Your favorite taste sensation.

What is your favorite taste sensation?

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I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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So what is it?

Umami by the way is described as the name for the taste sensation produced by compounds such as glutamate, and are commonly found in fermented and aged foods. In English, it is also described as "meatiness", "relish" or "savoriness".

The rest are self explanatory.

Mine will have to be a cross between saltiness and Umami... but in the end saltiness wins out.
I like chewy.

Oh, I posted that when there was no poll, I say saltiness. Love salt on my food.
You queers would like saltiness.

What's this umami hippy bullshit?

Psychophysicists have long suggested the existence of four taste 'primaries', referred to as the basic tastes: sweetness, bitterness, sourness and saltiness. First described in 2000, umami is now recognized as the fifth basic taste, exemplified by the non-salty sensations evoked by some free amino acids such as monosodium glutamate.

I remember hearing about it, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize Umami to be on par with The Big Four.
Yea, umami does sound kind of gay.
All my food is consumed bitter and cold, like my soul.
I just simply snatched the basic tastes from wikipedia... all except fattiness since it didn't seem to be fully fleshed out nor officially recognized.

EDIT: Oh snap... fattiness... fully fleshed out.

ahahahaha I crack myself up.
I voted saltiness but only because one of my favourite anarchist situationist slogans is 'be salty not sweet'.

In reality it's this umami stuff, and so I have admin-abused an extra couple votes in for that.

'A couple'? Yes. I like saltiness but I like umami twice as much, and I simply have more points than any normal man to give out.
I voted saltiness but only because one of my favourite anarchist situationist slogans is 'be salty not sweet'.

In reality it's this umami stuff, and so I have admin-abused an extra couple votes in for that.

'A couple'? Yes. I like saltiness but I like umami twice as much, and I simply have more points than any normal man to give out.

Hey man... don't be one of the moderators whom I have no respect for and thus do not recognize now!
I like the sensation in the tongue and salivary glands that precludes you actually tasting something. Basically it kind of hurts, followed by a full-blown ejection of saliva into the tongue.
Umami by far. Everything else is merely cosmetic.
a combination of sugar and salt is great imo
Saltiness. If it were up to me I'd put anchovies on everything I eat. DAMN YOU, SOCIAL MORES.

BTW which of these sensations is evoked by peppery or spicy things?
Saltiness. If it were up to me I'd put anchovies on everything I eat. DAMN YOU, SOCIAL MORES.

BTW which of these sensations is evoked by peppery or spicy things?

Hmm good question.

I think that falls under additional taste sensations. Under prickliness or hotness. Pungency.

I'm surprised it's not one of the basic tastes.

They also have...

Heartiness (Kokumi)

Interesting stuff.

EDIT: Ahhh... this is why it's not one of the basic tastes.

This particular sensation is not considered a taste in the technical sense, because it is carried to the brain by a different set of nerves. Although taste nerves are also activated when consuming foods like chili peppers, the sensation commonly interpreted as "hot" results from the stimulation of somatosensory (pain/temperature) fibers on the tongue. Many parts of the body with exposed membranes but without taste sensors (such as the nasal cavity, under the fingernails, or a wound) produce a similar sensation of heat when exposed to hotness agents.
It is "pungency".

Which I'm adding to the poll because **** yeah spicy food is awesome, and the spicier the better.
It is "pungency".

Which I'm adding to the poll because **** yeah spicy food is awesome, and the spicier the better.

Bah, read what I edited :p

You going against the laws of science man. Now the poll has no credibility!

This particular sensation is not considered a taste in the technical sense, because it is carried to the brain by a different set of nerves. Although taste nerves are also activated when consuming foods like chili peppers, the sensation commonly interpreted as "hot" results from the stimulation of somatosensory (pain/temperature) fibers on the tongue. Many parts of the body with exposed membranes but without taste sensors (such as the nasal cavity, under the fingernails, or a wound) produce a similar sensation of heat when exposed to hotness agents.
I like the taste of sex. Soz to smut up the thread but it's the genuine truth.

Other than that, sweetness.
I like savoury tasting stuff. Also spicy. There's not much spicy stuff now that I can't eat. I've probably killed my taste buds with the amount of spicy food I eat (namely pasta and curry).
Gaaaaarlic bread!? 'sa taste sensaaaaation.

Errr anywho, sourness for me I think. Its more..interesting.

And I dont understand when people say 'salt brings out the flavour'...errr no, it makes it taste like salt.

Salt AND vinegar on chips...yeesh. Might aswell eat solids of both.
And I dont understand when people say 'salt brings out the flavour'...errr no, it makes it taste like salt.

Any chef worth his salt would tell you that salt does indeed bring out the flavor of many foods. That is, if you use it correctly. Salt doesn't just make a food taste salty. If you're adding salt to a food and it starts to taste salty, then you've used the salt WRONG. Unless that's what you were going for...
Metallicness is the best. Too bad I can't eat it though.
Ugh, god no. One of the spoons in my apartment has started to taste metallic, but I never keep track of which one. It's like playing Russian Roulette every time I want to eat a pudding.
Ugh, god no. One of the spoons in my apartment has started to taste metallic, but I never keep track of which one. It's like playing Russian Roulette every time I want to eat a pudding.

At least it doesn't taste like sweet sweet lead underneath!
Spicy food for me please. I like to have fire shoot out of my mouth afterward. Love it.
<3 In the most manly way possible.
