Your first reaction when half-life 2 gets announced gold.


Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
So, what will your first reaction be when hl2 gets officially anounced gold? Mine will be screaming at the top of my lungs while jumping up and down playing the air guitar....... :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: Then i will RUN... I'll run around my house untill my legs collapse and i fall asleep- that way i won't go insane with excitement
Uhh...probably say 'w00t' then wait for the game to come in the mail....
you will have to run a lot unless you arent a very good runner....
Glad to know I won't be seeing anymore of these threads.
I'll say:

"w00teh it si teh goldness! w00t woot!! \o/
/me dies"
ill spam everyone on my MSN list !! and then spend the next 2 weeks explaining what gold means to one of my non gamer friends.
reaction: HL what?
Oh, thats right.. that game..

*makes phonecall... waits... request a copy... request granted...*
Aye, me pirate self will walk the plank.
reaction - OMG it's GOLD. HOLY F***KING S**T!!111!!!1111! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!111!!!!1 :sniper: :bounce: :cheers: :D :E :rolling: :O :eek: *faints* :x
Do a little dance and be a happy mood for the rest of the day. Probably text a few people to tell them despite the fact that they won't care.
The same reaction I had when the fools gold post by "Gabe" was made a few weeks back. :|
Chris_D said:
I'll say:

"w00teh it si teh goldness! w00t woot!! \o/
/me dies"
Oops, straight after, I will of course post news of it on the front page ;)
Chris_D said:
Oops, straight after, I will of course post news of it on the front page ;)

Straight after you die?

EDIT: Zombie Chris_D. ARGH!
Every muscle in my body will strain as I release a sudden man like scream of "YES!!!!!"

Then I will get on here and post in as many "OMG ITS GOLD" threads as I can find.
I don't think i get very excited when they announce gold but when steam tells me hl2 is now ready to play i think i go happy shooping first (lots of beer and crackers or something ;) )
I'll say "w00t. Now where was I? Oh yes, it's time X, I have to be at place X in X amount of time". Then I'll stop thinking about HL2 until the next time I come here.
same reaction as when i heard about the fake gold anouncement...

dance around with my cat :bounce:
i plan on getting really excited, til i realize where i am, then feel depressed, but there will be at least one small moment of glee...... whooppeee
I'll make note of the release date that they will give. Then, a week before the release date, I'll start going up to Walmart on a daily basis, in hopes that they ignore the "Do not sell before..." stickers like they did with Doom 3.
Well, I'll probably pass out from joy. After I wake up, I'll spend about 2 weeks chewing on my foot in a corner and mumbling until the game comes out.
I Woooddd Say Omgg Woot Chris_D pwned himselff!!

/me is stricken down by a bolt of lightning from Chris_D up in the sky
Chris_D: "Banninated"
I'll cry because I have so far been unable to get a job...which means I don't have a new vid card...which means that hl2 will look about as good as super mario bros on the original nintendo
I'd probably say "sweet!" then hopefully I'll be in a happy state for the rest of the day.
I'll be more excited when I hear a _solid_ release date. And the day before it hits, I'll sleep outside my local gamestore. And when I have it in my hands, or better yet, have it 99% installed in my computer... I'll f**king squirt my pants wet of happiness.

Yes, I'm a cool man.
the thing about a gold announcement is, in essence you merely are "waiting faster".
Mr. Redundant said:
the thing about a gold announcement is, in essence you merely are "waiting faster".

Heh, "waiting faster". It makes no sense, but I see what you're getting at. ;)