Your favorite Half Life 2 Deathmatch moments


Space Core
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
Go ahead and post your favorite Half Life 2 Deathmatch moments here.
There's no conditions other than it being one of your favorites, so it doesnt have to be funny, serious, or uber ownage.

Here's mine.

A guy used his ar2 in runoff to hold off the enemies, but as shot his energy ball I had my gravity gun out and caught it and shot it back at him, at which point it ricocheted around the walls killing about 6 combine soldiers, which at the time were all that were in the bunker.

My team (rebels) rushed into the bunker and survived, while the entire combine team were killed by the artillary. :devil:
playing overwatch, sneaking past all the mines that had been placed within the stairs to the roof and confronting the guy who was at the top of the stairs with his back to me, about to run towards the battery/rocket respawn area. I shot him once with the shotgun just as he jumped causing him to gain some air. He turned around in midair to aim his rocket launcher at me when i shot him again right as he fired a rocket, killing him just as the rocket sailed on past my face, setting off all the mines just as i got clear.

In my mind, it felt like it was happening in slow motion. It was like some shit outta the matrix
I threw a cindablock at some guy. Just the way it hit him in the head was so realistic, I just cant forget it.
PLaying on overwatch where some guy was whoring the living crap out of the Rocket so gave up trying to take him out and just started going crazy in the basement with all the props, i joined late so he was about 10 kills ahead of me and RL whorin. The Pubbers were getting mad, and started to ban together against the RL guy at the top. I ended up winning the round by using props alone. And everyone called me a RL whore because now they thought i was that guy with the RPG. So the next few maps everyone was going after me hard. Lol i couldn't tell them different thou. But i thought it was funny.
I hate how they always go after the rocket launcher on overwatch.
There was this one time where it was when I just started playing multiplayer, and this guy clogs both stairs with cars (I freaking hate it when they do that!:flame:) and The guy that did it always somehow spawned on top of the building with the rocket launcher right next to him, and literaly everybody but me and him left the server. However I was too early in my gaming career to know that this was either hacks or an abusive admin. :sleep:
V-Man's Opinion on Half Life 2 Deathmatch

I think Half Life 2 Deathmatch was a great game, and it definitley had a lot of potential. The only problem was that not enough people played it and they all went back to the lame and idiot-filled game we call Counter Strike Source. Then Day of Defeat Source overshadowed it further, and it's nearly been forgotten nowadays.
hl2 dm slow?

I don't want to know what you consider fast.

sprint crouch juimping around corners at high speed, firing the shotgun while you ramp an incline, jumping over a railing while firing you magnum into someone's face before you hit the ground, grav gunning nades in full sprint, playing super catch with the orbs

hl2dm plays faster than any other source game i know of.

As for the lack of rocket jumping, nades, and gauss

-IIRC you couldn't rocket jump in hldm, only in tfc.
-nade jump, eh, don't miss it
-gauss jumping replaced by gravgun+prop jumping

I'm personally glad hl2dm is different from hldm. Hell of a lot more balanced.
Strafejumping is in HL2DM, it's just that you cannot gain large amounts of speed, only lose it. There's also nade/RPG jumping (at least in competitive DMCTF gameplay, not so much in deathmatch)

And HL2DM is currently the most played DM game in the world, take a look at the statistics - last I checked it was more popular than q3/q4 put together.
I think Half Life 2 Deathmatch was a great game, and it definitley had a lot of potential. The only problem was that not enough people played it and they all went back to the lame and idiot-filled game we call Counter Strike Source. Then Day of Defeat Source overshadowed it further, and it's nearly been forgotten nowadays.

I disagree.
In my opinion, I don't enjoy Half Life 2 Deathmatch as much as I do as the original, or even Opposing Force.
Idiot filled Counter-Strike: Source? CSS has alot of fantastic players, who have common sense and help others if need be.
while it's slower then most classic DM games, The kills comes faster then any DM game if you have skill, and if you have more skill you can defend a lot of these one hit kills with the GGun adding a new layer to battles, never seen b4 in a DM game.
In my opinion, I don't enjoy Half Life 2 Deathmatch as much as I do as the original, or even Opposing Force.

I think Half Life 2 Deathmatch was a great game. For instance, would you rather play Half Life 2 Deathmatch, or Half Life Deathmatch Source?

Idiot filled Counter-Strike: Source? CSS has alot of fantastic players, who have common sense and help others if need be.
I know due to the large amount of people that play it there are "alot", probably even more than that, players that are "fantastic", but we all know that there are four times as many noobs as those good respectable players. (I hate saying that as much as you hate reading it.) :sleep:
But we all know that there are four times as many noobs as those good respectable players.QUOTE] left out CS no-lifers, who have nothing better to do then HS all day long and call you things like:N00b, F@g, omgz, u loserz, lol!!!!!11!!,suck!,newb!.

Ya know the kinds that get really pissed and send you virus emails, if you accidentally kill them.
If you thought that the map selection was poor and sucked, try playing it now. The amount of maps is insane. There are a few bad ones but most of them are tight. As for my moment it was when someone threw a slam at me when I was around a corner and I used my gravity gun to pick it up and shoot it back. They then detonated it in their face and it killed them.
Actually I had a better one today. There are these short tunnelish areas on four corners of a map, so that makes 8 tunnels and I was in one. I saw three guys in the one across from mine. Instead of grabbing my nade and throwing it I just used the gravity gun to give it some extra distance. Three combines dead. :)
My favorite moment was when I was in that server called Pheonomia, or whatever it's called, and I spawned a blastdoor and froze it in front of another door, thus trapping a guy inside the small room. However, my favorite Deathmatch moment was quickly ended when they guy I trapped, asked someone to ban me. I quickly deleted the door, and fortunately I was not banned.
I planted 100 over mines on the ground as they constantly spawned for me to pick it up. My subwoofer and sound system were on max volume. Just as one combine soldier came in, he looked at the mass of mines and started typing in awe > "wow, there are like 100 mines here i think.."

I saw him and i pressed the activate button. It was beautiful. For 3s, The particle system beat FEAR or any other games. The sound just blasted me away as well.
I know this is totally different then the other stories..........But.....About two years ago is when I first played Deathmatch and one night in a Team Server I played in alot it was a map I never had been in a kitchen one. It was me by myself on one side and two guys I saw all the time on the other side. They kept killing me and I was like LOL take it easy I don't know this map yet. They said ok let us give you a tour, so there we go two red tags and me one blue and they showed me all the portals and what not. We became friends and I ended up in their clan. Til this day we are still gaming friends we all play Battlefield2 now, but I decided to come back and play once and a while.

But when I did play I used to have some pretty cool moments playing
I have so many favorite DM moments I don't know where to start. I've done everything you guys have mentioned thus far.
I have been playing HL2DM/Pro for years. I'm not saying I'm uber_pro but I think I'm pretty good. Netrex (you must know of him) and I are good friends and we played each other once. He was wicked sick with the magnum and nade cooking and I actually stood a good fight against him on dm_overwatch. My best weapon was and still is the crossbow. I've played about a dozen friends and none of them could understand how I was so good with the crossbow. That was a long time ago though...
Anyway, my best moments in a sum up were when I would pwn two of my friends at the same time going back and forth between the crossbow and the magnum and killing them each about 5 times in a row until I would start laughing my ass off so hard that my hands would shake and therefore kill my accuracy and they'd kill me.
Actually, come to think of it:
This one time on overwatch I was on end and my friend was on the other. He went around the corner and I was coming around the corner across the map and in like... 1 second I aimed and fired. He was lagging about 250ms and so I killed him literally through the wall a bit and even though is body was several meters around the corner, for some reason blood splattered on the corner of the wall on my side. I was like "Holy SHIT what a shot!".
awesome..what clan were they ? OFC?

No not OFC are they still around? I used to play on their server. This was a clan called Shakedownstreet which I joined our tag was [SS] but before that we also had a little tm after our name we had two servers at one time Shakedownstreet and Terrapin Station. The clan slowly left to go play Battlefield2, I was the next to the last one to give in and buy that game. So we closed the server and started BF2Shakedown.

I can't believe how bad I suck at Deathmatch now I get my ass kicked.
OFC is still around, i used to be a regular there until they turned you can't even say "wtf"

if you want to go to a really good server with FAST DL and really good/recent maps then please go to RATZ..i play on that server A LOT...the people there are friendly and helpful.
I've been perma'd from RATZ for over a year, but I've never even touched the server! lol. Maybe my brother was playing and they IP banned him D:
the best onnes for me... one is a reucering situation were ff is on and my team is stuck in a narro hallway, one reble will show up and me, useing an AR2 send an ill aimed combine ball right into the wall, thus killing my etire team, wile most of the time i get away scotch free, and so dose the badnick. another one is when i was playing on the phonburen zombie server, when i was playing with a kd named overkillfish, and he sounded very young, definently not odl enugh to play HL2:DM, so i joked to another player that he sounded five (he was useing a mic, and only him) we loled a little, untill he yelled at us
we loled, i to the pouint of almost crying, he then got pissed and tryed to votekick me, so we, still loling votekicked him.
I think Half Life 2 Deathmatch was a great game.

I hate how you keep saying "was!" It IS a great game--there are over a thousand servers at one time...i'd say it's still in session, eh?

As for my favorite moment, I've had way too many of them...but it was probably my first toilet I ever threw at someone--watching it fly through the air and burst into pieces on their head was just stunning--I couldn't believe I was actually playing it. :)
It probably involves flying across the map, sniping a guy probably 200 yards away with a crossbow, between a building, and go on to catch his RPG in mid air getting a multikill of 2 guys on a rooftop before I landed.
My favorite moment was wen i got in the combine base with my rpg in dm_star_wars :p
I know I'm the starter of this thread but I got two cool ones.

Its dm_lockdown and I spawn right next to the plug to activate the vent. i walk outside of the little room and see a combine soldier approaching, so I hide in the corner next to the plug and look away from him. I hear his footsteps, the pickup weapon sound, and then silence. After a few seconds I turn around and see him staring at me. I slowly turn around and hear footsteps walking away from me, and look around and he's gone. Overall just a wierd Half Life 2 Deathmatch moment.

My second moment is in dm_runoff. I was on the combine team and the whole team was in the spawn because it was one of those clan matches. As we were discussing our strategy we heard what sounded like a series of booms. We saw a ton of objects in the sky zooming downard with a smoke trail behind them. By the time we figured out that they were the alt fire of the smg, our whole team was dead. :sleep:
The first time I ever used a gravity gun online was pretty nifty.
I have to say, as much as I enjoy the original maps, I still play on killbox servers. And there is nothing like tracking someone who has been launched in the air and killing him with a crossbow or .357 from across the map.

Granted those moments are rare, but makes me wish we had some sorta replay system.
personal favorite moment, pegging my friend by his foot on a ladder with crossbow, i didnt even know he played hl2 til he told me it happened to him by some1 named Sgt.Tibbs lol... good stuff eh? he seemed a bit surprised by the fact i can beat him at hl2 dm but he thought he could beat anyone. he was surprised to find it was me
But we all know that there are four times as many noobs as those good respectable players.QUOTE] left out CS no-lifers, who have nothing better to do then HS all day long and call you things like:N00b, F@g, omgz, u loserz, lol!!!!!11!!,suck!,newb!.

Ya know the kinds that get really pissed and send you virus emails, if you accidentally kill them.

ok... there are many respectable players and,if you check my signature,you will find that i believe that only hackers and ppl who dont have the heart in the game are noobs

i agree my angry friend, and they hack cuz they dont know how to play,once again, in the words of my signature, you gotta practice cuz if you dont you be a hacker for rest of days playin the game
I was getting shot at in RP_Richlandday. (A map that my freind made and runs on his server. Yes it's a map intended for RP but it has a lot of good DM areas to the map.) I was in an apartment and some guy was shooting at me from ground level when I was on the second floor stocking up in my suit charger. I hear the sound of breaking glass and footsteps coming from downstairs which initially made me think he was coming up the stairs. I jumped out of the window, went back into the apartment where I found my little friend running up the stairs and wiped him out with my .357.

Screenshots at the map are on this page: