Your first game.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
A lot of people have mentioned and I mentioned it eons ago in the l4d411 forum. Anywho I remember my first server with CS 1.4 playing de_dust. I was with 2 Jamaicans and thinking "wow, I'm on the internet playing with/against people from across the world!". I also remember my first lucky kill, etc. All those memories are in my mind but L4D is something much more.

It's that whole movie feel to it while years from now you will be laughing at the dumb things you did for the first time. Also we have the movie editor coming with Steam Cloud so editing your first video will be easier than ever before. So try and remember to record your first playthrough of L4D! It should be even better when you are playing with members and hear them yelling for help. You can join the group and play with us here: Anybody who is a regular on the forum, plays with us often, or hangs in the chat a lot is welcome to join. People feel it's an exclusive club and it's not and this goes for TF2 as well.
Sadly, I probably won't be playing till the weekend. But I'll do it then, fo sho.
Does it count for the 11th playthrough...:|

Didn't think so D: