Your mod setups?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hello, I just thought I'd find out what mod setups people are running with their current games/characters?

I use Unofficial Oblivion Patch 1.5.1, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.31 FULL, Living Economy and Living Economy Items 3.62, all the official DLCs alongside Official Plugins Unnerfed 1.0, and then just Cities Alive At Night 1.0(Brightens up cities from the outside) and Illumination Within Revived Optimized 0.9.2.

Been considering getting Mighty Magick for making a pure mage character.:)
Ultimate Archer
Official Ones
for_remover (4 performance)
Improved Soulgems
Jhaerkins Conjuration Mod
Khajiit Eye Toggle
Natural Habitat
Natural Water
Natural Weather
OOO_Dengerous Traps
Potable Pastiche
Ring of Feather 500
Sigil Stone Expanded
Rens beuty Pack
tag_natural wildlife
Low Poly Grass (4 Performance)
Oblivion Polygon Overhaul (4 performance)
I just used natural water and natural habitat mods when I used to play.....haven't played in awhile though....
If I still had the game installed, I'd probably look into some mods *Some sound pretty neat.* but right now, yeah, never touched em :(
Right now these are the ones I'm using:

No More Annoying Messages - A must have, gets rid of the consolized "Loading Area..." messages when traveling around outside.

For my UI, a combination of the BT UI Mod and the Immersion UI Mod to un-consolize the UI and make it less obtrusive.

Downloaded the PA Eye Colors mod then photoshopped one of the files, the thing came with a crap selection for Khajits.

Visually Enchanted - Adds effects to weapons depending on how they're enchanted (fire, ice, shock).

Natural Wildlife - Because come on, bears are supposed to be just as afraid of you as you are of them, right? :p

Quest Message Popup Removal - I always hated those things immediately telling me where I had to go next, especially when just opening a book or note. This gets rid of the message popup, but still gives you the journal entry and message sound effect.

Level Modifier Counter - You can buy a book that keeps track of your level modifiers (the +1, +5 etc bonuses when you level up), great for me since it saves me time having to save, level up, figure out what I need to raise to get +5's, reload, repeat.

Trainer Book - Lists all of the trainers in the world, and their locations. I got tired of having to alt-tab out to a web based list, as a lot of the time the game would freeze when going back into it.

House Map Markers - Gives you map markers right in front of the buyable houses, so you don't have to waste time walking to your house from the city gates.

Book Placement - For the Virgo in me that likes everything organized. Now all I need is one that will let me place items neatly in display cases, and I'll be set.

Spell Removal Potions - Adds potions to the Mages Guild merchants to get rid of spells you don't want any more.

Cask Of Souls - Changes one of the spellmaking altars in the Arcane University to the Cask of Souls. Place soul gems inside, cast Dispel on it, and it will empty the soul gems. Useful for when you find Grand soul gems with a crap soul in it.

Alchemist Reference - A book for sale that lists alchemical ingredients and their effects.

Days and Months - Adds normal names for days of the week and months. Morndas? Who are they kidding? :p

Illumination Within - Lights up the windows of houses etc during the night time. Very beautiful.