Your favorite commercial

Favorite commercial???

I hate commercials.
The crazy frog one, because if you mute it he gets blown up in the end!
I like the one for some car that has like some arabian guy driving then he pulls up infront of some restaurant and he's a suicide bomber but the car is so "tough" that he blows up but the car doesn't.
xLostx that wasn't a commerical, it was a video made by some guys who got sued by volkswagen because the car in the video was a Polo. ouch. However, it was hilarious.
I liked egotistical normans for emerald nuts.

that was funny.
xLostx said:
I like the one for some car that has like some arabian guy driving then he pulls up infront of some restaurant and he's a suicide bomber but the car is so "tough" that he blows up but the car doesn't.
Haha that one was hillarious
The got milk commerical
(not actual quotes)
with the kids who are like "We never want to drink milk, see look at Mr. (Name), he doesnt drink milk, and see how good he is!"
then theres Mr. (name) out the window and hes like "Hi kids!"
Then he picks up a wheel barrel, and his arms come off, then the kids are chugging the milk

Finding a link...