Your Game Ideas: post in your ideas


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I actually had the idea for this thread from the "twisted idea" thread, so I'll start by posting my copy and pasted idea:

You are a media ghost hunter, with physic powers and a rough past. Using everything at you disposal, you track down the existence of entities by use of cameras to thermometer even down to you ancient languages and archaeology university degree. However, discovering an ancient tablet, a village vicar unwittingly releases an evil force upon the local countryside.

Gameplay in the beginning of the game is basic tasks such as setting up thermometers in the backroom or staying in an unlit room with a camera, trying to catch glimpses of paranormal activity. However later on, you will have to escort camera crew (the people who you work with) to safety, use sacred tomes to fend of evil spirits and even fight of abnormal creatures with whatever you can muster (Stakes, Radiators..... Toilet paper, etc). The game is played out in FPS style or a "shoulder cam" style.

One mission is a modern take on Pac-man, where your running around, trying to collect items in and around a house before leaving the area, but at the same time being chased by ghosts (not the red, pink, white, gold variety neither)

Initially I wanted to use an engine that incorporated full-shadowing but I now don't thinks that’s necessary. Instead this could be used on Source for several reasons
1) The dx9 warp effect could be used for some spirits
2) The recently introduced graining which will be a feature mostly for DOD, could be used for night-vision effects
3) HDR, when lights go out in a brightly lit room, it takes a while for your virtual eyes to adjust, which will scare some people, especially if heavy breathing and distant footsteps can be heard
4) There was a mod called nightmare house (I think anyway) where a hl2 stalker materialised at points in the game, which was a good effect.

Pac-man (duh!)
Most Haunted
Nitemare 3D (I liked the music, I wonder if someone can make a 21st century composition)
Evil Dead 1 (don't know why?)
Dog Soldiers
Silent Hill

What is your ideas, gameplay features, engine and inspirations?
My game ideas are too good to be made public without a properly set up nda.

Until they develope software that can tap into my mind and pull a picture out and convert it into pixels, i think I'll stay here.
Posting my game ideas would probably get me arrested for extreme obscenity... as well as bestiality. Don't ask.
Whatever it is, it will contain a nerdy p.h.D with a crowbar and a tremendously small vocabulary.
you just really like posting your game idea don't you? Are you hoping some developer might see it, and take it?
I just want another "They Hunger"....... oh wait, THEY ARE MAKING ONE!

Sinkoman said:
This is not a full fledged pitch (as a mod suggestion should be), but just an idea.

I'd like to see an MMO where the gamers shape the world itself. No, I don't mean something like FF 11, I mean like, the world is there, man is born, and the gamers create societies, they create passages to continents they discover (trade routs), civilization advances, the gamers form culture(s), from the cultures comes society and government, rulers are born. The rulers of lands fued and make war, worlds are [litteraly] destroyed in war [as in, full fledged permanent craters and such].

On the more down to earth level, expeditions are formed and the lands are explored. New areas are found. The gamers destroy to make money [as in, a blast crew takes out a mountain to make an ammusement park].


In short, a world that starts as a blank page, and is shaped by the gamers. The gamers create societies that make decisions. Decisions such as blowing out a tunnel in a mountain in order to make room for more roads, or to deforest an area in order to build more houses, as in to dig a tunnel to the center of the earth in geothermal testing. Then from these actions come reactions. "activists" contest the tunnels as they are formed and natives attack the nation to stop the deforestation of their homeland.

Then maybe every year or so, a planed apocalypse takes place (game company decided), and the entire human race is left to small bands of rebels fighting like in your typical apocallyptic action movie, then after a month or two, a meteor wipes out the whole human race.

Then the game designers plant the new world (layout preplanned) and then place the gamers back on it.

To prevent a mass spew of existing gamers into the new world, some gamers would be restricted to be animals, until they are notified that they may die and be reborn as human characters. It'd be VERY interesting to see animal civilization take place.



Quoted in General Games Chat:

Visit it, you know you want too!
I basically want a game like Splinter Cell, but in an urban/suburban area and without any guns, just items you find like broken chair legs and such. But the enemies would stay the same with the AK47's and shit
my ideas are crazy, like i think a game thats rpg'ish where you play a single celled organism would be great. Strategy with how you use your organelles, how much food you take in, when you split. You could play games where you were bacteriums and have to infect a human while multiplyng and not getting taken down by an immune system.. but my ideas are a little odd and i think everyone but me would probably not find tht game as enjoyable as i would =\
I would like a modern day warfare RTS/FPS hybrid with a fully destructible environment. Control your units RTS-stylee, but being able to jump in at any time to take matters into your own hands.
My game idea...

super duper terrific graphics -insanely!

Ultimate physics! Super detail! Ultra shadowing and lighting!

It'll run smooth only with ATI cards!

Big maps! That are squaremiles!

super advanced AI that can be smart as people!

make it something like rainbow six... BAM! My ideal game.
I have an idea for a more down to earth ghost game that is a bit too ambitious for present technology.
A perfect simulation of a real world (all the particles and cells are perfectly programmed and the graphics are perfect). where you don't fell pain and can control time; you can go into the past but not the future and freeze time. There would also be voice communication with the NPC's in the game. That is my idea of a perfect game, but it'll never happen. I can only dream. Basically it's real life but you can do whatever you want.

A modern day game: FPS and TPS (in-game option) (built on the Source engine including HDR and PS 3.0)

This game would be like Battlefront SWBF and Battle Field 1942: two teams fighting against each other in a war-like battle that includes amazing landscapes. There would be planes, cars and boats and great snipering spots. This game would include a great sound track and excellent sound effects
You're a cute kitty.

Either that or a game, where I can "Possess" people, for example I could possess a police officer and abuse his seat of power. Then leave his body after he mindlessly bashes someone or arrests them for having thick eye-brows.

You could do it with anyone, children, animals, people, old people, older people, the oldest people. But it would be a bit hard to progress in this game.
I like scary If I were to make a game it would be like this:

A main character must chase a demon through other people's nightmares. The demon is responsible for possessing people through their dreams...and before the person gets possessed, a mark appears on the top of their left hand and then the person starts to get really sick. The person that is sick gets sent to the hospital for some treatement and to get some sleep. While the person is sleeping, the demon is basically entering their dreams and slowly wading through the person's mind until the person himself goes insane and he starts hallucinating hell like images only in the real world.

You are a normal family guy, you have a wife and 2 kids. Both kids are in their teens. One day, you read in the newspaper about a man in the hosptial who killed himself buy stabbing himself with spoon. Before he killed himself, he was sputtering weird obscenities about death, hell and other things of the same nature. You also read in the paper, that the man got seriously ill before he killed himself. You also knew that there was a really bad flu going around, but of course you never even considered that the flu was making people go insane.

A few days later, a faint mark appears on your wife's left hand. She says she had an incident at work and it was just a small bruse. About 2 days pass, and your wife looks really pale. You ask whats wrong, and she says that she must have the flu. You go buy some medicine for her. The closest pharmacy is at the hospital, so you head there. In the hospital you see 4 other people waiting to see the nurse with the same mark on the left hand and they were extremely pale..worse than your wife. One of those people started to bleed from the eyes and mouth and passed out. The doctors saw this and rushed in to take the man away to the Emergency room. You were shocked by the incident but you got to the pharmacy, and got the medicine. When you walk past the ER room, you take a peek inside just for curiosity. What you see is 3 doctors standing over a very bloody corpse, which used to be the man that blead from the eyes.

You get home, and you find your wife, she still looks pale but not nearly as bad as the people in hospital. The mark on her left hand is getting darker. During the evening you put your wife to bed and your 2 kids go to bed. During the night while you're sleeping you suddenly wake up. You feel really hot and sweaty. You look up, and you see your wife in the room standing up...staring at herself in the mirror. You were just to ask what she was doing up, when red shadowy lines start flowing out of the reflection of your wife in the mirror. The lines merge to fill up the entire mirror with red fog, and then the mirror smashes and blood starts gushing out of the hole where the mirror used to be, and then your wife appears out of nowhere and jumps on you and her face is full of fresh deep cuts and she screams in your face...and then you wake up.

You realize you were dreaming. You find your wife sitting up in bed, staring straight forward. You ask your wife what's wrong and she says she couldn't sleep. She gets up and she goes into the kitchen to get something to drink.

I won't type out anymore of the story..just highlights:
What happenes next is you eventually find you have the same mark on your hand, and when you dream you see this figure in your dreams but you can't quite make it out.

You get sick and go into the hospital. You eventually get so sick, that you go into a coma...then the real game begins. You find out you have the ability to follow this figure into different realms (dreams) and find out what the thing is doing. Your stuck in a coma so, your always in some dream. The demon tries to decieve you by sticking you in a real life like city, and there are doors all over the city, that lead to these other realms. Each realm is different..but all disturbing. Your objective is to find out what this demon is trying to do. The game will have multiple endings and will be a long game with the same feeling as the game silent hill.

That's my idea.

EDIT: If I were to name my game, it would probably be called: Black Syndrome
Dalamari said:
I basically want a game like Splinter Cell, but in an urban/suburban area and without any guns, just items you find like broken chair legs and such. But the enemies would stay the same with the AK47's and shit
That would be cool, especially if you could engineer makeshift weapons with what youve got available to you.
Muffin Man said:
my ideas are crazy, like i think a game thats rpg'ish where you play a single celled organism would be great. Strategy with how you use your organelles, how much food you take in, when you split. You could play games where you were bacteriums and have to infect a human while multiplyng and not getting taken down by an immune system.. but my ideas are a little odd and i think everyone but me would probably not find tht game as enjoyable as i would =\

That sounds like it would be an extremely addictive game, but fun. Honestly, I'm suprised it hasn't been made yet. I'd play it.
I want a game with silence and loneliness. I don't know why, but stark emptiness has always fascinated me (like in Ico and Shadow of the Colossus). I'm imagining a game like this:
in the opening cutscene, you see a normal guy get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Repeat. Then, suddenly, get up, go outside, everything's frozen over and there's no sign of life.
From there you take over, exploring this world, piecing together just what happened in the eight hours you were asleep. There's not a soul around, and there's no dialogue in the game- period. Or rather, there will be one word (for example, your character will think he sees someone he knows, and shouts their name) near the end, just to startle the player a bit. There'll be some combat, but nothing much, and no weapon customization or anything like that- in fact, no pause screen at all: when you pause, the screen simply darkens a bit. In short, the game will be completely immersive, and the controller in your hands will be the only clue that it's not real life.
The concept is weird, I've been toying with it for a while, and I can't really be arsed to elaborate any more (need to sleep) but I like it a lot.
JNightshade said:
I want a game with silence and loneliness. I don't know why, but stark emptiness has always fascinated me (like in Ico and Shadow of the Colossus). I'm imagining a game like this:
in the opening cutscene, you see a normal guy get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed. Repeat. Then, suddenly, get up, go outside, everything's frozen over and there's no sign of life.
From there you take over, exploring this world, piecing together just what happened in the eight hours you were asleep. There's not a soul around, and there's no dialogue in the game- period. Or rather, there will be one word (for example, your character will think he sees someone he knows, and shouts their name) near the end, just to startle the player a bit. There'll be some combat, but nothing much, and no weapon customization or anything like that- in fact, no pause screen at all: when you pause, the screen simply darkens a bit. In short, the game will be completely immersive, and the controller in your hands will be the only clue that it's not real life.
The concept is weird, I've been toying with it for a while, and I can't really be arsed to elaborate any more (need to sleep) but I like it a lot.

Hey, that concept is really great!

There should be a high emphasis on graphical detail and effects... to make the player just be like,"Ahhhh"
If it were a realistic game id like to see a FPS urban warfare multiplayer game, with chaotic maps, with loads of sideways and buildings, also that you would have a realistic body, like in being able to climb everything that is climbable and ofc being able to lie or duck, also you should be able to use your hands like the game tresspasser, for throwing grenades manually, aiming (instead of a crosshair), using objects as cover and the works. Another thing i would like to see a game where its more about statistics, if you die you'd just be respawned into one of the other thousand soldiers (wich woudnt be in play when you arent crontroling one). Maybe even spawn nearby where you died. Id also like it to be a more rpg kind of game, where youd have stats and a very detailed choice of gear, or maybe one of the teams would be rebels and they'd be able to choose whatever they want (different models of one kind, for instance a lighter and compacter m16rifle instead of the standard one, to improve your speed for instance while still having a rifle), and the other team would be an army and their commander would choose before the round what gear every class gets, stuff like that, very vague and hard to balance, i know :P

basicly complete chaos, lots of shooting, explosions, fire, gas, soldiers dying, screaming horror etc.
And on the other hand a lot of ways to win, with the RPG and detailed gear element there could be endless choices in strategy and instead of just having a winner by objectives or most kills ppl could go for different statistics to own at, this makes the game very fresh and ppl would be able to choose their own way of winning, and if there would be clan battles, the team with the most conquered ground and fewest losses would win.
I cant stress how much the statistics and rpg element would make this game in my mind
DizzyOne said:
If it were a realistic game id like to see a FPS urban warfare multiplayer game, with chaotic maps, with loads of sideways and buildings, also that you would have a realistic body, like in being able to climb everything that is climbable and ofc being able to lie or duck, also you should be able to use your hands like the game tresspasser, for throwing grenades manually and aiming (instead of a crosshair) and the works. Another thing i would like to see a game where its more about statistics, if you die you'd just be respawned into one of the other thousand soldiers (wich woudnt be in play when you arent crontroling one). Maybe even spawn nearby where you died. Id also like it to be a more rpg kind of game, where youd have stats and a very detailed choice of gear, or maybe one of the teams would be rebels and they'd be able to choose whatever they want (different models of one kind, for instance a lighter and compacter m16rifle instead of the standard one, to improve your speed for instance while still having a rifle), and the other team would be an army and their commander would choose before the round what gear every class gets, stuff like that, very vague i know :P

basicly complete chaos, lots of shooting, explosions, fire, gas, soldiers dying, screaming horror etc.
And on the other hand a lot of ways to win, with the RPG and detailed gear element there could be endless choices in strategy and instead of just having a winner by objectives or most kills ppl could go for different statistics to own at, this makes the game very fresh and ppl would be able to choose their own way of winning, and if there would be clan battles, the team with the most conquered ground and fewest losses would win.
I cant stress how much the statistics and rpg element would make this game in my mind
That seems like a good game, except for when it'd be multiplayer one team would be completely dependant (sp?) on their commander, so that's a bit off.
Boogymanx said:
That seems like a good game, except for when it'd be multiplayer one team would be completely dependant (sp?) on their commander, so that's a bit off.

true, but its more realistic for an army, and it would have his advantages aswell. Lots of games are doing it nowadays.
But then again it could be some kind of civil war.
I just thought of something.

A game that is multiplayer only, really dynamic. Let's say the game is about anarchy all a sudden everything becomes messed up and government becomes corrupt. So, once the game is released the first players to play the game is faced with confusion and are lost, as they try to recover from who knows what? I'd imagine this would be cooler off as a First Person multiplayer RPG thing. Then as the game progresses and people find more answers, the world is within the players to manipulate, become weak, or fight the resistance, or become different tribes and fight each other and the government, or whatever- anything is possible. Just like, Fable, or something but except from a single player's choices it's on an extremely larger scale. Also, each player can affect another player in a negative or positive way, and then that chain reacts onto other players and this chain reaction can affect in a wide area.
So, let's say some guy whose job is to protect the tribe for the day and your job is to help set up barracks. But, the guy is giving you a hard time and starts cussing at you and stuff, your character mood will become bad and it'll take you longer to make the barracks, and since you're taking so long, an enemy attacks your tribe, and your designated area was a really crucial point of advancement now your whole side is back at square one.

opposed as to if the guy talked you up and hyped you up, your mood would have increased well and you would have built the barracks in a jiffy and the enemy wouldn't be able to have hit you hard

or on the other hand you couldn't have received any comments at all from any other players then you'd just be neutral- unless other factors come in, such as you hear your online brother has died, or your in-game GF has broken up with you, or you lost your favorite in-game shirt... all these variables apply.

Basically it's a game bringing a mass of people and see how they do and what they do given a situation of anarchy and chaos.

Might be a game with high requirements, too high for current day systems if it's gonna be FPS and have huge, immersive environments.
You should all have alook at spore, I cant find the vid of it but it looks teh sechs.
a game like that really old game Armada -Dreamcast but with 100x better graphics, sound, gameplay, size, ....everything

It has to be a huge universe. It could be randomly generated planets so the game could go on forever. You could discover some planet that no one has before and gain its resources.. i don't know whatever. there should never be a level up limit, there should always be a challenge

Maybe First person or 3rd person but that old overhead view has got to go.

You could even make it online I guess. MMORPG with space ships. Either way. Offline could be sweet too

(in armada you controll a spaceship and you like shoot everything to gain experience, you power up get better ships and visit planets)

Im sure there are a couple games fitting my description out there, but aren't they a little too complicated for their own good?

Looking for someting in-between.

Must have groundbreaking sound effects and growth options for your ship and its abilities.


In around three hundred years time, mankind has expanded up the gravity well to colonise the moon, Mars, the satellites of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, areas of the asteroid beld and so on. It's a time of political tension, a cold war, between several colony powers -this world is an imagining of what the future might actually be like, somewhat like Badge of Blood.

You play the commander of a Longsword-class strike cruiser - fast, durable, moderately armed and with a small contingent of fighters and escort craft, it's designed for autonomous patrol and surgical strike missions. Acting with complete independence or as part of an attack squadron, its strength is the ability to deploy considerable firepower with great accuracy any time, anywhere.

You don't fly your ship manually - instead you issue orders to control weapons systems, power distributions, tactics, etc. Spaceship warfare is akin to submarine warfare - the emphasis is on evasion, finding out where the enemy is before he finds out where you are, striking decisively with long-range weaponry. Actively seeking the enemy with detection instruments may give away your position, and vice-versa. Crazy reality-bending technology. Be tactical. Do not die.

A standoff between two space-powers (one of which is yours) erupts into open battle. Retreating from the melee, you rejoin remnants of the scattered 7th fleet and fight your way through enemy lines to rejoin the defence of Mars (or hell, wherever). You're sent on missions but they're quite vague - think of Operation Flashpoint, the same kind of freedom to do whatever you want but within parameters of your objectives - but in space. Later graduate to commanding more than one ship, then to giving orders and directing battles at commander level, whole squadrons, capital ships. Fun.
The title of the thread was "YOUR GAME IDEAS", not "Ideas that you have but won't discuss because you think you're in the year 2050 or don't have time", just name some simple ideas. Jesus. (Deja Vu from other couple of threads, Sigh :| )

Also, the reason I was on a miny rant is the first 3-4 replies I read were like that, so sorry for otheres that really had ideas. :-\
A Global Domination RTS + SimCity + Nation States. You get alot of control over combat, giving control over large scale troop movements, but allowing you to also micromanage things as small as squad tactics. But outside of combat it has a more political feel to it; Instead of building a barracks to get soldiers, you can start advertising/opening recruitment stations, start a draft, or hire mercenaries. Instead of just mining resources, you set up trade with other countries. You have to keep your citizens happy, or keep them under control with strict laws and police.

I have a lot more ideas, but I wanted to keep it brief.
Post apocalyptic fps set it england, 1986.
British army, rioting gangs.
Massive conflicts around shops and garages.
An idea I had when watching a program called Crisis Command, where selected people from the public where given a specific threat to national security, health, etc.

An RTS+RPG+Cinematic:

You don't have full control of units on the ground, but basic controls that the AI can use such as "This is the primary Objective, this the second, attack targets (list), avoid targets (list)"

Although you don't play in the conventional sense, you can zoom in on the battlefield, see live-feeds through head-cams, select who goes in (you could time it so that Rangers come in by helicopter, then Delta Force come in 10 minutes later to give you a commander feel to the game), etc. In theory the unit AI would be on par with HL/HL2 enemy AI

You also have desicions to make using video-style uplinks, such as:

There is a plane approaching the Capital, which will not respond to our call for a diversion, shall we:
A: Scramble Jets to shoot it down
B: Scramble Jets to fire a warning shot
C: Scramble Jets to Escort it
D: Ignore it

Essentially, if you ignore the aircraft, it could crash into parliament (which was one of the things that happened in the TV programme), however the game continues, yet crippling political communication

One such RPG element would be "The country of X requires are immediate assistants with the recent quake, we can only reply with one aircraft. What aid shall we transport?"

Then a silourette of a aircraft appears, with a maximum weight-capacity as well as a box-grid for the size of items (similar to deus-ex's capacity for holding so many items in the inventory), then you must choose the right amount of each item (depending on your definition of right), for example you have a total of:

We have a total of
Rations 124KG (3 crates)
Medical Supplies 30KG (16 boxes)
Clothing 12KG (312 boxes)

but our aircraft capacity is only 210KG

So what do you think?

So what do you think?

I'd play the demo. Sounds like a cool concept. You'd have to have a lot of videos tho with believable actors. Sounds like an expensive game to make.
Shakermaker said:
I'd play the demo. Sounds like a cool concept. You'd have to have a lot of videos tho with believable actors. Sounds like an expensive game to make.

Arn't every game expensive :D

Offcourse you could cheat with the budget by including animated actors instead of live ones
I also want an FPS with a realistic FOV- you can see your legs running below you, your arms and body moving, and you don't have to look down- and really cool action. I'm envisioning a game where you have a gun that allows you to manipulate gravity: imagine how cool it would be to jump like 30 feet in the air, see your limbs draw close around you, watch the ground rush away, then grab onto the ceiling and actually see your hands grab hold.
I'd like a humorous RTS:

Ninja and Pirate Federation vs. Robot monkey alliance vs zombie lumberjack confederacy

would be pretty sweet