(Your favourite episode 2 Moment)


Mar 16, 2007
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Post your most incredible ep2 moment

I had an incredible experience in ep2 today in the last battle. The striders had already come close to the rocket base and the alarm had sounded. All around me were soldiers firing their ar2's. Then two hunters flanking a strider charge at a soldier and send him flying over to the base. Just then another hunter, picked up and stabbed another soldier. At the very next moment, a strider simply skewered a soldier just like that with its legs. It walked a little and just flung him off from its legs. Then, the strider continued moving forward and kicked my hot rod. I had only 40 hp at that time, and the car killed me instantly as it slammed against me, all with the awesome soundtrack playing. Then, as I lay there dead, I watched the strider blow up the rocket base. All in under a minute, MADNESS!
Umm... my near to favourite time was when my trustful gnome killed an evil poison headcrab. My favourite actually was driving around with the car, and meeting with Advisors.
The White Forest Inn fight. Epic.

Plus, hearing Magnusson and watching Alyx's facial expressions of disgust.
I just hanker for the car the whole time. Any time I'm not in the car I want to be in it. Any time I'm in the car I dread getting out. It's the best vehicle in any non-driving game ever. I also managed to knock the ragdoll of one Hunter into another thereby killing it.
  1. I loved when Eli asked for grandkids from Alyx and Freeman, epic lulz. :D
  2. I liked when Eli elaborated about Gman abit.
  3. Magnusson, needed not explained why.
  4. Gman's return.
The White Forest Inn fight. Epic.

Plus, hearing Magnusson and watching Alyx's facial expressions of disgust.

QFT the White Forest Inn fight was hands down the best battle I have even fought in a videogame.

An extremely close second was the silo defense battle.
Two, no wait, three favorite moments:

1.Doooctoooorrr Freeeeeeemaaaaaaaan.....

2. The Vortigaunt at the top of the pit. He freaked me out the 1st time more then anything else in the game.

3. Antlion worker + barnacle. Just out of curiosity, is it possible for the worker to leave a ragdoll, and not just vaporise?

3. The antlion Guardian. My heart was just plain pumping.

4. I got serious goosebumps when Eli started talking about Gman. "You know who I'm talking about. I hadn't even noticed Gman's silhouuette that 1st time, and I got shivers. Creepier then the little girl in F.E.A.R. by far.
A little chuckle Easter Egg (spoiler)

Back at the shed where they repair the car, right after it blows up, there is a guy sitting there welding on the fender of a car. You will notice a bottle of some sort sitting on the fender above him, Grab the bottle with the Grav Gun and throw it against the wall, listen to what the Welding Rebel says...:D
When Eli tried to pimp his daughter out to Gordon.

I fakken lol'd.
Pimp? Holy shit man, the human race is all but dead, it's freakin' logical! You been hanging out with too many home boys.
I did like approaching White Forest, and then there's the gunship blocking your path... and then the Gunship gets up, and falls off, and a Strider's about to stab you through the head...
You mean dropship? Wonder if its possible to get passed the strider's legs somehow.
Dog's apperance (u know the rest)
G-man's return
And getting to know a lot more about the powerful advisors
I loved the Dog fight the most id have to say, Shortly followed by jumping the car across the bridge.. The G-man scene was sweet as well..
Dog fight was good, but there was too many great moments in ep2 to name my favs
1. Cruising with car + Inn battle, awesome!
2. View of combine crossing the bridge
3. Hunter's first coming, damn it was scary!
4. Rocket's launch. BTW didja notice how simply rocket's observation view had made? In cold war era there was no big flat screens and accurate cameras.
The part after Alyx gets revived, she say's "Come on Gordon... next to me." was an adorable and cute little scene. :p
Probably the G-Man segment. They always have a special place in my heart, and his appearance in Episode 2 was done magnificently.

But most of the scripted dialogue parts were great. The first time playing through, it just never hit me how well they're made. Characters will all speak and animate brilliantly, but little touches like the facial expressions of others in the room are just so damn neat. Like when Magnusson is blowing a tirade at another character, but if you look over at Alyx you can see her rolling her eyes or giving you a look like "Eh?". Everybody's playing a part in the scene, even if they're not at the focus of your attention.

Also, Magnusson's reluctant "thank you" speech along with Alyx's surprise.
I loved Magnusson and the guard fight and all the hunter fights (especially the Inn)
Stealing the Extract, G-mans entrance, meeting the Advisor (damn you Valve, it could be much better if you wouldnt spoiled that!), D0g vs. Strider, final battle and ending...
Ok, I think that is all.
Guarding the tunnel from the antlions. Very satisfying although I keep thinking "where's the minigun when you need one?"

When the vorts come in and kick major ass... Hands down best EP2 moment.

And the final strider battle. The reactions from the rebels when you finally blow up 3 striders on the front door steps makes you feel you've actually DONE something... something in "Follow Freeman!" failed to convey.
Oh yes, that song motivated me that much, that I barely got any damage, and I always kill as many grubs as possible.
Music choices in Episode 2 were AMAZING. Music always motivates me to play much more aggressively and not duck and cover sort of tactics. (Half the time this gets me killed, but oh wells.)
Music choices in Episode 2 were AMAZING. Music always motivates me to play much more aggressively and not duck and cover sort of tactics. (Half the time this gets me killed, but oh wells.)

Very true. Like in the turret defense sequence. When the music kicked in I picked up a turret and charged those Antz, gritting my teeth and shouting "come on u bitches!!!" in my mind.

It was a very short charge...
"I might even forgive you for that incident back at Black Mesa. You know the one. Involving a certain... microwave casserole."

Laughed. My. Ass. Off.
After you jump the Charger over the bridge and the Vort opens the gate for you...

I hopped into the car, and Alex climbed over the dashboard to sit in the passenger's seat. I glance over and she winks at me. The engine is purring. Ahead, I see a long tunnel with a bright light at the end... light, and a promise of what is to come. I jam the gas and hit the turbo and the engine just screams as we launch forward.....

Definitely a 'hero' moment! All we needed was an accompanying soundtrack.

And the tunnel defense... with the vorts coming in to help, that was just icing on the cake.

Magnusson's caserole comment, which was just an awesome tie-in.

and more!
"Doctor freeman.." the feeling of dread.. oh boy.
The hunters entrances at the white forest inn fight. serious awesome.
Magnusson is lulzworthy in general.
When you drop down to fight the autogun you hear a rebel saying to Alyx "so.. is he your boyfriend?" I lulz'd. Did anyone else notice this?
Eli doin' the pimping..
My was the fight against our friend, the Chopper. I think it was the most fun ''boss'' battle in HL2, Ep1 AND Ep2. I just love Choppers.
First I'de have to say the end where you watch the portal collapse and then Eli gets his brains sucked.

The thing is, episode has been out long enough and I only got it recently, and I spoiled it a bit so I knew he was going to die. But knowing he was going to die and not being able to do anything felt really bad!.

heading to the hangar and stuff, I felt a pit in my gut.

Then there was the bit where Alyx got attacked by the hunter. Couldn't do anything again. Every time I saw the blood on her back it caught me ever so slightly, because not long ago she was all but dead.

My first hunter fight, man, it was intense. I was playing at night and afterwards after hitting the dead hunters with the crowbar and emptying a few shotty rounds just to make sure, I felt tired enough for bed.

The few moments of peace I got to drive my flash ride (for the state of cars in general) with Alyx in the passenger seat speeding along the mountain roads. When I stopped for the homing signaled stashes, it was nice and quite and green and yeah, perfect.

And finally, for some reason the psychodelic twilight zone healing scene.
There are many many scenes in Ep2 that I love, but the ones that stick out to me most are the ones between Alyx and Eli. I'm a bit of a daddy's girl myself, but I live across the country from my dad, so all of that really got to me. :(
When you drop down to fight the autogun you hear a rebel saying to Alyx "so.. is he your boyfriend?" I lulz'd. Did anyone else notice this?
Yes! Haha.

Imagine me, ear pressed to the wall for her response while zombies clawed at the door and window. :E
Yes! Haha.

Imagine me, ear pressed to the wall for her response while zombies clawed at the door and window. :E

I did that too! :p pity she didn't respond..

Gordon: "**** the clamouring souls of the undead, someone's trying to steal my tits!"
"No pit is complete with out the freeman..."

Epic Lulz
I really enjoyed the scene in wich you actually get to fight the hunter for the first time. First off coming up and seeing one in the crack in the wall, then alyx and you hiding as it circles the building. Finnaly, Alyx overcoming her fear and becoming determined to fight just as the music comes on. Every time ive done that scene i always watch Alyx and listen to her, maybe pop a few shots off like shes doing, but the second she yells out "now" im up and out there with her, i think its the music coming in slowly that gets you hype.
In 'Our mutal Freind' when I was fighting the Striders, it broke threw and was charging it's cannon to destroy the silo, and I hit it with the magnusum device and destroyed it.
There were so many great moments.

  • Dog dismantling the Strider.
  • Alyx saying: "Come on Gordon, next to me."
  • Ambush at the Inn.
  • Magnusson in general.
  • Jumping anything in the car (wish the driving sequences were longer and more open. I'm going to have to hack this thing into HL2 and vaporize some antlions).
  • G-man sitting at Barney's desk in the Black Mesa lobby.
  • More character dvelopment among all the main characters.
  • Rocket defence and launch.
  • Final scene with Alyx and Eli.

Powerful episode.