list your favorite "underground" mod. (not cs, dod, or ns). you must give a screenshot, a detailed description of the mod, and a URL from which to download it.
my pick is "Science and industry"
in this mod, you work for one of 2 rival companies. usually the maps are perfectly symmetrical, giving neither team any advantage. the idea of the game is to make more money than the other team. you do this by having your scientists work at their highest capacity possible. you vote on what to do with your money, you can upgrade your coffee strength which makes the scis work better, or vote on which weapons your scientists should work on next. you can kidnap the other teams scientists and have them work for you, you can put radios in the other teams base to annoy their scis, you can steal top-secret weapons from your enemies and bring them to your human relations guy (gman) which will help your scis figure out how to make them. if you die, your body is cloned and your team loses money. the most important thing to know about is the mindray, this gun is NOT A WEAPON, you use it on your scientists to make them work more efficiently, or on your enemies scientists to maek them less efficient. many no0bs have been pwnd because they shoot other player with the mindray, which does absolutely nothing to them.
my pick is "Science and industry"
in this mod, you work for one of 2 rival companies. usually the maps are perfectly symmetrical, giving neither team any advantage. the idea of the game is to make more money than the other team. you do this by having your scientists work at their highest capacity possible. you vote on what to do with your money, you can upgrade your coffee strength which makes the scis work better, or vote on which weapons your scientists should work on next. you can kidnap the other teams scientists and have them work for you, you can put radios in the other teams base to annoy their scis, you can steal top-secret weapons from your enemies and bring them to your human relations guy (gman) which will help your scis figure out how to make them. if you die, your body is cloned and your team loses money. the most important thing to know about is the mindray, this gun is NOT A WEAPON, you use it on your scientists to make them work more efficiently, or on your enemies scientists to maek them less efficient. many no0bs have been pwnd because they shoot other player with the mindray, which does absolutely nothing to them.