenholm. It gave me a feeling of Doom 3....scared. I love being scared, so therefore I liked Ravenholm the best.
Anticitizen one and follow freeman (city 17 just looks so sweet) also route kanal and nova prospekt..... ravenholm makes me cry :(

My favorite moment too :naughty: Also my favorite chapter... I actually like the moments where everything is all peace and quiet... Hehe... But Anticitizen one and Follow Freeman was altso great... Ravenholm made me feel paranoid in a couple of days after I played it... I constantly ( in real life ) tried to press F6 after that LoL.... But then it hit me.. You can't save quiksave real life!
The final level because nothing can stop you!!!! Whahahahahahahahahahahaha :cheers:

Its not IF you can kill all those Combine, its HOW you want to kill them :D
1 part i really liked was the fight against the combine at the lighthouse,remember that when you leave the car in the garage,i loved that bit,you got real sense of isolation,fightning with 3 npcs in the midlle of nowhere,hearing'here they come' while you scramble 4 ammo,loved that music too at that part,any1 got it?
my favorite level is that one where you get into the prison and commandeer all those ant lions around :) it had the best atmosphere and it looked pretty well !
The whole damned game is nothing short of brilliant. . . all the chapters are my favorite.
Scarily, "Red Letter Day" and "Black Mesa East" were my faves. I adored the backstory, the characters, the facial animation, and the general banter.

It was jawdropping the first time through to see HL2's engine being used for something fpss aren't exactly known for doing well, and doing it better than pretty much any other game, thanks to the total immersion Valve have created.

The other levels were all utter brilliance (action and scenery continually topping eachother), but the peaceful ones stood out, building tension for when the action starts to pile on.
After beating the whole game 3 times, and reflecting on it, i think that the three BEST chapters were Water Hazard, Entanglement, and Dark Energy.

My favourite however, is the very first one. I still can't get over the amount of detail they put into this.

Worst chapters: Route Kanal, god those manhacks were SO ****ing annoying.
I found Anticitizen One to be rather boring also, although follow freeman was really good.
Hmm... I really liked the part wen you are about to battle combines in City 17. Feels like WW2.
My favourite levels were the Coast ones (Highway 17 & Sandtraps). The whole coast level had a melancholic feeling to it. Probably because for most of the time, you had no allies with you, and seeing all those abandoned houses...

I also liked the Civil War (Anticitizen One, Follow Freeman). I liked the scale of the combat. I wish Valve left the Siege of the Citadel in the game. It would've been mad fun. :(
I wish Valve left the Siege of the Citadel in the game. It would've been mad fun.

I dunno, i realy felt that entering the citadel on your own was really something to marvel, with only the sound of combine machinery drumming in your ears.

Although, i have to agree, seeing resistance fighters pour over the bridge and into the citadel would have been something brilliant...wonder what they would have deone if theygot thier hands on breen........
highway 17 was my favourite...when i went to one of the houses(the one that has the combine apc powering a shield generator) and i saw a pile of ashes and bruned human corpses on the entrance....damn, i so wanted to kill combine
Niebomb said:
highway 17 was my favourite...when i went to one of the houses(the one that has the combine apc powering a shield generator) and i saw a pile of ashes and bruned human corpses on the entrance....damn, i so wanted to kill combine
those arent humans anymore... I think they are zombies. that the combines killed. so burning them is the right decision. :smoking:
The whole damn game was brilliant.

Best part for me was the assault on Nova Prospeckt.
Yeah, Our Benefactors (get to see all the nasty stuff the combine has been doing) or Entanglement(use the turrets, big battles, and teleport to Kleiners lab a week later).
duckmoose said:

There are in real life. Here in Chicago a homeless guy had a microwave and everything all set up under a drawbridge!!

He used an extension cord to tap into electrical outlets in the bridge to power a VCR, microwave and television that got "OK'' reception. He said he occasionally slipped into the tower office if it was unlocked to use the sink to clean...
Although, i have to agree, seeing resistance fighters pour over the bridge and into the citadel would have been something brilliant...wonder what they would have deone if theygot thier hands on breen........

Nah, then everyone had to take those damn "elevators", lol :D
gcomeau said:
The first time I caught one of my SMG-armed squad trotting over to a pulse rifle I dropped, ditching his SMG and snatching up the Pulse Rifle I was like "Hey! Good for you, way to go! Keep up the good work..."

Thats cool. I was on the roof of the nexus building and my medic picked up a rocket launcher. I saw a rocket fly past my shoulder I was all oh **** I spun around with my smg blaring and found it was my medic. I turned around; 4 dead combine, GOOD JOD:thumbs:

Edit: Sorry this is misleading. I just can't decide on which part. It was all soooooooooooooo brilliant
1. Antcitzien one
2. Water hazard
3. Highway 17
4. Ravenholm
I liked all of them except "Our Benefactors" (it was too boring, riding on the person carrier).

Also I think I found a bug in that level, I went to noclip through the level and I tried to noclip past the camera and it put me in a carrier thing and started me off right before it stops (where you are originally supposed to get in) then when it opened, I could get out by pressing E. Weird.
Follow Freeman when you toss a grenade into the snipres window and you hear him say "shit" just before the explosion.
ravenholm ... that shit was insane ... always outnumbered ... such a rush ...