your favourite game mods


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
What are some of your favourite game mods? It could be a total conversion mod or something as simple as rocket arena for quake.

some of my favs:

Day of Defeat (guess)
Shrub mod Bani Mod (RTCW, ET)
Red orchestra (ut2003)
Third Reich (unreal)
UT chaos (unreal)
TR Racing (awesome flying mod for Rune)
My favourite is DoD. Its awesome fun and its balanced well, alot more strategy is involved in it then other mods like CS or Red Orchestra.
You know... I actually don't play that many mods... I suck!

Anyway, yeah Day of Defeat and Red Orchestra are good... and Team Fortress Classic.
brink's said:
I love cs!

I agree! It's the only mod I play.. lol, and I don't even play it religiously anymore.. down to about once a week, but its fun when you play it sparingly :)
I dont play mods very often, I have tried alot out but none have really stuck with me. I do enjoy the specialists, and the precursor to that which was the Opera. Now I have other games and things to keep me busy. I do play CS too, but not extensivley.
All things in moderation!
Yeah, I enjoy CS, occasionally DoD but i'm not very good at it.
There are some mod's I'd like to try, but thier just not working too well atm.
Red Orchestra is awesome, way better than UT2k4. Alien Swarm is also a lot of fun and Air Buccaneers is unique, but not very fun.
CS! CS! and most other half life official mods, actually.

i dont download mods unless they are reccommmended by someone i know, and crush just told me that neotokyo for UT2k4 was good so i got that and it rocks :D
does the nude patch for tomb raider count as a mod?? :D
DeathBall (UT2004)
Red Orchestra (UT2004)
Troopers: Dawn of Destiny (UT2004)
Car Ball (UT2004)
Hostile Intent (HL)
The Specialists, Day of Defeat, Forgotten Hope, Desert Combat and sometimes Natural Selection.
ray_MAN said:
DeathBall (UT2004)
Red Orchestra (UT2004)
Troopers: Dawn of Destiny (UT2004)
Car Ball (UT2004)
Hostile Intent (HL)

Didn't you leave?
Rocket Crowbar for Hl
Sven Coop for Hl
DoD for Hl (Kind of)
Desert Combat for BF1842
Starwars for Homeworld 2 (Its fun but still needs a lot of work even though its has loads of ships already)
Startrek: Fallen Angels for Homeworld (I dont play homeworld anymore but i loved that mod)
Babylon 5 mods for Homeworld (Same as with startrek, i lvoed it but i dont play it anymore
Random mods for Generals and Zero Hour.
Sven Co-Op (HL)

Thats basically the only mods I play right now, damn I need HL2
Its really cool to see how many love DOD. Long live DOD!

BF1942: Desert Comabat
COD: Heat of Battle
Yeah....There was a time when basiclly you would fire one shot and then charge in with the bayonets....In fact in Battliefiled 1842 they really captured the atmosphere of old fighting really well. it was obviously an advancement from the one shot and charge but still quite manic in terms of sticking an enemy.
YES!! Rocket Crowbar. Such an awesome mod to play. Too bad they stopped working on it. I wanted new stuff....nevermind. I just checked to see if the mod was still dead and it appears it isn't. They have a new site...and...sweet.. a new version. Gonna try that out once I get back to my computer.

Besides Rocket Crowbar (So much fun stuff to mess around with in this mod - I have fond memories of attaching to someone flying the helo with the tripmine secondary fire thing and dangling below the helo hitting it with the crowbar until it blew up and I fell to my death)
Desert Combat
CS (sometimes)
Waiting for a new version of Conflict in Somalia (BF1942)
I put more time into Desert Combat and DoD than the original games. :D
I also invested a lot of time in Forgotten Hope.
i play


i used to play DOD and TFC way back in da day :p
but yeah..

/me needs HL2 :cheese:
my faves, however I dont play any often... just waiting on Hl2.

HL: The Specialists (dont play it often anymore)
HL: Natural Selection (just started recently, already getting bored)
BF1942: Desert Combat (good mod, got boring a few patches back)
BF1942: Forgotten Hope (its nice, but it lacks something in polish)
Max Payne 2: Cinema Mod (what MP2 should have been, no MP though so it gets boring real quick)

Im in gaming limbo right now, theres nothing decent to play that I havent already played to absolute death.
did I mention Im playing through Farcry for the 12th time today? (great game, albeit a cheese story line)
Day of Defeat is really the only game that I play at the moment...come to think of it, that may be the only game I have on my hard-drive. Been playing since 1.3b :E