Your ideal world

Last One In

Aug 24, 2005
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What would your ideal World be? Here's mine:
A vast earth, covered in lush jungle where nothing was toxic; a place where people could live off the fruit of the earth without consuming every natural resource; a place where you could walk barefoot to anywhere you damn well pleased; a place where you didn't have to worry about death and took every day as it came. Those are but a few ideas so post your own.
A world where Mercury (Hg) wasn't toxic.
I wouldnt change much...making the world the best place to live in would make it dull. Without downers and negative stuff there wouldn't be positive, there would just be what is normal. If there world were a perfect happy place we would get so bored and everything would be mundane and we would end up going insane and eating eachother...well I would eat you all at least.
Glirk Dient said:
I wouldnt change much...making the world the best place to live in would make it dull. Without downers and negative stuff there wouldn't be positive, there would just be what is normal. If there world were a perfect happy place we would get so bored and everything would be mundane and we would end up going insane and eating eachother...well I would eat you all at least.
Imagine forging the jungles, looking for various fruits and animals so that you could survive. It would be an adventure every day, creeping beneath the jungle canopy stalking a tree roo for dinner.
A world were everyone thought just like me, then I'd always know exactly what was going on. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about if someone was making a real complimant or not...cause its always gonna be not :P
A small community ruled by a benelovent AI unit. People do LSD and write stories/poems/songs/paint/make film. Everything else is taken care of by the AI unit.
DeusExMachinia said:
A small community ruled by a benelovent AI unit. People do LSD and write stories/poems/songs/paint/make film. Everything else is taken care of by the AI unit.
What is done with the dead?
A world taken over by zombies where us HL2.netters find ourselves to be the last survivors and we have to band together and sail/fly across the oceans to reach our hub where we make out last stand...assuming enough of us can survive the deadly treck through zombie infested territory to reach the safe haven.
A world where everyone suffers and serves me, for I am the King!
A world covered in lush cannabis trees...
(Imagine how much fun forest fires could be)
My perfect world would be a lot like Last One In's...except you WOULD have to worry about death, otherwise it's no fun. Like death from animals, diseases (not to many though), injuries, etc. Humans would be a little stronger/smarter/faster too, of course :E
We would be constantly advancing in technology, with many people working on new ideas. It's just that new things would rarely be put to use in society unless it was really necessary and totally clean...
Also, it would be neat for all of us to have some unified goal, like exploring space and just knowing as much as we can learn...

Also, lesbians. Lots of hawt lesbians.
Boogymanx said:
World of Warcraft.
star trek world where every female was bi.

seriously a star trek like world.. ideally a world in focus of the bigger picture would be nice, more team work.. less 'monkey big owns monkey small' buisness.
clarky003 said:
star trek world where every female was bi.

seriously a star trek like world.. ideally a world in focus of the bigger picture would be nice, more team work.. less 'monkey big owns monkey small' buisness.
I live in it.

It would be boring if its exactly how I want it.
Just one where I wouldn't have any problems.
This world, after a virus has wiped out nearlly everyone and gangs fight over the remaining resources and i drive round in matte black volvo 740.
short recoil said:
This world, after a virus has wiped out nearlly everyone and gangs fight over the remaining resources and i drive round in matte black volvo 740.

zomg mad max wannabe.
I wouldn't mind living in a world where gravity was non existant, where you could control how high you jumped. Basically everyone would be able to fly. If you were pumping some iron, you could be like "dude I need a spot! Oh wait, I can control gravity so I really don't need a hand. Never mind everybody I forgot I can control gravity! No need to panic. Joey, put down that car!"
Last One In said:
I wouldn't mind living in a world where gravity was non existant, where you could control how high you jumped. Basically everyone would be able to fly. If you were pumping some iron, you could be like "dude I need a spot! Oh wait, I can control gravity so I really don't need a hand. Never mind everybody I forgot I can control gravity! No need to panic. Joey, put down that car!"
and the sun would suddenly expand outwards and kill you, even if you meant just for the earth surface then you'd find you were quickly drowned.
OCybrManO said:
WTF is

You are looking at Sulks posts.... too quickly.

Allow him time to get around things.
Not sure, but I'm am sure it involves me being the last male alive and my only goal in life, to insure the survival of humanity,is to impregante as many women as possible before I die.
A world with um.... monsters and all those things that come in fantasy games and books. :P (especially that evil lion in narnia, so that we can run over him with a tank)

And of course, the United Federal Military forces pwning them all.

If I was at least OF-1 or higher, than I'd be happy.
Bunnies. Bunnies everywhere. And not the cute ones either. The other kind.
I would keep the world the same as it is now except delete all the nuclear warheads.
short recoil said:
This world, after a virus has wiped out nearlly everyone and gangs fight over the remaining resources and i drive round in matte black volvo 740.

Yeah that would be awesome. But I get to live also (I'd join up with you for sure).
Ever seen Cowboy Bebop?

That's how I want things to be like...even though earth is abandoned.
short recoil said:
This world, after a virus has wiped out nearlly everyone and gangs fight over the remaining resources and i drive round in matte black volvo 740.
Nat Turner said:
Yeah that would be awesome. But I get to live also (I'd join up with you for sure).
It would be more like The Warriors (except with most of the population being dead) than Mad Max, right? If so, change the car and I'm in!