Your Game?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
You know when you beat a game, and then your bored 6 months later, and you decide to try it again, and then it gets more and more boring each time? (Doom 3, San Andreas, etc.)

Then there's the game where you always want to play it, no matter what mood your in, no matter what your doing, your always up to play that game.

Question is: What is your special game?

Mine would have to be Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, and System Shock 2, these games are never repetetive to me, they aren't always necessarily different each time I play, but they are ALWAYS fun, every single time I play them.

This isn't your favorite game, it's just a game your always up for. Like everyone is always up for a game of CS: S, but it's not everyones favorite game.

Get the idea?
Right now it would be Anarchy Online. So many good memories but I never got very far.
CS 1.6. Always seem to come back. Any of the GTA games. Replay them repeatedly. Deus Ex is always a good play. MGS games. Half-Life games.
Most of the old Genesis Sonic games. A lot of racing games are good to turn off the brain and play as well, regardless of how many times you've finished them.
Yoshi's Touch and Go. Don't ask me why, but this is the game I usually end up playing when everything seems dull. Still the best use of the stylus on the DS and dying for a more story/level focussed sequel.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 for GBA. Extremely fun game when you're bored.
Hmm.. I'd have to say Mario 64 (DS or just plain 64), MGS games, Guitar Hero, and others.
Half-Life 2. Mainly because of the mods, but yeah.

I guess you could say that CS sucks me in from time to time too.

It's always fun to play the Eternal Levels on Katamari Damacy too, when I'm bored.
Right Now Saints Row. Although it isnt very old, I still play it almost every day, not including any missions. I basically like getting the FBI on me and causing anarchy on the highway
Guitar Hero
BattleField 2
Right now Diablo 2 is on the list, but it will fall off sooner or later.
I'd have to say CS and DoD. I can't think of any other games that I've gone back to as much, even after I've played them to death. Not sure about single player games. Maybe Goldeneye on the N64 back in the day. But that was MP too... hmm

This thread isn't about games you like "for now" it's about games you think you'll play for years and years and years.. I still play the original Doom ffs! (Ultimate Doom)

This thread isn't about games you like "for now" it's about games you think you'll play for years and years and years.. I still play the original Doom ffs! (Ultimate Doom)

Well, then I still stand my 90% of my post!
X-com, and the original ghost recon and rouge spear/raven shield multiplayer.
A hl1 mod called "Vampire Slayer"

Or Diablo II, haven't played that in a long time..
Quake 2 to blow shit up, or Max Payne if I don't feel like killing aliens but still want things to die
System Shock 2 to destroy any feelings of bravery I have. Soon Bioshock may be like Max Payne is for Quake 2 :D

One of these days I will beat System Shock 2 in one sitting (without having to take a heartrate-reducing break). And no pussy assault rifle, wrench only.
Total Annihilation,

It use to be Diablo 2 intil' my friend showed me how to get to level 60-80 in 1 day.
Quake 3. Thar been 6 yeers now.

Css be add to thar list too.
pro evo soccer series i guess.
bf2 still is great craic.
Half-life 2. I tend to enjoy it everytime I go back to it, same goes for Episode 1. Play the odd chapter every now and then.
I think probably Half-Life 2. I always play it every now and again and I also do something different in a level. I can't begin to say what, but I always find something cool to do.

The GTA games are also games I always play again and again and again, namely GTAIII.