Your ideal pet?


Jul 1, 2003
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For the past couple of years, I've come to the conclusion that once I get out of college and I have a steady job, I want a Great Dane. Whenever I see someone walking (being dragged along) with one, I think about how awesome it would be to have one. Before I was born, my parents had one named Solomon, and he was the sweetest dog. Granted, his size did call for some accidents (tail knocking stuff of of a table, knocking my mom over while running full speed, etc) but I just think they would be an awesome pet for me. I think I would want a fawn "Scooby-Doo" colored one, with cropped ears. What about you guys?
I want an igauna and once when I got drunk I was really intent on getting a baby suger glider that I saw an add for on a wall at a restraunt.
Those dogs with a lot of hair on them and like to lick people. They're cool.
I'm first and foremost a dog lover. Standard golden retriever would do me fine (even though I already have one).

If I had to go for something else, though... A ferret would kick so much ass. And then I could possibly mack on this chick.

axylotle (is that how you spell it?- axe-i-lot-al) and teach it to walk on land (you can) and feed it index fingers.
A wolf
A chimp in a nappy (Diaper)
The world (:O)
A mini Darth Vader :D

Any of those would be fine
A little trained monkey, yeah, or a chipmunk that doesnt bite.

I've had up to 21 cats in my house before, got 10 of my own and my mum breeds them :o
A trained carnivorous dinosaur that eats only anti-video game activists.
My cats own everything in this thread. :farmer: :cat:
I've always wanted a few pet Biozeminades.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
DreadLord1337 said:
I've always wanted a few pet Biozeminades.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Ah, the biozeminades. I almost forgot I was on a HL2 forum. It's been too long since I've actually been to the gaming section.
Too many new people there asking about the Hydra and/or if Alyx has a boyfriend...
Greatgat said:
Ah, the biozeminades. I almost forgot I was on a HL2 forum. It's been too long since I've actually been to the gaming section.

Same lol, I just wander up there occasionally.